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How Did Germany React To Ww2

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1939/45 - World War II
World War II began in September 1939 when Germany invaded Britain under Adolf Hitler's leadership. France responded by declaring war upon Germany yet did not take action immediately for several months. Germany launched their next attack on Denmark and Norway in 1940, followed by attacks on France, the Netherlands and Belgium.
The Battle Of Britain
During the summer of 1940. Germany Launched another attack towards Britain, this time from air. However The German air force were nothing compared to Britain's Royal Air force. This marked Germany's first military failure.
Greece and North Africa
Italy, an ally of Germany expanded the war even further by invading Greece and North Africa. However were failures, and Germany came to Italy’s assistance in 1941.
Later in 1941, Germany began its most ambitious action which was to invade the Soviet Union. Although …show more content…
Two planes were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York City. A third plane crashed into the pentagon in Washington D.C. The final plane crashed near Shanksville, though it was targeted Washington D.C, after its passengers tried to overcome the terrorists. The Attack killed 3,000 people and caused at least $10 billion property and infrastructure damage.

2004 - Indian Ocean Earthquake
December 2004, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1-9.3, being the third largest earthquake ever recorded, struck the Indian Ocean. The duration lasted for about 10 minutes, being the longest lasting earthquake. This caused five 30 metre tsunamis to crash into fourteen countries, including Thailand, Somalia, and Maldives, and kill over 230,000 people all together. Even though the tsunamis didn't harm most of the Earth's land, the earthquake was powerful enough to make the entire Earth vibrate, and also cause other earthquakes as far as

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