Premium Essay

The Trojan War Part Two


Submitted By PinkChevron
Words 346
Pages 2
The Trojan princes argued over what they should do. Priam's son Hector said war was invincible. Antenor thought Hector just wanted revenge against the Greeks. Aeneas thought Troy would win because a prophecy foretold success for him. Priam said there was no choice. Cassandra, Priam's daughter, was a priestess of Apollo with a gift of prophecy. She was cursed by Apollo so that no one would ever believe what she said. She predicted that Hector would die and Troy would burn. The Greeks Laodamia and Protesilaus were married. Protesilaus joined the war against Troy but left a sculpture of himself to keep his wife company. One night she dreamed that she was with him as they approached Troy. He was the "foremost man" to leap from his ship onto the shore, and was killed. Laodamia knew this was a vision of the future. She prayed to Zeus, and he granted her three hours with her husband before he died, by making the statue come to life. Then Laodamia herself died. Agamemnon walked through his forces on the shore of Troy. He argued with Achilles and accused Achilles of holding back a prisoner. Achilles said he had captured the boy, Priam's son Lykaon, the night before behind Troy. The gods too watched the war. The battle began. Achilles fought with Cycnus, the son of Poseidon. No weapon could pierce him. However, Achilles strangled Cycnus by the straps of his helmet. Cressida was the daughter of Calchas, the Trojan prophet who joined the Greeks. He left his daughter behind with her uncle Pandarus. Troilus, a prince of Troy, fell in love with her and gave her his shield. The Greeks exchanged a captive for Cressida and though she swore to return to Troilus, she gave the shield to the Greek hero Diomede instead. After many years, the war was still not over. Palamedes seized power over the Greeks while Agamemnon was away. Odysseus told Agamemnon he would spread a rumor and plant

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