...Victoria Boyd Victoria Boyd Leadership Styles Leadership Styles Tamara Cotton Professional Development Seminar October 17,2012 Tamara Cotton Professional Development Seminar October 17,2012 There is no one way to execute being a good leader. There are a number of ways for one to convey being a good leader. An individual’s approach to leadership merely depends on one’s beliefs, values, ideals and preference. One way of leadership is to be charismatic which is what we call having “the gift of gab”. This approach to leadership is when an individual is able to make the audience like them. In doing so these leaders possess the ability to charm and attract their followers with their sparkling personality. Charismatic leaders take an extensive amount of time in observing their environment; these individuals can since the mood and feelings in their surroundings and act on them accordingly. Another type of leadership is stern leadership. Within a stern leadership, the individual comes off very serious and controlling, but often time this method is effective. This leadership style is all about getting the job done without sympathy for the weak hearted. Another form of leadership is one of Joined leadership, within a joined leadership these leaders are all about team work and participating with their employees. These types of leaders are all about making their employees feel like their understanding and compassionate. They have a way of being uplifting...
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...One would have to say the Lieutenant Colonel Yaron leadership style is a more authoritarian type leadership. Authoritarian leadership style is also known as autocratic. The autocratic leaders are mostly known for making decisions with little to no input of others. In my opinion, there are four examples which make Lieutenant Colonel Yaron an authoritarian type leader. The first example is Lieutenant Colonel Yaron subordinates had no motivation in getting the operation completed. The second example is he conducted training on how the evacuation operation should be conducted. The third example would how he started focusing on possible junior officers for replacement so he could be in better control of the evacuation. The final example Lieutenant Colonel Yaron showed he was a authoritarian type leader is asking the Brigadier General that he have personal involvement in the missions on the part of the dispatching units so he could have more control of the evacuation. There are positives for being authoritarian type leader. With the evacuation needing to be conducted within a short time line you would want an authoritarian type leader to take control. Another positive for authoritarian type leaders is determining the responsibility if the evacuation was to go wrong. Authoritarian type leaders are quick in determining disciplinary actions as well as changing direction when needed. An example of this in the case study is how Lieutenant Colonel Yaron started focusing on junior officer...
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...that addresses the following: Based on your reading, who do you see as having a successful leadership style, and why do you consider him or her a successful leader? Provide an example of a historical figure or someone you know. Review the results of your Leadership and Team Self-Management Assessment. How does your leadership style compare to the successful leader you identified? What traits does the successful leader have that you think you need to develop? What strengths do you have from which your example leader could benefit? Name Course Instructor Topic: Leadership style Introduction Leadership refers to the individual who has an ability to think creatively and out of the boxes, which possess great ideas and has a potential to accomplish these ideas. A leader has an ability to see beyond the obstacles and come up with solutions. Different types of leaderships work in different kinds of situations. Different theories have proposed different types of leadership styles. Some of them are related to each other in one way or another. According to the Behavioral theories, the most common types of leadership are as follows (Sullivan & Decker, 2009); * Autocratic leadership: it’s an extreme kind of leadership in which leader exerts authoritative control over the employees or team members, giving them very little room for making suggestions. * Democratic leadership: democratic leader give an opportunity to the team members to participate in the decision making...
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...Servant Leadership vs. Traditional Leadership CA 233 Introduction to Leadership Professor Caroline Heckman Leadership has been thought to be a trait, ability, a skill, a behavior, a relationship and an influenced process. There are general descriptions of leadership that can be broken down into many forms. While the traditional style of leadership still exist and is very prevalent, there are several modern leadership styles that have been created throughout the years. One modern style of leadership is servant leadership. This may actually sound like an oxymoron because how can you be a servant and leader at the same time. However, this leadership has been found to very effective in some settings. There has been a rise in new forms of leadership style due to people feeling that the traditional style of leadership just doesn’t work anymore. Traditional leadership has evolved to so many different forms of leadership one that will be discussed specifically is servant leadership. First, I will compare the basis of each type of leadership. I will then compare how both styles of leaders interact to their team and how their team respects them. Lastly, I will also explore the pros can cons of each leadership style. Leadership has evolved throughout the years and it is important to recognize the effectiveness of new forms of leadership. This paper will compare and contrast the values, attributes, interaction and team moral of traditional and servant style leaders....
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...MOST CREDIBLE TYPES OF LEADERSHIP In today’s world, leadership is getting more and more important. Companies are growing day by day and it’s hard to manage or lead them. Because of this need, leadership has developed and divided into types. There are three styles of leaderships; authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire. The first style is authoritarian. There are two types of authoritarian leadership styles. The first type is in-house authoritarian. They make all decisions in company and there is only one leader. The second type is intercompany authoritarian. These types of leaders have their own authority. They vary from company to company. The other style of leadership is democratic style. This style can be grouped into two parts. The first part is hierarchical type. In this type, there are several manager types under the CEO like CFO and CLO. They all have right to talk and express their ideas. The second part is equality of all workers. In this type, the only leader in the company is CEO and other workers are equal. They manage all the company alone. The last leadership style is laissez-faire. It’s also called as free manager or relax manager. It is divided into two types. The first type puts flexible working hours. In this type, the main idea is effectiveness. Workers can determine their own working hours. The second type allows flexible working fields. In this type, workers can work wherever they want to. For example, workers can work in...
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...Leadership Styles and Management: A Look into Different Styles and Theories Jamie McCreery Fort Hays State University Abstract Different leadership and management styles affect and motivate individuals differently and directly impact successfully achieving organizational goals within the group. This paper discusses the different styles seen as well as the theories, characteristics and pros/cons of each style and theory. Keywords:leadership style and theory, management What is leadership? Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task" (Wikipedia, 2014). Leadership skills are considered to be of highest importance when looking for quality management personnel (Wolniak, 2011). By employing managers who are successful in influencing and motivating staff companies are successful in achieving objectives defined by the organization (Taleghani, Salmani, Taatian, 2010). Varying countries, cultures, conditions, and expectations all weigh heavily on the success of individual groups (Taleghani, Salmani, Taatian, 2010). Leadership and motivation styles vary from person to person, that is why it is essential for managers to know and understand their leadership style and how their particular leadership affects their workplace. Leadership is influenced by many things that is why...
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...different leadership styles to manage and lead their employees which are identified by the path–goal theory of leadership. This is why the attitude and the behavior of a leader will influence his/her subordinates on achieving their goals and objectives. Leadership is mostly defined as a process of leading or influencing a group of people or an organization to achieve their goals. According to Yukl, ‘it is obvious that a person can be a leader without becoming a manager, and a person can be a manager without leading’. In my opinion, a leader has long-term of view which inspires and motivates his/her subordinates and work together to achieve their vision, mission, goals and objectives. And, a manager is a problem solver of the status quo which focuses on productivity and efficiency. Hence, they are different from each other. Path-goal theory is related to leadership. It is a specific theory which is based on leadership styles or behaviour. Path-goal theory states on how leaders achieve high level of performance, influence own and their employees satisfaction and performance to achieve the performance and organisation’s goal. This is by clearing and clarifying the path, increasing the number of rewards that is available for them. Additionally, a leader can also change and regulate his/her leadership style of behaviour to the employees and task behaviours so that they will have the motivation to achieve the goals. In other hand, the path goal theory identifies four types of leadership...
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...and to accomplish this they must employ effective leadership. There are many types of leaders and leadership styles. An effective leader must understand his or her strengths and weaknesses. Part of understand those attributes is the ability to empower those around him or her and provide inspiration while showcasing good morals and values, and setting an example of what a true leader is about. Leadership is a complex experience that involves those followed by a leader and situations (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2012). Leadership definitions can also include personality traits, some behaviors, and the physical traits of leaders. So that everyone knows he or she are appreciated and feels cared for a good leader will makes sure those who contribute are effective recognized (Wang, 2010). Leadership Style The business world contains many advantages and challenges. If a company is to be successful they must employ effective leaders who are productive and successful. It is essential to define the concept of leadership, along with the different types of leadership style and how that style is developed. Leadership concept Leadership is defined as a complex phenomenon that involves a leader, his or her followers, and a situation. Leadership can be extended to include particular behaviors, personality, and physical traits of a leader. Leadership is also a social influence process that group members share. The concept of leadership also encompasses an individual’s actions, influences...
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...There are many factors that influence an organizations success. Leadership is the most essential elements for any organizations to realize any success. Although, there are many definitions of what leadership actually is, one of the most interesting definitions of leadership is; “Influencing ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things” Cottrell (2013). Leadership is characteristic of motivating and influencing others to complete a mission/task without using coercive measures Northhouse (2013). Types of Leadership Leaders vary from person to person just as each employees vary from person to person. In many cases a single leader may have different leadership styles to suit each member of the team. Leaders should be able to adapt to suit their team members. If one type of leadership style isn’t right for a particular team the leader should have the ability to understand the members of the team and change accordingly. There are five basic type so leadership style that all leaders should be familiar Kieu (2010). Laissez-faire This style of leaders allows members of the team members the freedom prioritize their work and set suspense for task as they see fit. The leader is a facilitator and ensures that the team members have the tools to complete their task. Leadership does not get involved the operations unless required. Depending on the industry this type of leadership have disastrous consequences or can lead to a high job satisfaction. For members...
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...in mind, with regard to effective leadership. The studies that will be compared will be “Personality traits, management styles & conflict management in a military unit” by Salimi, Karaminia, and Esmaeili (2011) and “The leadership skills strataplex: Leadership skill requirements across organizational levels” by Mumford, Campion, and Morgeson (2007). A comparison of the research questions, sample population, and limitations will be discussed. Salimi and colleagues (2011) investigated personality traits with regard to management styles. They wanted to find out if personality traits had any affect on a leader’s management style and conflict resolution. They found that extraversion and when conscientious leaders were more successful. Northouse (2010) in regards to personality traits gave perfect examples on how personality traits in fact can affect how leaders resolve issues and tribulations. Northouse (2010), stated how leaders are more tolerant for uncertainty, openness, and curiosity. When leaders are confident they are more inclined to be helpful in sudden situations that involve conflict. Mumford and colleagues (2007) addressed the skills needed by a leader to help perform their daily job functions within an organization. They suggest that cognitive, interpersonal, business, and strategic skills all have separate outcomes and importance in the role of being an effective leader. The skills approach suggests that all of us have leadership potential, and by learning from our...
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...Styles of Leadership Psychologist Kurt Lewin set out to study the types of leadership in 1939. Dr. Lewin early research can be attributed as the beginning of the study of leadership in the 20th century. His early studies influenced and helped in identifying and establishing the three types of leadership styles known today (Cherry, n.d.). The three types of leadership styles that Dr. Lewin studied are democratic, authoritarian, and participative. The one I will attend to discuss in this paper is the participative leadership style. Participative leadership also known as democratic leadership style is believed by many to be the most effective of the leadership styles (Cherry, n.d.). Participative or democratic leadership offers guidance to the members of the organization but allow members to participate in the decision-making process while the leader maintains the final say over the decision made. This particular style of leadership is the most liked because it engages the followers ("What Is Democratic Leadership?" 2012). This has been known to create an atmosphere of belonging and also motivates individuals who tend to deliver a higher quality product. Participative leadership style has many strengths. However one significant strength of participative leadership is that it seems to build camaraderie and spirit de corps in an organization. This leadership style also seems to give everyone in the group a sense of belonging and ownership in the group or corporation...
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...Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Kaplan University Abstract Understanding personality type and leadership style is very important for individuals pursuing leadership and management roles. Personality and leadership can affect individual’s professional and career development. There are many assessments online that can help you determine your personality type and leadership style. According to Ledlow & Coppola (2014), “To take the first step, gaining an understanding of your personality type, leadership style, and associated leadership skills is paramount. It matters what you know, who you know, and perhaps most importantly, what you know about yourself” (p. 24). True leaders should be able to discuss their leadership style to others. Rebecca Bauer (2012) presented four questions to use when trying to understand your personality type “What is your energy source? How do you perceive and understand? And how do you make decisions?”. How do you organize your life and interact with the outside world. I used several assessments from the text to determine my personality type and leadership style. Emotional Intelligence, Hemispheric Dominance, Type A, Type B, Type A/B Personality, Jungian, and the Leadership Style test. Using these assessments allowed me to understand the pros and cons of my leadership style and personality type. Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Many leaders do not understand how their emotional intelligence plays a...
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...WGU SAT2 Leadership Task 2 A. Leadership Style There are certainly several types of leaders, and both good qualities and bad qualities to every type. While I think most leaders cannot be pinned completely into any one label, my own personal leadership style most closely matches the participative style. The participative style of leadership lends itself toward collaboration within the group rather than dictatorship or authoritarian style leadership that makes firm decisions based on their own personal judgment. Generally, the authoritarian leadership style is considered to be the more traditional type. In the past most businesses operated under the assumption that there were not effective reasons to discuss decisions with staff before making significant changes. This rather militant style of operating businesses can be visualized as a top-down approach; decisions come from above and trickle to those below. This is mostly effective, but leaves the people on the bottom, oftentimes the ones actually doing the labor, with no voice about how to perform their daily work activities. Over time management concepts have evolved into modern techniques that rely more on listening to and understanding the needs of employees as more businesses realize how much more productive employees can be when they have some control in their team or work environment. I do feel that some leadership decisions can and should be made directly by the leader or manager in charge, as there is not always...
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...Determining My Perfect Position If my company is expanding and I was provided the opportunity to choose the position that best suits me it would be crucial to understand what type of leader I am. Doing so would allow me to determine what role I should take that I would be most successful in and would beneficial to the company. Leadership is defined in terms of behaviors, traits, influence, interaction patterns, role relationships, and occupation of an administrative position (Yuki, 2006). To best predict the type of leader I am it would be most beneficial to compare my assessment results to a transactional and transformational type of leader. Once this is done it will be easier to determine which type of leader aligns with my style of leadership. Transformational and Transactional leader Transformational Leader The theories of both a transformational and transactional leadership were both influenced strongly by the ideas of James McGregor Burns, who wrote a highly popular book on political leadership (Yuki, 2006). Although Bass performed more empirical research with Burns ideas of how leaders appeal to followers (Yuki, 2006). Followers of a transformational leader have trust, loyalty, admiration, and respect for his or her leader. Motivating the followers to do more than they are expected to do (Sahaya, 2012). According to Bass, the leader transforms and motivates the follower by doing three important things: 1. Inducing them to transcend their own self-interest...
Words: 1687 - Pages: 7
...Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Kaplan University Abstract Understanding personality type and leadership style is very important for individuals pursuing leadership and management roles. Personality and leadership can affect individual’s professional and career development. There are many assessments online that can help you determine your personality type and leadership style. According to Ledlow & Coppola (2014), “To take the first step, gaining an understanding of your personality type, leadership style, and associated leadership skills is paramount. It matters what you know, who you know, and perhaps most importantly, what you know about yourself” (p. 24). True leaders should be able to discuss their leadership style to others. Rebecca Bauer (2012) presented four questions to use when trying to understand your personality type “What is your energy source? How do you perceive and understand? And how do you make decisions?”. How do you organize your life and interact with the outside world. I used several assessments from the text to determine my personality type and leadership style. Emotional Intelligence, Hemispheric Dominance, Type A, Type B, Type A/B Personality, Jungian, and the Leadership Style test. Using these assessments allowed me to understand the pros and cons of my leadership style and personality type. Understanding Personality Type and Leadership Style Many leaders do not understand how their emotional intelligence plays a...
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