...Democracy is when the people hold some power. The United States has a democracy. The people vote on who they think would be best suited to keep them safe. There are three main braches of the United States government. There is the legislative branch, which is the governor of a state, the executive branch, which is the president, and, finally, there is the judicial branch, which is the Supreme Court. All of these branches have their own purpose to keep the county safe and protected. The legislative branch is the state government and have a lot of power. This branch checks the executive branch by being able to override presidential vetoes with two-thirds vote. Also, the legislative branch can remove the president that is in office through the process of impeachment and approve treaties. Over the...
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...Branches of Government John Freak HIS/301 November 26, 2008 Paul Hill Branches of Government The United States of America (U.S.A.) is known by most peoples the best country in the world. This country system of democracy has set the example for many countries in the world to emulate. Facts dating back to the 1700 and 1800 show the key guide lines in establishing the U.S. constitution. The articles of the Constitution today are in place to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States. The articles of Constitution are laws in place for the people to abide by. Reason the U.S. Government has the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches The forefathers of old was very wise and intelligence men because of their upbringing, education, and experiences of life. As the writer of this paper brainstorming on the reason the forefather made the three branches of government is to possess a checks and balances system. The branches of government would not have any more power than the other branches when making decisions. The checks and balances piece comes into play an approval process have to take place or a vote has to be completed. The three branches remind the writer of the paper of the chain of command in the U.S. military. According to eHow.com, “the first three articles of the Constitution were written to maintain a balance of power within the U.S. government. The three branches of government were designed to check each other, balancing power in order to...
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...Tyranny The United States of America learned from Great Britain’s government and used what they had learned to create the government that the United States has today. After the Thirteen colonies broke away from Great Britain, they needed a plan of government so, they made a document entitled the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation worked like a constitution would and it worked very well until the framers of our now Constitution realized that The Articles of Confederation would never work to suit the needs of the new blossoming country. Upon this realization, they made a whole new plan of government called The Constitution which protected the people’s rights, set out the rules of the government, and most importantly protected all the citizens from an abusive government otherwise know as a tyrant....
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...Branches of Government Michael Mousaw His/301 April 25, 2011 University of Phoenix Ric Hulshoff Branches of Government The founding Fathers of America divided the United States government into three branches of power in order to maintain a system of checks and balances. They did not want a government where one person or one body of government had all the power. The founding fathers of these United States wanted to step away from the totalitarian system of governance imposed on colonial America by the British (Trethan). Three Branches of Government With this thought in mind the founding Fathers of the United States came up with what Americans know now as the Federalist governing system. This Federalist government consists of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Each of these branches has its own distinct and essential duties to perform in the function of the United States government (Trethan). Executive Branch The executive branches of the United States government consist of the president, vice-president, and 15 cabinet level departments. These 15 cabinet level departments include the State, Defense, Interior, Transportation, and Education. The chief point of power is in the hands of the president. The president chooses his vice president, cabinet members, and appoints the Supreme Court Justices. The primary function of the executive branch is to ensure the laws are carried out, the constitution is followed, and that the day to...
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...Running Head: BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Branches of Government January 26, 2010 Abstract: The following paper will review the branches of government and their role within our Constitution and the reasoning behind the various branches to ensure the peoples of the United States of America are guaranteed specific rights. It will establish an understanding of the three branches of government that ensure the Constitution is upheld. These three governmental forces still govern the laws in the United States today. Introduction In creating the Constitution the forefathers of this nation designed a government with three distinctive elements that established responsibilities and upheld the Constitution. These men were dedicated to ensuring that each branch of government has a role in upholding the rights of the people. The three branches of government created are The Judicial Branch, The Executive Branch, and The Legislative Branch. In examining the creation of the branches of government it has become apparent and the following table will establish that these branches create a balance of power. The following table defines the interaction between the branches of government: Branches of Government | Legislative BranchSenate and House of Representatives | Judicial BranchSupreme Court | Executive BranchPresident and Cabinet | Duties and Responsibilities | Legislative branch creates laws and AmendmentsLegislative branch has the power over all the money spent; can create or...
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...The roles of the three branches Team A His301 3/11/13 Janice Harder The Constitution of the United States is the permanent document upon which this nation’s government was formed and continues to rely upon in order to maintain the democratic republic. In its conception and many evolutions throughout the past 237 years, the rights of the country’s citizens and the roles that all federal and state governmental bodies play were established. Articles I, II and III contain the multifaceted powers as well as the checks and balances for and between the legislative, executive and judicial branches. This paper examines the reasons and benefits of the three divisions in the government, the obstacles to creating legislation due to the division of power among the branches, and the conflict and issues between supporters of federal versus states rights were characterized at the nation’s birth and at present. When the American forefather divided the government they did it with our futures in mind, a government for the people. In order to make sure things are done correctly and fairly they decided to make three branches, the legislative branch is the House of Representatives which is the congress and also includes the senate which is used for law making decisions. Our forefathers made it this way so that each state had proper representation. The legislative branch receives thousands of bills ever two years and it is the legislative branches duties to make sure only necessary bills...
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...HIS/301 Branches of Government Paper University of Phoenix July, 26 2010 Branches of Government Former President Thomas Jefferson once said, “Government are instituted among Men, deriving their just Power from the Consent of the Governed.” Since the second continental congress declared America’s independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776 the United States government has sought to realize the fundamental principle on which our nation was founded. This was the start of the government we now know and still honor today. As our school children say every morning in class, as our founding fathers wished for us, that all people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This paper will answer a handful of questions such as; what were the reasons our forefathers divided the government into the legislative, judicial, and executive branches? How are the three branches of the U.S. government supposed to interact? Is the system successful? Why or why not? Are the branches balanced in power? How was the conflict between supporters of a strong federal government and champions of states’ rights characterized then as opposed to now? How could things have been designed more efficiently, if at all? Our founding fathers divided the government into three separate branches was because they planned to implement a democratic government that would work to serve the citizens and not regulate them. In other words, the founding fathers wanted to devise...
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...Branches of Government Patrick Henry, an amazing orator, was once quoted as saying, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government” (Patrick Henry, 2014). It is for this reason that the United States government was formed in a way that would protect its citizen’s rights and freedoms; at the same time, keeping civil peace and harmony amid all populations of this new nation. In order to “form a more perfect union” the forefathers of the United States of America generated a balance in the interior of the government. The division of the government into three branches would therefore establish a series of checks and balances that set into action the proposition that all men and the government are created equal. Three Branches There are three types of branches of government that the American people deal with: executive, legislative, and judicial. The first branch of government is the executive government. According to The White House website (n.d.), “The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise...
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...The United States government is a powerful force that runs the whole country. The government contains many different parts and people in the it. There are three branches which all do different things that help the United States of America. But all three branches must work together to run this country. The three branches are the Executive, Judicial, and the Legislative branch. This is why our country is so strong. We don’t just have one part of the government making all of the decisions. If that was the case, then things would be out of control. The Legislative branch is in charge of making the laws to help keep the country safe. Without this branch, laws wouldn't be laws and our country would be a whole different place. The Legislative...
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...our government is and how it works? Has anyone ever thought about another country's government and who runs it and how it works? I have thought about these questions which are what led me to read about the United States government and Russia government. The United States government and the Russian government are run very differently than each other. Although the United States and Russian government can be somewhat similar to each other in their unique way. The United States is run by the federal government branches as to the Russian government it is run by the Prime Minister’s, the deputy Prime Ministers, and the federal minister. The United States and the Russian governments seem to some of us very different to one another, but they have more in common than what we think. The United States government has a part in making the rules. The government is has three different distinct branches. The branches of the United States government are the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the...
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...The Branches of US Government Team D HIS/301 United States Constitution On May 25, 1787 one of the world’s most important documents was written, the United States Constitution. This Constitution has stood the test of time, in fact it is the oldest written Constitution still being used by a nation in the world. This proves that it was well thought out and planned. The 55 delegates who created the Constitution wanted it to be the heart of the body of law for the country. They put in place checks and balance to protect the tilt of power from becoming out of balance and created it to evolve with the country and the people it protected. One way they accomplished this major undertaking was to create three distinct Government branches. The government of the United States is divided into three groups, the legislative, judicial, and presidential branches. Our forefathers were concerned that the government could become under rule of a totalitarian regime. One person would obtain so much power that he or she would become sole ruler, or dictator. Our forefathers believed that they could create a government with checks and balances, which would help prevent too much power going into one person or groups hands. “Our forefathers created a governing system that had really yet not existed” (Why, 2011). This was new, something the world had never seen before. “Democratic governments already were in existence yet, our forefathers, wanted to create a government unlike...
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...In the Articles of the Constitution, the first three articles represent the three branches of government. The first article is The Legislative Branch, the second article is The Executive Branch and the third article is The Judicial Branch, the Farmers’ considered all of our branches of government equal, yet some appeared to be more powerful than others. The Farmers’ were concerned that these branches of government will abuse their powers, thus making a necessity for the separation of powers, and for checks and balances. Checks and balances is a system where the different parts of government have powers that can affect and control the other parts of government in order for the other branches cannot become too powerful. This is to prevent any branch of government from exerting too much power. Each branch of government has different powers and functions that they carry out, they are separate although they are constitutionally equal they are also independent from each other. This is the separation of powers. The Legislative Branch of government, which is the first Article of the Constitution, which is also known as Congress, is made up of the Senate, and the House of Representatives. The U.S. Senate consists of 100 members, and these senators are allowed to serve six years. The House of Representatives has 435 members which make up the HOR, these representatives serve two year terms. In total Congress is made up of 535 Congressmen. The Legislative Branch has many powers...
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...Branches of Government Branches of Government America’s forefathers found it necessary to divide governmental power to ensure that history could not repeat itself; to protect the United States from being controlled by one ruler or a king. The forefathers established three branches of government to manage the enactment of important legislation. While diversity in political preference and views can create obstacles, it can also find compromising ground and come together for the greater good of the country. Law is a living thing, constantly changing as society evolves. The three branches of government: judicial, legislative, and executive were put into place to provide America with a solid foundation as a basis to grow from and expand on. When our forefathers wrote the constitution in 1787, they were very much aware that with time, came change, so in knowing this, the constitution was written in an open manner, allowing for changes to be made to the document as seen fit. The forefathers did not want to create another document such as the articles of confederation which had only one branch of government and many thought the Articles to be very weak. Our forefathers did not want to give just one government so much power; they wanted to ensure that the people’s liberty would always remain protected, and by creating the three branches, the power would be split up. Article One of the United States Constitution is Legislator, it describes the Congress, and the legislative branch...
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...Running Head: THE MAINLEVELS OF THE U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Main Levels of the U.S. Federal Government Lynn Todd Colorado Technical University Online PBAD200-0904A-13 American Government Professor Jamie Boyd October 12, 2009 The U.S. Government is composed up of three key branches, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each branch has its own powers, functions, checks, and balances. First, we will look at the history of the Constitution. During the 1600’s many Europeans left Britain in search of economic, political, and intellectual freedoms. However, they remained under the power of Britain, which functioned under a unitary system of government with one national power that permitted it to take action against any individual. During the Revolutionary war, the states battled with Britain, and won their freedom from the unitary system of government of Britain (CTU online, 2008, phase 1 multimedia presentation)....
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...Discussion Board The United States Constitution sole purpose is to protect the citizens of the United States from the government. There are three branches of the federal government that are used to create the laws and policies within the states. The three branches are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. All three branches oversee different parts of the government and have different roles that they play however they all limited powers as to what they can do as separate entities The Legislative Branch is headed by Congress to include the senate and House of Representatives. Their duties are to make the laws for which we are to abide. The powers include passing laws and bills, impeaching officials, and approving treaties. The Executive branch is headed by the President. The duties of this branch is to enforce and recommend federal laws, direct the government, and commanding the armed forces to name a few. The Judicial court is headed by the Supreme Court. The main function of this branch is to interpret the constitution, reviewing law and hearing cases involving violation of state rights (The Three Branches of Government, n.d.). The sole purpose of having the three branches is so there is no dictatorship, and tranny within the government so by triple checking everything between the branches is great. Checks and balances are much needed to ensure that no one branch gains more power over the other (Checks and Balances, n.d.). There three branches need to ensure that the laws...
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