...Mallory McMahon Professor Wilcox ENG 102 05 April 2012 Death Is Inevitable Whether or not a life is taken by chance or given by choice, death is inevitable. Authors Shirley Jackson of “The Lottery,” and Flannery O’Connor of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” strike chords in the reader’s humanity. These short stories portray grotesque, sadistic violence, committed with no “apparent reason or preparation.”(Page 146). As readers begin their journey through these two short stories, they realize the frustration will take a toll on them soon. In the beginning of “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson gives the readers a detailed picture of a beautiful, warm, sunny summer day. The readers interpret this as the short story contains happy and inspiring events. Soon this will be seen as a misleading factor by Shirley Jackson. As the readers continue to read “The Lottery,” they come to find that the short story develops questions for the reader midway through, catching most readers off guard. Having to review what they just read to make sure the short story makes sense. In some parts of this short story, the way Shirley Jackson portrayed certain things, makes it difficult for readers to understand if they do not have an open mind to begin reading the story with. In “The Lottery,” the conclusion bewilders the readers, in the sense that lotteries correspond with winning. In retrospect the conclusion does not quite come as a surprise, due to the foreshadowing throughout the short story. Whereas...
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...Character’s affect When does a character can affect the reader? Shirley Jackson wrote “The Lottery” which is the story that has such and different characters. Shirley Jackson’s has major and minor characters used them in the story. However, she gives a Reader a space to own decide which character that may be accepted. Readers have their own opinions or aspects that lead them to describe any character such as character’s type, an emotional aspect, the effectively of the character inside the story, and phycology aspect. First of all, round and flat characters are the two main types of characters that affect reader in a specific story. Round character is the major character in a fiction story. A round character is like a real character in the life that attracts people around him. There are many writers that build these kinds of characters inside the story to excite, and to make reader think more about them. Shirley Jackson uses type of round characters in her fiction’s story for instance Mrs. Hutchinson. Jackson uses Mrs. Hutchinson in the story and describes her different behaviors in the story. As she wrote in the story, “Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly along the path to the square, her sweeter thrown over her shoulders, and slid in to place in the back of the crowd.” (187), also, when she mentioned, “Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd.” (187) In fact, Mrs. Hutchinson was as a woman who everyone can find her in district. On the other side, the flat character...
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...Thesis: In Shirley Jackson’s “The lottery,” symbolism is used to hint at the overall theme of the story. In Shirley Jackson's short story “The Lottery,” symbolism is used to hint at the overall theme of the story. The lottery in this particular story is not used for good fortune but instead is used for death and sacrifice. Jackson combines characters, objects, and actions to create the symbolism. There are many characters, both major and minor, that demonstrate symbolism in this story. Jackson uses seemingly normal people from an apparently normal town. The postman is named Mr. Graves, a name that symbolizes death. He holds a leading role as an official in the lottery. Mr. Summers is another character who holds a major role. His name projects thoughts of summer and the season of life. His name is ironic due to the dark ritual and the part he plays in the lottery. Jackson uses various symbols to portray this grim event along with particular elements that hint towards the ending of the story. The story shows the coldness people can have which can be seen in their values and tradition. The black box is a symbol of the past. The color black represents evil or death. The box embodies the past and shows what’s to come. In the story, the villagers were afraid to even follow Mr. Summer’s idea for making a new box because they did not want to upset tradition. While the lottery was taking place, Mr. Adams said to old man Warner, “over in the north village they are talking about...
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...protagonist of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” reveals when she is chosen to be stoned to death. The lottery, a long tradition in the town...
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...“The Lottery and “Young Goodman Brown”. Making a decision which is better will be a tough choice. Although both stories are similar in its theme, it is transported differently in each story. The stories display different character analysis and word choice. I. My favorite pastime is reading short stories. a. Two stories I can read repeatedly. i. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. ii. “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. b. The authors battle with depression in their lives. i. Shirley Jackson was stricken server depression from time to time. ii. Nathaniel Hawthorne was depressed because of his ill health and the toll of the Civil War. II. Scenery and characters of “The Lottery” and Young Goodman Brown. a. Towns identified as small villages. i. “The Lottery” was a small village with no name. 1. The story gives a population of 300 people living there ii. “Young Goodman Brown” story took place in a small village called Salem. b. The wives in the story played contrast characters. i. Tessie Hutchinson was a main character that went through climax and denouement. ii. Faith Brown played somewhat of a static character. c. The husbands were portrayed differently in the stories. i. Bill Hutchinson persona was very multi-dimensional ii. Goodman Brown played the main character that was a foil to Ms. Hutchinson. III. How are we to use the themes of these stories? a. Analyzing the moral of the stories i. “The Lottery” is...
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...The Lottery The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, is a short story about an annual lottery draw in a small town. The story sets place in a small town in New England. Every year a lottery is held, in which one person is to be randomly chosen to be stoned to death by the people in the village. The lottery has been practiced for seventy-seven years by the townspeople. By using symbolism, Shirley uses names, objects, and the setting to conceal the true meaning and intention of the lottery. The names of each character in this story hold significant meaning to the lottery. The name "Delacroix" is an example. In" The Lottery," Shirley explains "the villagers pronounced this name 'Dellacroy'." According to Nathan Cervo "[I]n French, 'Delacroix' means "of the Cross'" (Cervo). Incorrect pronouncing this word provoked the Christian symbol of martyrdom. Another the exam is the name "Summer." summer is, as Amy A Griffin describes, "a time usually associated with cheerfulness" (Griffin). In "The Lottery" Summer is the name of a businessman who is responsible for conducting the Lottery. Ironically, Mr. Summer is assisted by Mr. Graves--the word "grave" usually represents for death. By naming the conductor of the Lottery Summer and Grave, respectively, the author implies that there will be an unfortunate event during the summer. Altogether, the symbolic names above play a role as a forewarning note of an unfortunate outcome of "The Lottery." As well as the character's names, each object in...
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... Thesis Statement The themes of the short stories “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Rocking- Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence are similar in the way that they both use a game of chance or gambling in the presentation. Both of these stories are based on luck but instead of happiness being the ultimate prize for winning, death is the tragic outcome. Outline Introduction/Thesis paragraph I. Underlying message from the stories about the problems not directly addressed a. Lottery i. Conforming to traditions even when they are wrong or outdated b. Rocking Horse Winner i. Love or worship of materialistic things instead of each other II. Objects used by the author for symbolism a. Lottery i. Black box even though all other items have been forgotten b. Rocking Horse Winner i. Wooden rocking horse to symbolize the horses in the race III. Authors use of the gamble a. Lottery i. Being drawn means the prize is getting stoned to death b. Rocking Horse Winner i. Although the prediction of the race winner is correct Paul ends up dead and still without his mother’s love IV. Conclusion a. Restate and reword thesis and close. Playing the lottery or betting on horse races is a game of chance where the ultimate prize is money and fortune. The themes of the short stories, “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Rocking- Horse Winner” by D. H. Lawrence are similar in...
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...are ever present in a self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissistic culture where ultimately, no one values human life or anything except themselves. Not only is it wrong but the question looms, will it ever changes? The two fictional short stories, “The Lottery” and “The Most Dangerous Game” both exhibit characteristics of selfishness, cruelty and violence toward ones fellowman. These writings hold great truths because they present what could be real life situations today. In comparing and contrasting the two we find how each of these fictional works displays the aforementioned themes and so much more. It is quite interesting to read about such behaviors and actually witness them now. The news stories we see, the people we encounter, the lives we live. What is their value? What about one of God’s Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not kill?” Life is by far the most precious gift that we have been given. The ability to feel emotions and empathize with our brothers and sisters has diminished, and it is my opinion that it will get worse. These are the times we should all stand together as God’s children, rather than turning on one another for selfish and evil reasons. “The Lottery” and “The Most Dangerous Game” show how quickly, how easily, we as humans devalue the live of another; how one person can turn on another in the blink of an eye. Outline Thesis Statement I. “The Lottery & “The Most Dangerous Game” II. What Does the Bible Say and Killing? III. Conclusion ...
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...can be a terrible thing at the same time, taking primitive thoughts and ideas, and turning them into harmful actions. When does tradition go too far? Is it when the people are killing off their loved ones based on the ideas of a leader whose only true power is arbitrary? Shirley Jackson showcases the danger of blindly following tradition through her book The Lottery, showing that danger is never perceived by those who follow it unconditionally. The Lottery at the beginning of the story appears as if nothing is wrong, children play, wives are gossiping and men are playfully joking on an average day...
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...Statement / Outline Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’ and D.H. Lawrence‘s ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’ use personification, characterization, and symbolism, to develop the different themes contained in their short stories. I. Introduction a. A brief summary of the “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson b. A brief summary of the “The Rocking Horse Winner”, by D.H. Lawrence II. Overview of the use of, Personification, Characterization and Symbolism a. “The Rocking Horse Winner”, by D.H. Lawrence i. The personification employed in ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’ has a profound effect on the readers 1. The whispering house is the focus of the theme and plot i. Characterization of Paul and his obsession to gain his Mother’s love and fulfill her wish for more money that eventually leads to his death 1. The money hungry character traits that is passed down from Mother to child 2. Paul’s obsession has sexual overtones between him and his Mother i. Symbolism in developing the plot in “The Rocking-Horse Winner’ 1. The Mother’s insatiable need for wealth symbolizes superiority 2. Materialism replaces Love a. “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson i. Personification is omitted from this story ii. The Characters in “The Lottery” is developed through description 1. Every day people conducting life as usual ...
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...FICTION ESSAY Robert Martinez ENGL 102-D14 April 7, 2014 By reading Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and Graham Greene’s “The Destructors,” the reader is transported into two different stories where the characters are affected by their surroundings or society in a negative and horrific fashion. The authors paint a clear picture as to how society (the way it was, it is or could be), easily and harshly affects the people that live in it. They are marked, impacted and forever affected by what has taken place around them, and their character and attitude towards everyday life is created by the very circumstances they find themselves. The setting, tone, and overall theme, found in these two short stories expose the reader to these unfortunate transitions of attitudes (or lack thereof) over generations. The setting of Graham’s “The Destructors” takes place in a war torn England at the end of World War II, “on the eve of August Bank Holiday.” A group or “gang” of young boys meet in an impromptu car park. They are known as the Wormsley Common Gang and are led by their new gang leader “T”. Mr. Thomas’ (or Old Misery as the gang calls him) house is the focus of the gang’s disapproval of anything valuable in their society. Their mind can only fathom destruction, ruin and rubble and so to save Mr. Thomas from his “misery” they make plans to destroy anything that is beautiful, starting with his house. Unlike their parents, who perhaps had the opportunity to experience the beauty of...
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...Shirley Jackson’s short stories The Lottery and The Summer People have many similarities. One of those similarities is the idea of mans inhumanity to man, which is prominent in both the short stories. The Lottery is the story of a village that takes part in the sacrifice of one of their neighbors. The Summer People, also set in a small village, follows the story of a group of villager’s who will go to any lengths to exclude two new members of their community. Both stories teach us about mans inhumanity to man. Learning about mans inhumanity to man is important in The Summer People and The Lottery because we see that the characters in each of the stories are willing to be inhumane in order to be accepted. In The Summer People Mrs. Martin, a “new comer” in the town, learns that Mr. and Mrs. Allison are staying on at the lake. As Mrs. Martin is new to the town she has probably been treated badly herself and realizes what will happen to the Allison’s but she does not stand up for them as she wants to be accepted in the town. She tells the Allison’s “I don’t guess anyone’s ever stayed so long before”. This shows that she feels hesitant about taking part in what will happen and almost wants to warn the Allison’s about what is going to happen but doesn’t because she wants to feel as if she is accepted in town. In The Lottery we also see this in Mrs. Hutchinson. The day of the lottery in the town is a very important day and not one someone would easily forget, but when Mrs...
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...“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is an excellent example of a symbolic and allegorical short story. This short story is about an annual lottery drawing at a small town in New England. The title itself holds a deep symbolism in this story. A lottery has always provided a sense of hope and adventure to people, but the lottery takes on an entirely different significance in this story. “The Lottery” in this story has been a tradition at this small rural town for many years. This tradition leaves painful death to a winner but the villagers never question to perform this horrible act of murder. The lottery is a symbol that represents as a barbaric and cruel symbol that results in the death of a friend, family, and neighbor. It is also an allegory showing that destructive effects can results from gambling. One of the allegory shows through the description of the characters. Names are used to represent different aspects and certain meaning throughout the story. One of the leaders and most important men of the town is Mr. Summers. Mr. Summers is a bright and cheerful man. His attitude, demeanor, and name represent the summer. He is the owner of coalmine. Coal suggests his ownership with evilness and death. He makes it a happy gathering, conducts all the town’s activities and then is also an executioner. Mr. Graves’s name represents what is about the happen. They are sending someone to their grave at the end of each lottery. His name is representing the irony of evil that implies, a...
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...can easily relate to this, because most everyone has a strong desire to live. Huckleberry Finn, “The Lottery,” and “Survivor Type” all make the readers think about what they would be willing to do to survive and to what extent they would go to preserve their own life. This provokes questions like, “What would I do in this situation?” or something like, “ Would I...
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...Symbolism Essay “The Lottery” Especially Tessie, Warner, Bill, Graves and Summer. What They Do Synbolize? Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”, raises many questions in the back of a reader’s mind towards the destructive yet blind rituals of mankind. “The Lottery’ clearly expresses Jackson’s feelings concerning mankind’s evil nature hiding behind traditions and rituals. She shows how coldness and lack of passion in people can exhibit in situations regarding tradition and values. Jackson represents the theme of the short story with the use of the symbolism and setting. The story begins with a description of a seemingly cheerful environment. Jackson creates a comfortable atmosphere by describing the activities of the residents of the town. She describes children breaking into the “boisterous play and their talk still of the classroom’. Men and women are gathered in the center of the town talking about farming and taxes or into gossip. Symbolism in the story also supports the theme of” The Lottery”. The very names of the characters in the story are laden with meaning. The name of Summers, Graves, Warner, Tessie and bill hint at the true nature of the characters. Summers’ name symbolizes life but in reality it is he who is in charge of the lottery which instead of giving life to its winner it gives death. Graves is the man who carries in the black box and the three-legged stool. His name hints to what will happen to Tessie Hutchinson...
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