...VARK Analysis Paper Theresia Torczon Grand Canyon University: NRS 429V 8/24/2014 VARK Analysis Paper The results of the VARK questionnaire revealed a multimodal learning preference, with the scores being strongest in the modes of Visual, Read/Write and Kinesthetic (VRK). The multiple preferences suggest a greater ability to match or align the modes in learning or interaction with others. The total VARK score exceeds the 30 needed to show a tendency to use all preferred modes in combination to achieve a proper understanding ("Multimodal study strategies," 2011). Robertson, Smellie, Wilson, & Cox (2011) noted that students can enhance their future learning by identifying the four characteristics of learning styles used in VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reader/writer, Kinesthetic). Watching people in action such as on videos as well as using diagrams and charts are examples that would benefit those with a preference for the visual learning style. Those who prefer the auditory learning style typically enjoy talking about ideas and situations with others as well as hearing stories from them. In the case of those who are classified as reader/writers, they are known as prolific note-takers who rely on textbooks and writing down facts and stories in journals. For the kinesthetic learners, they favor hands-on experience and practice in "real world" settings as well as global learning. In addition to the four different sensory modalities, the VARK questionnaire includes the extra...
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...Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS 429V Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic are key elements of individual learning styles. Learning styles is a term used to refer to the methods of gathering, processing, interpreting, organizing, and thinking about information. How people best learn and communicate can be measured by using a simple questionnaire called VARK that assesses the Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic learning and communication styles of individuals. VARK in itself is not a learning style but a measurement tool that focuses on ways that people best receive information and the way people best deliver their communication. By understanding a preferred learning style an individual can use their own strengths to better process information, and coordinate their learning and communication. VARK: Measurement of Learning Styles By focusing on ways that people learn and the way they communicate what they’ve learned is the premise of the VARK inventory. It is a simple sixteen-question test that uses real world questions in dynamic setting. VARK uses four different sensory categories: visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. In some learners a combination of categories exists and is classified as multimodal. The Visual learner, characterized by “V” is an individual who processes information best if they can see it. They have strong visualization skills and like to utilize charts, graphs and pictures. Aural, “A” is defined...
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...Vark Analysis Paper Colleen Kayser April 19, 2015 Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429v Renita K. Holmes, DNP, RN Vark is a designed questionnaire which helps individuals to determine which types of learning strategies would be most beneficial to their success. It analyzes an individual’s answers to several questions and computes a score in each strategy area. These strategy areas are as follows: visual strategies, aural strategies, read/write strategies, and kinesthetic strategies. Your preferred strategy guides the way you learn. These also change the way you absorb info represent experiences, the way you remember information, and even the choice of your words. After completing the Vark questionnaire personally it was determined that I learn with a mild visual learning preference. My scores were broken down into a 6 for visual, 2 for aural, 4 for read/write and a 4 for kinesthetic. “The visual learners learn best by seeing” (‘The VARK Questionnaire | VARK’, n.d.). This group prefers to see material being presented in a visual form rather that a written one. The visual learners prefer to use or benefit from the use of “different formats, space, graphs, charts and diagrams, maps and plans” (‘The VARK Questionnaire | VARK’, n.d.). It was in this area that the score obtained was the highest being a six. The aural section defines determines that people prefer to learn through “discussions, stories, guest speakers...
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...VARK Analysis Every student has their own unique style of learning, with today’s technology; students can easily go on the internet to identify their preferred learning style if desired. By doing so, this would assist the learner to identify their preferred method of learning which can assist the leaner to become more successful in their learning process. As an assignment, the participant answered two different questionnaires the “VARK” (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic) (Fleming, n.d) and LDPride.net Learning Styles Report (LDPride, n.d). Summary of Learning Style The VARK Questionnaire consists of 16 answers where the participant answered as many boxes the participant felt appropriate. Once the questionnaire was completed, the participant received the VARK Personal Learning Profile analysis. Upon thoroughly reviewing both profile analysis, the participant concluded that the LDPride questionnaire results were very similar to the VARK Personal Learning Profile Analysis, both scores revealed that the participants’ learning preferences were visual, read/write, tactile/kinesthetic. Between the two profile analyses, the participant favored VARK which was much more in depth providing detailed scenarios and examples that the participant can clearly relate to. The VARK analysis is divided into two categories; Type One consists of learners who scores are between twelve and twenty five; these types are learners are considered to be “contextual” or “situational”...
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...VARK Questionnaire Analysis Julie Gongaware NRS-429V August 23, 2015 VARK Questionnaire Analysis Preferred learning strategies and styles have a tendency to vary significantly from person to person. Everyone has a different way, or combination of ways that they absorb, perceive and process newly learned information. In ‘The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best,” a short series of questions identifies learning strategies for the person that is participating in the questionnaire. In this particular analysis J.G., the subject of the questionnaire, found that she has a multimodal preference to learning and is flexible in her communication preferences while switching from mode to mode depending on what type of material she is working with (VARK, 2015). Multimodal learners may encompass all of the strategies, visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic or at least more than one. J.G. found that she possessed preferences in each strategy with stronger learning attributes in aural and read/write strategies. Through the VARK questionnaire, J.G.’s personal learning preference has been identified as multimodal with aural being her primary style and read/write being the second most preferred style for learning. Aural refers to listening. The description of an aural strategy per the VARK (2015) questionnaire shows a preference toward receiving information that is vocalized or heard and the use of questioning as a vital component of learning. According to The Institute...
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...Personal Learning Style According to VARK Angel L. Messing Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion 06/02/2013 The VARK learning styles theory was developed in 1987 by a teacher from New Zealand. Neil Fleming took the pervious learning model and divided the visual learning style into two distinct areas, the first being visual and the second reading. This eventually developed into VARK; visual, aural, reading, and kinesthetic learning. There is also a fifth mode, the multimodal preference. Using the VARK questionnaire one can identify which style best suites their learning preferences, and develop strategies to become better learners. In completing the VARK questionnaire this author, Angel Messing found that the multimodal best suited her learning preferences; visual, reading, and kinesthetic all make up the multimodal learning style that suites her preferred learning needs. Multimodal Learning Approximately 60% of the population that has used the VARK questionnaire are found to have multimodal learning preferences. People who find themselves in this group may have two or more preference areas that suite their learning style the best. This group of people can then be broken down into two subgroups, VARK type one and VARK type two. VARK type one Usually this group will have almost equal score in anywhere from two to four of the modes, and tend to be more flexible with their learning styles. Depending on the situation and the required learning...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Arlenee Maldonado Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion 429 October 19, 2014 VARK Analysis Paper In order for students to maximize their learning experience, they need to be aware of their learning styles. In 1987 Dr. Neil D. Fleming developed the VARK inventory questionnaire in an effort to help students become better learners and promote faculty development (Marcy, 2001). VARK is an acronym for, visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic, this is a 16-question questionnaire with multiple responses for each question. Upon the completion of the questionnaire it provides a score along with the corresponding learning style that best fits along with identified learning strategies. It is important for students to know their fit for learning style in order to be successful and reach their full learning potential. This paper will discuss the VARK questionnaire results of the author of this paper. Summary of Preferred Learning Style Upon completion of the VARK questionnaire the author scored a 0 in visual, 4 in aural, 5 in read/write and scoring the highest of a 9 in kinesthetic, making the author a kinesthetic learner. A kinesthetic learner is a very hands on person and they use all their senses, touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing in order to learn better. According to the VARK questionnaire website kinesthetic learners want to experience things in order to fully understand the concepts. The VARK website also states that, “ideas...
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...The VARK Questionnaire John Vandruff Grand Canyon University The VARK Questionnaire is a set of questions designed to analyze and understand how a person learns more effectively. VARK is an acronym that stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic. These are sensory modalities that are applied to the learning of information. A combination of multiple learning styles is classified as a multimodal approach. The questionnaire also gives recommendations on approaches to retain information and how to customize a specific learning style. Applying these recommendations will improve learning skills and should be applied to every classroom. Students are able to learn successfully when instructors apply the learning recommendations assessed through the VARK questionnaire (Isra, n.d., p. 573). According to the VARK Questionnaire the learning style that best describes myself is multimodal style. The two styles that make up the multimodal style are aural and kinesthetic. Aural is a learning style that involves the auditory sense. For example, listening to a seminar is one illustration of auditory learning. Kinesthetic is another learning style that focuses on physical action. Hands on experiences are one good example of kinesthetic learning. In a multimodal learning style, the learner will use different learning techniques depending on the situation. The International Journal of Medicine conducted a study to determine the types...
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...The Influence of Individual Learning Styles and Strategies on Learning Experiences Learning styles speaks to the way a person learns. Each person is different and learns in their own unique way. An individual’s learning style is the preferred way in which they are able to retain information and learn. An individual’s learning style is made up of their cognitive ability, emotional response, the environment, and the learner’s personal experience. The VARK model of student learning was created by Theorist Neil Fleming. (The VARK Questionnaire.[n.d.]). VARK is an acronym that refers to common learning styles: Kinesthetic, visual, auditory and reading/writing preference. The VARK model addresses the fact that students have different ways to process information. The way students process information best is referred to as their “preferred learning method.” (The VARK Questionnaire. [n.d.]). Awareness of learning styles enhances the teacher and the student learning experience. Educators as well as students who realize the differences in learning styles can implement best practice strategies for successfu learning opportunities. Kinesthetic Learning Style Kinesthetic learning style means that the learner learns best if they are actively doing something while learning. Lecture and written instruction are replaced with active participation in learning and hands on approach. Kinesthetic learners need the material to sound practical and they need to be able to apply...
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...Running Head: VARK Learning Style Assessment VARK Learning Style Assessment Joby Reji Grand Canyon University Family Health Promotion NRS-429V Dawn,Peter November19, 2011 VARK Learning Style Assessment Learning styles are different methods of learning. Each individual has his/her own way of learning . Identifying a learning style would help an individual to focus on his strong points and pay more attention on weak points. People with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder would benefit from these learning styles. In 1987 Neil Fleming invented VARK Questionnaire which help users to identify learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take in and give out information (VARK, 2011).VARK questionnaires are very helpful for some learners, which enable them to change their study habits, some learners already know about their way of learning, questionnaire or inventory does not make any difference in their study habits. VARK questionnaire can be found online or on paper, gives an option of more than one answer for a question. VARK questionnaire is short with 13-16 questions to prevent students survey fatigue (Fleming and Baume,2006).VARK questionnaire is not a distinctive measure, but it gives a method of thinking about how to prioritize the learning strategy. VARK consist of 5 strategies- visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic and multimodal. In visual study strategy...
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...VARK Questionnaire to Help Identify Personal Learning Styles and Strategies VARK Questionnaire to Help Identify Personal Learning Styles and Strategies A student who understands or has discovered their learning style or preferences is a student that has acquired a significant building block in the foundation for success. While identifying individual learning preferences may seem elusive, there is a tool that gives students the ability to do this. Neil Fleming developed a method at Lincoln University called VARK, which helps students recognize their personal learning preferences. VARK is a questionnaire that gives the student essential information about their preferred learning style. Learning style defines the way the student takes in information as well as putting information out (Fleming, 2012). The VARK questionnaire can also help teachers to develop different, more effective methods of presentation. The results of the questionnaire are given to the learner in the modes V, A, R and K (Fleming, 1995). The student can discover how they can learn best, by analyzing the percentages assigned to the various learning styles. A student may fall into several categories, it is not necessary or desirable to be restricted to any one style. Visual (V) represents learning that encompasses, but is not limited to graphs, charts and flow diagrams. Aural (A) represents the most common mode, the student learns best by hearing. Reading (R) reveals a preference for the...
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...head: ANALYSIS OF VARK LEARNING STRATEGIES Analysis of VARK Learning Strategies “The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information (Fleming & Mills, 1992)”. Each person learns in a unique yet definable way, and through the utilization of the VARK system, categories have been established to assist in understanding and promoting effective learning by the individual. The VARK system is based on a questionnaire where each person describes their response to a given situation, and the compilation of the answers then allows these results to place the individual within one of the four identified groups, with the addition of a fifth being an all-encompassing “multimodal learning preference (Fleming & Mills, 1992)”. The design of the program assists the learner to not only receive their identified learning style, but allows for the instruction of changes or habits that the individual may find helpful in developing their learning effectiveness. Visual learning includes the use of printed graphs, charts, and visual comparisons by using labels, arrows, and symbols that the individual can associate with items of interest. The visual learner equates symbols and figures, and this allows them to process and retain the information more effectively. This style of learning was identified with the lowest number upon completion of the personal questionnaire. Aural/Auditory learning involves the hearing...
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...The VARK Anaylsis: Learning Styles Lesley Good Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V October 19, 2015 The VARK Analysis: Learning Styles Over the years, research has discovered that the ability for students to learn is based off of an individual’s strengths, weakness, and learning preferences. These learning preferences are divided into five categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic, and multimodality. The VARK analysis developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming “was the first to systematically present a series of questions with helpsheets for students, teachers, employees, customers, suppliers, and others” (VARK Learn Limited, 2015) to determine an individual’s unique approach to the learning process. “VARK is an acronym for the Visual (V), Auditory (A), Read/Write (R) and the Kinesthetic (K) sensory modalities” (Kharb, Samanta, Jindal, & Singh, 2013). To better understand how this process works we will establish a scenario using Student A, allowing her to access the VARK questionnaire and give us some insight and understanding on how the evaluation process works to establish an individual’s learning style. The VARK questionnaire consists of 16 questions and given the results we will review the learning style for Student A, compare preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies, and discuss how the recognition of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching and learning. Summary of Results ...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Oleksandra Vasylchenko GCU Oct.11, 2015 NRS-429V VARK Analysis Paper The VARK questionnaire was designed by Neil Fleming to help people understand their learning styles; suggested categories include: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning (Carlson, 2015). Questionnaire consists of sixteen questions, and one can select more than one answer to best explain his/her preferences. When answered truthfully, results will give a snap shot summary of one’s particular learning style. When the writer completed the questionnaire, the results revealed that she has a multimodal learning preference, read / write, kinesthetic. The paper will further discuss how writers preferred learning strategies compare to her questionnaire results, as well as how awareness of individual learning strategies affects teaching and learning. Four different modalities were identified to reflect experiences of students and teachers, and some could definitely overlap. Visual preference uses maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, symbols, hierarchies and other devices to represent what could have been expressed in words, and some are able to learn information better when it is presented in such way. Aural preference learners learn best from lectures, group discussions, email, phone conversations, saying things out loud to self, anything that is “heard or spoken”. Read/write preference is for information that is presented in form of words. This mode is preferred by majority of students...
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...The VARK Questionnaire NRS 429-VN 0503 The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best? VARK refers to the different learning styles a person identifies with and learns about through taking the questionnaire. Different students will have different learning styles which assist them with obtaining the necessary information. After taking the VARK questionnaire, the results showed more of a connection to a kinesthetic learner with a strong leaning towards visual and audio learning. Understanding learning styles will assist in developing effective learning strategies which will improve learning abilities. The VARK questionnaire is a valuable tool, for assisting the learner, in understanding their preferred learning style, and allows the teacher to be able to adapt and improve their way of conveying information. A personal questionnaire will be assessed in order to help discus the purpose of a VARK questionnaire. Kinesthetic (K) is the preferred learning style with a preference for hands on learning. The kinesthetic learning style involves developing experience and knowledge in the area of learning (Gilakjani, 2012). Instead of listening to a lecture or observing someone else demonstrating the material, the kinesthetic learner prefers doing the learning activity in order to gain the knowledge. They prefer using their hands and body in order to focus and learn. This makes sense because retaining information was found easier when allowed to be able to physically engage in the learning...
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