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The Wanderer Research Paper

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The role of women is always being defined and redefined in society whether it be today or 19th century England. Nineteenth Century England had distinct roles for women such as a mother or a wife and very rarely did women play other roles. So, when Frances Burney, Emily Brontë, and Elizabeth Gaskell stepped onto the scene they challenged the way society saw women and helped change the way not only 19th Century England saw women, but also society today. Tackling feminist issues, class systems, and matriarchal roles in books such as The Wanderer (Burney), Wuthering Heights (Brontë), and Mary Barton (Gaskell) these women obviously saw a lot that needed to change in their time.
Prolific author, Frances Burney will be forever remembered by her book The Wanderer and how she depicted “women.” The Wanderer …show more content…
Within this group is the heroine of the play who remains anonymous so that she may be able to be “woman”: both black and white, Eastern and Western, being of both high and low class, and being both French and English. Her identity and background are unknown making her an Everywoman. Later for the story’s sake she goes by Juliet and attempts to be self sufficient as a music teacher and performer but is forced to be reduced to a seamstress because being a woman causes her to fail, while the antagonist Elinor presses feminist views on the people around her. A love triangle ensues between the two of them and a man named Harleigh, though Burney makes it clear that even though a man is present as the main character he isn’t the hero; he’s merely there to show the reader what is acceptable and unacceptable in their society since he doesn’t show the qualities of a hero. The book has many themes and purposes, one being a Response of the Reign on Terror in France. Another purpose was how the book mirrored Burney’s own life; how

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