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Cosby Show Research Paper

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As an adult we often tell our kids how great everything was back in our day. Life seemed to be so simple back then, well maybe it was because we didn't have the bills we have now, but still, we knew how to have fun. For me, I was a TV lover. I would be outside until it was time, time for me to head in the house, turn on the TV and relax for a good nights laugh. I'm not here to knock today's generation of shows but let's be honest, there is no pure humor in TV anymore. I don't know your specific age but I grew up in the Cosby era, but now I'm forced to flip through channels or subscribe to Netflix and watch reruns of my childhood.

What happened to the great groundbreaking shows we grew up on?

Nowadays the jokes seem forced, back in the days …show more content…
here but I couldn't. The Cosby Show was funny and historical , Martin was down right hilarious, In Living Color was groundbreaking but more in a stage performance type of way and M.A.S.H. is in a lane by itself but A Different World meant everything to me. In my years of watching TV A Different World gave me a view of a life I wanted. While every other show was basically family related no matter how dysfunctional, A Different World lived up to its name. There were no parents, no aunts or uncles, brothers or sisters, there were strangers that would become friends, lovers, enemies and then spouses. It was a show built on independence, life lessons and choices and for the kids like me that was still living at home while in High School it gave us an idea of how to get out. I never thought of college until the show and while it was filled with nothing but laughs I saw A Different World as just that. Trust me when I tell you there were no disappointments when I arrives at Shaw University (HBCU). I met all kinds of kids who wanted that independence, and 20 years later we are still friends as some of them are reading this article tight now. Thank you A Different World for being that groundbreaking comedy that helped shaped the person that wrote this article. You may not be the best comedy, but you were the best

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