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My Leadership Smart Goal


Submitted By lhendwin0816
Words 1210
Pages 5
My Leadership SMART Goal
Leadership development is one of the many pertinent skills that nurses has to master in congruent with the dynamic and fast changing healthcare system, in order to provide an effective and safe patient care. Part of effective leadership is setting a goal that is achievable and realistic for the team or group in order to reach a desired outcome. Using a SMART-formatted goal ensures that the desired outcome is achievable, hence the meaning of SMART goal, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound. To help with my leadership development in the care of my patients, I will focus my SMART goal on improving my leadership skills in patient education particularly with pain management on post-surgical patients since I take care of a lot of post-surgical patients. This goal is in line with one of the Institute of Medicine’s core competencies for health clinicians that states to provide patient-centered care. I will achieve my goal with some help from a team member at work.
Nurses and other health care professionals are expected to provide care that is effective, safe, and patient-centered. One of the core competencies that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) set for healthcare professionals is to provide patient-centered care. Providing a care that is patient-centered focuses on including the patients in their plan of care, recognize, and respect their needs, values and preferences. Open communication with the patients and collaborative care is also the focus of patient-centered care, (Finkelman, 2012). As the IOM’s description of patient-centered care core competency (as cited by Finkelman, 2012):
Identify, respect, and care about patients’ differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieve pain and suffering; coordinate continuous care; listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision making

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