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The Way Children Learn


Submitted By lala4020
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The Way Children Learn

The upbringing of a child is a complicated process and as the parent you need to find the right methods of dealing with a child in order to develop a good personality, and not to harm the growing person. However, many people argue the many methods out there of teaching and upbringing. Which method is more effective and should be used in your practice? For most people, they feel that a child learns best by copying the behavior of adults. Children start to learn the day of their birth and their teachers are their parents. Parents show their children how to behave, listen, eat, play, talk, and walk and so on. The parent shapes the child’s behavior, thinking and opinions. As the child, they look to their parents and observe them doing things like helping them cook, clean, etc. This helps them to learn. Actions like this are argued to be the best ways for the child to learn. Nevertheless, a child observing their parents also has some disadvantages. Children are like sponges, soaking up everything. They not only mimic the good behavior, but they also pick up the bad. Looking at it from this perspective makes this method harmful and possibly damaging. The children can copy bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or become argumentative by watching conflicts between two parents. Seeing these behaviors can cause the child to repeat the process when they become adults. Many parents try to keep their children out of conflicts, but the child is still able to sense this and they understand more than we think. Analyzing our behavior and fixing ourselves before we teach our children is where to start at. This way, the bad behavior doesn’t make an impression on the growing person. This is why we must use care while using this method to teach our children. Today, there are so many ways children are learning. With computer, internet, TV, games, books and newspapers, kids are on knowledge overload. After the impressionable years, the growing person will start to make friends and the parent role decreases. Then, a whole new ball game starts, because they will start to be influenced by their friends. Therefore, imitation does not always have a positive outcome. Parents are in the best position to be a role model for their child. Children pick up on things like sympathy and caring when they see their parents display these emotions. There are other great techniques that you can do with your little one during the developmental stages. By reading to them, doing crossword puzzles, turning off the TV, even if the child does not understand, you are helping them develop knowledge and power. This boosts their confidence. While there are many parental challenges, the good times always outweigh the hard times. Relax and enjoy the parenting years. Always think before speaking and acting to be sure that your words do not influence your child. This way, it instills the child to be positive instead of being negative. Always trust your instincts, and with love and respect, know that everything else will come naturally.

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