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The Working


Submitted By ash914
Words 266
Pages 2
Steve Carmichael is a 25-year-old man who is a project manager who works for the Neighborhood Youth Crops. When he worked with VISTA, he explained how the board of education and the government would be a bureaucracy that was stagnant. He was frustrated with the fact that bureaucrats did not care for the people. Steve mentioned that if he replaced a bureaucrat in Washington and he would be able to put together a program that would be for the people and not treat them as figures. Since his company is run by the OEO funds, he is an employee of the city and has to deal with these frustrating issues on a daily basis. When he runs into his administrator he will try and put in a word so that change can be made, however they will just forget about him. The administrators think of Steve as unknowledgeable, you are just a pest. He wants to be able to do his job, but also impact others at the same time. He has always wanted to become an educator, and the job that he currently has is disdainful to him. At his job they look down on him. Steve doesn’t feel good knowing that you are unimportant to the company. He thinks that it doesn’t make sense that you can’t fight for what is right and what you want. What I got from this interview is that Steve will not give up. Even though you can be a manger, or have influence on other employees, you can still feel useless to those above you.

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