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Theme Of Sleep In Macbeth

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In Macbeth by William Shakespeare after he murders king Duncan the main character Macbeth hears a voice say “Macbeth shall sleep no more” (II: ii: 41). This theme is carried on throughout the play the play until Macbeth’s final death.
In Macbeth the theme “sleep no more” first comes after Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s plan of killing King Duncan is executed. The first application of the theme of sleep is presented in a very simple way. When the main character Macbeth is returning to his wife after murdering Duncan he tells her that he hears a voice say “Macbeth does murder sleep, the innocent sleep” (II:ii:34). In this scene the play is illustrating that because Macbeth has murdered the king he will not sleep well anymore. Also when the voice said “the innocent sleep” it was saying that the people who were asleep in the house at that time were innocent. Only Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were awake in the house and they aren’t considered innocent because they planned and executed the murder of a king. This scene foreshadows the true meaning of the theme later on in the play. …show more content…
He states that “he would rather things fall apart than to dream horrifying dreams about the terrible deeds that he’s done” (III: ii: 16-19). So far Macbeth has murdered king Duncan and took his place as king. He also sent murders to kill off one of his friends Banquo: Banquo “suspected” that Macbeth played foully to become king. Later on in Act 3 after the dinner Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth “You lack the seasons of all natures sleep” (III: iv: 141). She says this because Macbeth had outburst at the dinner party: in his mind he “saw” the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth’s paranoia is a result of the lack of sleep that he has been getting. The bad things that Macbeth has done to become king and the things that he did to remain king are now haunting

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