...Subject: Economics The competition between “Coca-Cola”and “Pepsi” in the market for soft drinks Abstract There are two types of people – the ones who like “Coca-Cola”, and the ones who prefer “Pepsi”. Or at least that is the fact that trying to convince us the marketing experts from both companies. The two famous brands compete with any means to persuade whose drink is better. The solution to this problem relies on both of the companies’ abilities to boost the domestic sales, to prove to new international markets, to broaden their brand for new streams of revenue and include non-carbonated beverages in their “big plan”. Competition analysis Nowadays competition is not only commonplace, every year it becomes increasingly fierce. Many companies move theor production to countries with lower standards and bring to market cheaper goods. Once the company finds it’s most important competitors, it has to analyze them by specifying their characteristics, especially their strategies, goals, strengths and weaknesses. Group of companies that follow the same strategy of a target market is called strategic group. If a company wants to enter a particular industry, it develops a strategic and discovers four groups based on product quality and the level of vertical integration. This analysis shows that the height of the barriers to entry is different for each group. Once the company finds its main competitors and their strategies...
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...Brand Image in Cola Drinks CASE:Future Cola of Wahaha Group Co.Ltd,China Sun, Jianfei 2010 Laurea Leppävaara Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laurea Leppävaara Brand Image in Cola Drinks CASE: Future Cola of Wahaha Group Co.Ltd,China Jianfei Sun Degree Programme in Business Management Thesis April, 2010 Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laurea Leppävaara Degree Programme in Business Management International Business-to-Business Marketing Abstract Jianfei Sun Brand Image in Cola Drinks; Case: Futre Cola of Wahaha Group Co.Ltd, China Year 2010 Pages 45 In Chinese beverage market, there are three mainly cola brands, Coca cola, Pepsi and Future Cola, these three brand share almost 90% cola market, so that competition is omnipresent ,not only in the consumer market, but also very intensive in business to business market. Business-to-business brand building involves various aspects, for example, attributes of products and services, brand image, brand position, and B2B brand management, Wahaha Co., Ltd as a case company need to build brand image and find a solution on how to be a stronger brand in order to attract more potential customer. The theoretical context of this thesis lies in marketing management. The theoretical emphasis and framework is however in brand management: brand concepts, brand building and brand image. As the study is made in B2B environment the difference between B2B and consumer markets will be specified. The quantitative research...
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...1. Introduction A paradigm shift currently indicates the global challenges that industries are facing and more companies are pressured to embrace sustainability as business conditions change. However, only recently corporations started integrating sustainability as the part of their business strategy as they came to recognize that it is an essential part in growing and establishing themselves as the leader in the competing environment. A well-executed sustainability strategy can enhance the company’s value and reinforce competitive advantage in the market while protecting the capital base. The balance of power has shifted between corporations and it is important to balance economic prosperity along with environmental and social dimensions. Sustainable business strategy represents a marked shift in traditional business practices and companies who do not adapt to the changes in these practices in order to achieve sustainable profitability will be more likely to face the brand value decline or even extinction in the future. For instance, the change represents the need to understand how all three dimensions affect each other and companies ought to consciously create new consumer preferences. However, a lot of companies still are missing guidelines to implementing a marketing strategy of sustainability as an essential part, which is at the core of ensuring organizational, social, economic and environment growth while managing overconsumption issues (White, 2011). Current researches...
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...Competitive Advantage & Corporate Social Responsibility | Business and Society | | There is currently growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) among both companies and managers. It has become an important topic of theoretical concentration and one of the most widely accepted business concepts. The major issues in the field of CSR concern stakeholder analysis and corporate strategic management. Numerous attempts have been made to link CSR and financial performance. While the debate over CSR continues, it reveals that some additional research can be done on the link between CSR and competitive advantage (CA). CSR is understood to be the way firms integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their values, culture, decision making, strategy, and operations in a transparent and accountable manner (Berger, 2007). Thereby firms establish better practices within, create wealth, and improve society (Berger, 2007). CSR programs go beyond legal and ethical frameworks to include a wide range of issues for the organization (Berger, 2007). Specifically, CSR programs can impact a wide range of issues managed by the organization including: corporate governance and ethics programs; health, safety, and environment programs; attention to human and labor rights; human resource management policies; community involvement; respect for indigenous groups and minorities; corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering; adherence to principles of fair competition...
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...International Operations Management Of Coca Cola Business Essay The soft drink industry in India has two major players, Pepsi and Coke. Besides these there are some local players at different market, operating with different market share. But they are not a big threat to the market share of either Pepsi or Coke. However as of now the two big names in cola industry are only two top U.S. players Pepsi and Coke and the fight for acquiring the market is always going between these two players and the Cola industry has along seen a COLD WAR between these two players to acquire the market share. That means one company gains at the cost of the other. One of the main characteristics of the Cola industry is the absence of loyalty and it is consumed mainly on impulse. The CSD (Carbonated Soft Drinks) industry mainly Coca cola has channel through which it reaches the end consumer. They are Production --- Plant Warehouse --- Depot Warehouse --- Distribution Warehouse --- Retail Stock --- Retail Shelf --- Consumer The main reasons behind its business growth and business success are the quality product that they sale to their consumers. So, quality remains key priority for the success of the soft drink industry. Hence, Operation management is very important function of organization and quality management is key aspect of it. The report in hand is the assessment of international operations management of Coca-Cola. The report is structured essentially into five parts. In the...
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...competence, and competitive advantage ABSTRACT. are 3 of the most important business concepts that managers, researchers, and educators rely on for decision making, pedagogy, and research. However, little attention has been paid to defining these concepts. As a result, they have become buzzwords that are used so frequently that their meanings are often taken for granted but are not fully understood. In this article, the author reviews the evolution of these concepts in business literature and provides comprehensive definitions, conceptual models, and examples to help clarify and distinguish the concepts so that failures of communication can be avoided. Keywords: competencies, competitive advantage, strategy Copyright © 2007 Heldref Publications 110 Journal of Education for Business S R ince its genesis in the mid-20th century, the study of business disciplines has become an established academic discipline. The proliferation of business curricula, journals, and academic and professional associations is evidence of a dramatic growth in business education. Although the growth has improved the understanding of business and informed business practices, with growth comes various problems. For example, business practitioners, researchers, and educators are confused over important terms and concepts used pervasively in the field. An understanding of key concepts is critical for the foundation from which business practitioners and academics communicate...
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...INTERNSHIP REPORT ON ORGANIZATIONAL STUDY AT HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED by 1. Rahul Singh 12MB5121 2. Shamim Akhtar Shaikh 12MB5141 3. Subhash N H 12MB5093 4. Sumi Paul 12MB5162 5. Vartika Dwivedi 12MB5175 | | …………………………………………………………………………………….. | | II SEMESTER MBA Guide Prof. Sivadas Nambiar Internship Report submitted to the University of Mysore in partial fulfilment of the requirements of II Semester MBA degree examinations – 2013 Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies #15, New BEL Road, MSRIT Post, M S Ramaiah Nagar Bangalore – 560054 [Certificate from the Company] [On the company’s Letter Head] CERTIFICATE This is to certify that ………………………….. [Group member names], MBA students of Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore, have successfully completed an “Organizational Study” at [company name] from 25 July 2013 to 24 August 2013. For [company name], [Authorized Signature & Seal] [Name] [Designation] [Certificate from the Guide] Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies Bangalore - 560054 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this Internship Report on Organizational Study at HCCBPL is a bonafide study of Rahul Singh(12MB5121), Shamim Akhtar Shaikh(12MB5141), Subhash NH(12MB5093), Sumi Paul(12MB5162), Vartika Dwivedi(12MB5175), carried...
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...Abstract Purpose – This paper examines the concepts of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) and strategic positioning (SP) and seeks to develop a framework on determinants of SP and SCA in the food industry following the case study approach. Design/methodology/approach – This paper analyzes the concepts of strategic positioning and sustainable competitive advantage and their interrelation. The qualitative study of three beverage producers is conducted. Cases are analyzed based on the theoretical models discussed in the first part of the paper. Findings - This paper provides comparison of positioning strategies and SCA of three international beverage producers. The theoretical framework on determinants of these concepts was developed and applied for case study. The concepts of SCA and SP are interchanging, but from the case study it was not possible to conclude whether one leads to another. There is no single theory found which would be universal in explaining the success of the brands. Companies are complex structures and their success depends on many different elements which should be analyzed in combination. Research limitations/implications – The findings are based solely on the case analysis of three unique beverage companies. To generalize conclusions the research of other companies in food industry on possession of SCA and their positioning strategies is needed. Not all firsthand information was possible to get from all companies. Therefore it cannot be guaranteed that factors...
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...important trends in industrial organization of the past quarter century has been the growth of collaboration between independent companies. As large companies have pulled back their collaboration boarders through outsourcing and divestment of ‘non-core’ activities, they have increasingly cooperated with other companies in order to engage in activities and access resources outside their own boundaries. The concept of strategic alliances has become widely used in the business language to refer to the types of partnerships agreements between two or more companies that pursue a clear strategic collaboration objective, with different levels of possible integration among the members. In today’s competitive global economy strategic alliances are a crucial option for achievement of competitive advantage. By developing strategic alliances, organisations can share their excess or complementary resources and capabilities so as to strengthen their position in the market and gain competitive advantage. When such alliances are effectively and efficiently managed the partnering firms can gain immensely towards mutual profitability. In any cooperative relationship trust is key for success. Where mutual trust and synergies exists, partnering organisations can benefit substantially from opportunities that can be exploited through maximum utilization of combined resources. On the other hand, where there is no trust, extensive monitoring systems become necessary to monitor each partners’ contribution...
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...Assignment Front Sheet Assignment title 1 Unit 21: Managing Human Resources LearningOutcome | Learningoutcome | Assessmentcriteria | In this assessment you willhave the opportunity topresent evidence that showsyou are able to | TaskNo. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.1 | explain Guest’s model ofHRM | 1 | | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.2 | compare the differencesbetween Storey’s definitionsof HRM, personnel and IRpractices | 1 | | LO1 | Understandthe differentperspectivesof humanresourcemanagement | 1.3 | assess the implications forline managers andemployees of developing astrategic approach to HRM | 1 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.1 | explain how a model offlexibility might be applied inpractice | 1 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.2 | discuss the types of flexibilitywhich may be developed byan organization | 2 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.3 | assess the use of flexibleworking practices from boththe employee and theemployer perspective | 2 | | LO2 | Understandways ofdevelopingflexibilitywithin theworkplace | 2.4 | discuss the impact thatchanges in the labour market | 2 | | Qualification | Unit Number and Title | Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND DiplomaBusiness | K.601.1264/Unit 22/Managing HumanResources | Student Name | Student No. | Word...
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...these influences shape the organization’s context and maximize value for stakeholders. “Leadership’s job was to get the strategy right, design the correct structure, and then tie the strategy to structure through defined systems to deliver high-quality performance” (Nowicki & Summers, 2007, p.118). This is not an easy process and takes time and input from several sources. The leadership in the organization has to guide the organization so that the goals and objectives are met. The performance of the organization will benefit from a well carried out strategic plan and management system. Senior management has the responsibility of developing system that that the organization operates within. “General systems theory provided a theoretical and philosophical framework for recognizing the openness of systems for developing information feedback to adapt and maintain a steady state. From Wiener, cybernetics stressed that information feedback was...
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...1 DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH STRATEGIC POSITIONING By R. Murray Lindsay April 2002 Strategic management is the process by which senior management ensures that the organization’s strategy is carried out or that it is modified to reflect changing conditions or knowledge. Management accounting and control systems play a key role in strategic management. While a management control course will typically take strategy as a given, it is important for you to have a reasonable understanding of strategy before we can begin to discuss management control systems or strategic management. This is because a firm’s strategy is the starting point for the design of effective systems of performance measurement and control. Moreover, the word strategy is used in many different ways, reflecting the fact that it consists of multiple facets or dimensions. Progress on understanding the accounting and control issues requires that we share a common understanding of the term and its various dimensions. The purpose of this essay is therefore to provide you with an understanding of strategy, if only at an introductory level. After reading and thinking about the material in this reading you should understand: the vocabulary used in the strategy literature so that you can feel comfortable talking to people about strategy; how choosing a strategy represents an attempt to achieve a fit between the firm and its external or business environment; a firm’s value proposition to its customers;...
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...Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) 2-15-1996 Human Resources and Organization Success John W. Boudreau Cornell University Boudreau , John W., "Human Resources and Organization Success" (1996). CAHRS Working Paper Series. Paper 174. http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/174 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at DigitalCommons@ILR. It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ILR. For more information, please contact jdd10@cornell.edu. CAHRS / Cornell University 187 Ives Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 USA Tel. 607 255-9358 www.ilr.cornell.edu/CAHRS/ WORKING PAPER SERIES Human Resources and Organization Success John W. Boudreau Working Paper 9 6 – 0 3 Advancing the World of Work Human Resources and Organization Success WP 96-03 Human Resources and Organization Success John W. Boudreau Department of Human Resource Studies Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 Working Paper #96-03 Draft 2/15/96 http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrs This paper has not undergone formal review or approval of the faculty of the ILR School. It is intended to make results of research, conferences, and projects available to others interested in human resource management in preliminary form to encourage discussion and suggestions. Page 1 Human Resources and Organization...
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...The Global Conference for Wikimedia 6 - 10 August 2014 · London Find out more [ Help with translations! ] Industrial market segmentation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Industrial market segmentation is a scheme for categorizing industrial and business customers to guide strategic and tactical decision-making, especially in sales and marketing. While government agencies and industry associations use standardized segmentation schemes for statistical surveys, most businesses create their own segmentation scheme to meet their particular needs. While similar to consumer market segmentation, segmenting industrial markets is different and more challenging because of greater complexity in buying processes, buying criteria, and the complexity of industrial products and services themselves. Further complications include role of financing, contracting, and complementary products/services. The goal for every industrial market segmentation scheme is to identify the most significant differences among current and potential customers that will influence their purchase decisions or buying behavior, while keeping the scheme as simple as possible (Occam's Razor). This will allow the industrial marketer to differentiate their prices, programs, or solutions for maximum competitive advantage. Webster describes segmentation variables as “customer characteristics that relate to some important difference in customer response to marketing effort”. (Webster, 2003)[1]...
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...Thomas | M249 | | m.thomas@herts.ac.uk | tba | Sarah Jayne Hill | M218 | 2791 | | | 2. Module aims This initial marketing module, which assumes no prior knowledge of marketing, aims to introduce students to some of the key ideas of marketing and is suitable for both marketing and non-marketing students. It examines the environment within which organisations operate and the role of marketing within the organisation in order for students to be fully able to understand the context within which marketing personnel work, and the different activities which are carried out under the umbrella term of ‘marketing’. Concepts central to an understanding of marketing are considered: 4 P’s (product, price, promotion and place), segmentation, targeting and positioning, services marketing and buyer behaviour. * Develop a basic understanding of the key concepts of marketing; & * Understand business functions and the engagement with micro and macro environments. 3. Format of delivery One hour lecture and one hour tutorial each week. 4. The StudyNet site for this module will be employed to post relevant and important information. Please check it regularly for lecture slides, tutorial and test materials, general news items, etc. 5. (a) Weekly programme:...
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