...Roald Dahl a woman by the name of Mary kills her husband Patrick unexpectedly after Patrick tells Mary he is leaving her. Mary kills Patrick by hitting him with a frozen lamb leg. The marriage was going very well and the couple loved each other very much and were very happy. Patrik worked as detective for the police agency and Mary was a stay-at-home wife. Mary was expecting a baby very soon, which makes the murder very unexpected. Some readers believe that Mary planned to kill Patrick, but Mary did not plan to kill her husband. On (Pg2) it says “ Mary did everything without thinking” If Mary did everything without thinking the evening of the murder then there is no way Mary could have planned to Kill Patrick. Mary did not plan to kill Patrick on (Pg2) after Mary hits Patrick with the leg it says “ She came slowly, feeling cold and surprised, and she stood for a few minutes, looking at the body, still holding the piece of meat with two hands.” Surprised is the key word, you would not be surprised about something if you planned which means Mary could not have planned...
Words: 781 - Pages: 4
...Bull is the perfect counterexample, and a brilliant argument for filmmakers to continue to work in this genre (ReelViews, 2010, para 2). The primary focus on There’s Something about Mary is the plot. The plot in this film is what makes this comedy stand out from other comedy film. The plot in this film builds curiosity to an audience, drawing in much laughter throughout scenes. Without a good plot in this film, it would have been hard to define if this film was funny or not. The sequences of events in this plot are unique and hilarious, drawing much attention to this film. Overriding Purpose Exploring personal growth and change is the overriding purpose in the film the Riding Bull. Towards the end of the movie, Jake LaMotta reflects on his life as he is sitting in a jail cell, reflecting on the mistakes that he made with his wife, brother, and career. Initially in the film, Jake accuses his brother for a lot of his faults saying his brother should have given him some more slack, but reflecting on his life, he realizes his rage, jealousy, and crazy behavior to blame for his faults. Regarding the film There’s Something About Mary, the overriding purpose of this film is exploring interpersonal relationships. In this film, just about every male character in this film explores their relationship with Mary. Even after...
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...Look Like The Queen – The Construction of Identity in Jackie Kay's ”Not the Queen” and Liz Lochhead's Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off In this essay, I will analyze the way identities are constructed in Jackie Kay's ”Not the Queen” and Liz Lochhead's Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off. I will focus on the idea of identity as something that is performed and constructed, not as something essential that is ready in us from the moment of our birth. The idea of identity as a performance is a prevalent one in queer theory (see e.g. Butler 2006a), and the idea that identity is something constructed through, for example, social interaction, has been...
Words: 1988 - Pages: 8
...destroy others. I think this means when people know they did something wrong, there first instinct is to protect themselves. The examples that I would use are that Abigail destroyed Tituba, Mary Warren destroyed John Proctor, Betty destroyed the old man with the beard, and Abigail also destroyed Elizabeth Proctor. My examples will prove that these girls were selfish and that they would do anything to anyone just to save/protect themselves. Abigail Williams destroyed many people because she wanted to save herself. For example, she destroyed Tituba. She told her uncle and the expert on witch craft that it was all Tituba. She made Tituba say that she saw the devil and she spoke with him. She watched them beat her, when she really didn’t do anything wrong. All they really did was dance and they tried to say that but Abigail didn’t even want to tell them that because she didn’t want to get beat and she didn’t anything bad to happened to her. I think that this shows that she was very selfish. All she did was think about herself, she didn’t care about anyone else and anyone else’s feelings. I think this proves that people will save themselves if they are in danger, even if it means destroying others. Mary Warren was one of the girls that were also in the woods with Abigail along with many others. Mary Warren was the servant in the Proctor household. She also blamed someone to save herself. Mary told John Proctor what really happened in the woods that...
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...reveal their hidden feelings. Though Mary Maloney and Dora Spender’s attitudes toward their husbands seem similar, how they actually think of / feel about their husbands are quite different. Respecting first impressions of Mary and Dora, both of them are typical full-time housewives who think their bosses are their husbands. Firstly, neither of them complains about their husbands’ behaviors. In Lamb...
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...Something I find interesting about activism is that activists are frequently judged—and not always about their cause. One example of this is Mary Wollstonecraft, who lived a considerably different life compared to most people. Mary was born on April 27, 1759, in Spitalfields, London. Her father unsuccessfully spent way too much money in farming, as well as abusing her. Her mother died in 1780, and after that, Mary could no longer stand her life at home and left to live on her own. Her best friend Fanny joined her, and the two of them started a school together. Fanny, though, died in 1785, and after that, Mary became a governess for an Irish family by the name of Kingsborogh. She quickly learned that she didn’t like that job. In 1787, she wrote a pamphlet called, “Thoughts on the Education of Daughters.” Then, she translated radical...
Words: 653 - Pages: 3
...Strong female role models help shape better people. Juniors relationship with female characters helps him find his identity. Grandma Spirit gives Junior good advice throughout the first part of the novel. Mary Spirit teaches Junior he can be successful if he tries. Finally, Penelope has an impact on making Juniors life better. Juniors perspective changes after these role models give him advice. Grandma Spirit is Juniors source of advice and support. Grandma Spirit is wise and has gone through rough experiences, as well as Junior. Therefore Grandma Spirit is seen as a mentor in the Indian community thus, she gives Junior a strong foundation to build off of in life. In Junior’s first few weeks at Reardan, he experiences a lot of conflict...
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...“Mount Pleasant” By Mary Louise Buxton, 2005 Childhood is the time when you experience a lot of new things – you play, go out and see things, experience something new and just having a good time - do whatever you want, even though your parents doesn’t always approve to go out and play and get dirty with your friends. When you are a child, you have a great imagination and a big fantasy. Some children tend to live in a fantasy world, where everything is about having fun, get dirty and just having a good time. We read about all of this, in the short story “Mount Pleasant”, that is written in the year of 2005 by Mary-Louise Buxton. The story is told by a little girl called Elizabeth, who lives with her family in their new house, called Mount Pleasant. We read about how Elizabeth likes to get dirty and play outside like the boys, even though her mother hates this. Beside this, we also read about how she thinks and sees things in their new house – so the whole story is a bit childless. In the following analysis I will take a closer look on, the theme, the main person in the short story and the narrator technique. Like I said, the short story “Mount Pleasant” is told from Elizabeth’s perspective, so it is first person narrator. Through the story we read about everything from Elizabeth’s point of view and everything we know comes from her thoughts and what she is experiencing in the house and in her life. The language in the story is childish like I said before, because it’s told...
Words: 1077 - Pages: 5
...Singapore, in the airport, A darkness was ripped from my eyes. In the women’s restroom, one compartment stood open. A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl. Disgust argued in my stomach and I felt, in my pocket, for my ticket. A poem should always have birds in it. Kingfishers, say, with their bold eyes and gaudy wings. Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees. A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling. A person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem. When the woman turned I could not answer her face. Her beauty and her embarrassment struggled together, and neither could win. She smiled and I smiled. What kind of nonsense is this? Everybody needs a job. Yes, a person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem. But first we must watch her as she stares down at her labor, which is dull enough. She is washing the tops of the airport ashtrays, as big as hubcaps, with a blue rag. Her small hands turn the metal, scrubbing and rinsing. She does not work slowly, nor quickly, like a river. Her dark hair is like the wing of a bird. I don’t doubt for a moment that she loves her life. And I want her to rise up from the crust and the slop and fly down to the river. This probably won’t happen. But maybe it will. If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it? Of course, it isn’t. Neither do I mean anything miraculous, but only the light that can shine out of a life. I mean the way she unfolded...
Words: 627 - Pages: 3
...housework with mom, and everyone knows, housework with mom is torture. Anyways, it was way too nice outside to be stuck inside doing work. It must be in the 90's today. The cry that I was hearing grew louder and louder. The cries turned into sobs and I heard the words mommy and daddy. I then knew, somebody was in the barn. They couldn't have been much older than me by the sound of their voice. Yet I was still scared. This was very unusual. Not everyday do you hear cries coming from your barn. Instead of running to get daddy, I made Joey go in first He's six years old. A year younger than me. I'm a lot braver than him but today think I was a little chicken to find out who was in the barn. To our surprise, a girl to have looked to be about my age, wearing a dirty blue and white striped uniform. She didn"t have any shoes on, her hair was a mess. Dirt had stained her face and her face was as puffy as a balloon. I can tell she had been crying for days and days. She was a skeleton with skin and she had a tattoo running down her forearm. I knew who she was. I knew where she came from, and I knew where she belonged. She must have been no older than five years old . The right thing to do was tell my mom and day and have the authorities come take this little...
Words: 1922 - Pages: 8
...Essay Every action we do often has a deeper meaning. If we hit someone, it is most likely because we are mad at them. If we kiss someone, it is maybe an act of love, or just physical attraction. When children do something, it is noticed very by the world around, because it might say something about the development of their personality and who they will grow up to be. They act on their feelings, emotions and thoughts. On Pale Green Walls is a short story written by Clare Wigfall in 2007. The short story takes place around christmas time in an unknown city, where a little girl named violet lives with her family. I believe the main themes in this short story to be: love, hate, jealousy, acceptance, fascination and despair. We are through the text following the life of Violet and her first meeting and impression of one specific woman. “I remember the first time i saw her. […] She stood higher than the rest of us, surrounded be candles”. In this quotation Violets first meeting with the women is described, but also the fact that it is no ordinary woman. The little girl has gotten a fascination of the Virgin Mary. The first glance she laid on her was probably a statue standing in the city to celebrate christmas. She is after this moment upsets with the Virgin Mary, and notices her everywhere she goes. It is in the following quotation told, that the are pictures of the virgin many places that she’s been before, for example and described in the quote, in the grandmothers...
Words: 1045 - Pages: 5
...in the world, and would exhibit both a moral obligation and ability to stop it from happening. In turn, we are left to question whether God is at fault or if all the suffering in the world is deserved. A popular reply to this argument as well as the divine evil argument (God sends those who don’t believe in him to Hell, and is therefore an evil monster) is known as the mysterian reply. This response states that it is unclear why God allows unnecessary/ undeserved suffering or why he bans people to hell, but God is both mysterious and unpredictable. We can be comforted that whatever he does is morally good, even if we are unable to comprehend it. If one upholds the idea that the goodness of God is inconceivable, then one cannot be sure about any aspect of afterlife. If God’s goodness is incomprehensible to us, then it may be consistent with God’s goodness to send his followers to Hell, and those who disobey, to Heaven. If God’s goodness is worthy of sending people who don’t believe in him, to Hell, then God’s goodness goes against his promise. Furthermore, if God goes against one promise, how can believers trust that he won’t go against another?...
Words: 1121 - Pages: 5
...Mary Rowlandson was born in Somerset, England on an unknown date in the year most people believe to be 1635. She was the daughter of John and Joane White, and grew up as a wealthy, privileged and strict protestant. As a child, she and her family moved out of England and into the puritan colony of Salem, Massachusetts. In 1653 they moved to Lancaster, Massachusetts where she met Joseph Rowlandson. She and Joseph fell in love, got married in 1656 and had 4 children, Joseph Jr., Mary, Sarah, and another who unfortunately died at the age of 3. Mary would soon learn that Sarah sadly dies 9 days after they are taken captive. Rowlandson was an amazing women because was completely devoted to her religion, family, and community. She lived the normal life of a frontier...
Words: 963 - Pages: 4
...it introduces the reader to the story’s protagonists: Aunt Mary and ‘the boy’. At the beginning of the story, the author introduces the dying aunt Mary and her nephew she seems distant from. The author then creates a flashback that progressively explains the reason behind the boy’s and aunt’s cold relations. The reader also discovers how the central characters were not always on distant terms, but that they used to share a very close bond. After aunt Mary dies, the boy remembers moments of childhood he shared with aunt Mary, how he betrayed her trust and how aunt Mary never forgave him. Throughout the plot of the tale, the reader is brought in to the themes of loss and suffering. In the beginning of the story, Bernard MacLaverty introduces the reader to the death of aunt Mary. In this the author partially reveals a portion of aunt Mary’s character. “ She lost all the dignity he knew her to have“ This description is provided by aunt Mary’s nephew. ‘She lost’ symbolises loss and ‘dignity’ suggests aunt Mary’s dignified, natural grace she had before her death. This means that during her death, she lost something very important to her as her nature. She was exposed to the public ‘at her worst’ which proves aunt Mary’s suffering and loss of dignity she treasured. This arouses sympathy towards aunt Mary within me as I find it difficult to imagine the suffering she experiences after losing all she craved in life. Aunt Mary is a very proud person by nature. Her propriety...
Words: 1692 - Pages: 7
...female staff, a noob in a publishing company, who has worked in Amazon and studied in a university Jack: a male staff, having got two year working experience, who is with Tina in a same office Tina: (feel tried and open the door of her office) how are you going, Jack? Jack: (surf on the internet and type something) fine, thanks. You come so early every day. You work so hard. How big of you! Tina: (smile a little bit) really? I think I am a fresh man in the company. I would like to work hard and keep my job. Jack: good, I just remember that I also worked hard when I first went to this company. (He just wants to answer the phone) sorry, somebody is just ringing me. Tina: that is all right. Jack: (answer the phone) ok. I got it. (Speak to Tina and hang up the phone) Tina, the boss needs you to study and do the Amazon Optimization as soon as possible. Is that good? Tina: It should be ok, but I have some questions which I have to forge an amount of materials. They are included profits, Master’s Degrees, marriages, and children. I have to find some books and journals with keywords to search and make the fake resources which I never read before. They are not exist and nothing about qualifications. Jack :( feels uncomfortable) you don't seem to be quite yourself today. You should know it is like a rule in our company and the whole industry. Maybe you just came here in a short time and you must receive the current situation. Tina: as you know, it is illegal and different from...
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