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They Sold My Sister


Submitted By Plumpefiski
Words 480
Pages 2
They Sold My Sister
The story begins with a little girl watching her parents accept gifts from suitors at their house. The little girl, Naliki, knows that her parents are selling her sister Nyamalo. Naliki thinks the man who is going to marry her sister is very ugly and she is not happy about the idea of her sister being sold. The father tells his son to get Nyamalo from school so they can tell her, but he refuses because he also feels it is wrong. The father gets her and after the wedding Naliki has to live with the groom and the bride for two weeks. She could not go through with it as the husband is very aggressive. Nyamalo comes to terms with her marriage and understands that she just needs to learn to love her husband.
Two years later Naliki overhears a conversation with her father and a fat man and she is afraid. She knows that she also will be sold, but she will not let them take her. She will run.

Naliki is a little girl living with her parents somewhere in Africa. She is twelve years old when the story is told, in the beginning of the story she is 10 (P 13, Ll 1-2). She is very sneaky and curious, as she eavesdrops on a lot of conversations that she should not be hearing, by hiding behind a bag of maize (P 13, Ll 12-15). Naliki is quite rebellious against the old traditions of selling people. Her mother obviously came to terms with it, but Naliki would never go through with it, which is why she is determined to run away (P 17, L 16).
It is very hard for Naliki to make the decision to leave, because she loves her parents but she really hates them too and wants to kill them (P 16, Ll 9-10). She feels forsaken and does not know how her parents could sell her or her sister. This is when she discovers treason amongst the family. She feels alone after Nyamalo was sold, because after the wedding she did not have anyone else to

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