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Things Just Happen


Submitted By eriecua
Words 906
Pages 4
Is there any type of explanation to justify or explain the way this world is now? If there is, what are those explanations for it? I believe everyone agrees with the fact we live in a very corrupted world where evil has taken over and has no control at all. We say there is evil people in the world but is there such a thing as that or is there a force that triggers them to do evil? Let’s be honest with ourselves, have we ever stopped for a second and actually think about all these questions? My answer is no. I have always thought the world is the way it is because there is too much liberalism and we take advantage of that in a negative way instead of a positive one. These are the type of questions a philosophy student would encounter with. Before, I started talking to my friend about what philosophy is I warned her that it would probably make her question her faith and beliefs as in you will be shocked to hear them. Let’s just get this clear; philosophy should not be mistaken as an opinion, because philosophy simply is acquiring all the evidence needed to make a point and question our so called knowledge. Different people surround us with different views on anything in particular but we also shared beliefs, even though the way we practice it might be different. While conversing with my friend Jacky, when I asked her what she thought philosophy was she said “the study of the behavior of human beings” but isn’t that what psychology is? I told her that philosophy is formed by two words. Philo means love and sophy means knowledge, therefore it is to love knowledge. I agree with that simply because that is exactly what philosophy is, everything involves knowledge, why we think the way we do, how do we know what we know, finally questioning our own knowledge, that is if we have any. Philosophy brings out many questions about life, the world, religion, God, society, etc. One of the most controversial and interesting subjects in this area of study is God and evil. Jacky believes that even if God didn’t create evil (Lucifer) evil would still exist, just that we wouldn’t know certain actions are evil because we wouldn’t have the knowledge to differentiate good from bad. In addition, one problem of evil is the excess of knowledge. Another one is the very controversial question; why does evil exist in the world if God is benevolent, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent? How can a God of love with all these qualities allow evil to happen everyday? Keep in mind there is two type of evil, moral and physical evil. It is difficult to answer that question but Jacky thinks is because he gave us too much freedom to do whatever we please without worrying about the consequences of our actions. My mom on the other hand believes evil exist due to indiscipline and for not obeying the word of God. She says that God is and acts like a parent, if you are not obeying or listening to your parents then you will be punished until you learn the lesson but this doesn’t mean they don’t love you, they are only doing it for your own good. We can see here the famous saying “Everything happens for a reason” Leibniz’s solution to evil is simple; the principle of the best that we live in the best of all worlds and the principle of pre-established harmony that everything is already planned ahead of us therefore nothing cant be changed. Isn’t it crazy to think about that God is so sure choosing the earth was the best choice for us because…? He is omnipotent therefore he has the power to make everything happen. Scientifically, it is said Earth is the only planet with life because it has 75% water and the remaining earth but hold on, God could have gave water and earth to another planet such as Venus or Jupiter, so then why the Earth? Then we are really living in the best of the worlds because Earth is special for God chose it. Everything is already planned out, so that means God knows shit will happen and he is going to let it happen without doing anything to change it or make it better because he already planned it out and has a reason to justify that. Jacky was confused about this and said we would need to think deeper about this solution to evil because it just doesn’t make sense how God let bad things happen to good people. When we say “shit happens” we are using the principle of pre-established harmony. We are really saying that it happened for a reason and that the outcome will be seen later on in our lives as a positive, it will help us grow as a person and mature. For example, 11 years ago when I was supposed to travel to this country I couldn’t purchase a flight, I was mad because I really wanted to see my mom after years of not seeing her. Thankfully, I am glad i couldn’t travel at that time because 9/11 happened during that week. I see it this way, God was just saving me and my sister from a disaster and good things happen to those who patiently wait.

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