...Thinking and Decision-Making Thinking and making decisions are functions of human brain activity. People think every day about what time to set the alarm to what is on the supper table. A few parts of thinking take place and most people do not realize the process, which the brain goes through when making decisions. Critical thinking is a process, which people break down to find solutions to problems and issues. Normally, in the workplace, one will find that diverse thinking styles exist for complex situations more often than in daily life. Three styles of thinking in the discussion below are creative, persuasive, and logical thinking (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). Logical Thinking Thinking logically is a skill that the American workforce consistently uses to bring about an end to issues. Logical thinking comes from two forms of reasoning called deductive and inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning observes situations and forms conclusions but does not ensure certainty (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). Deductive reasoning accepts premises and settles on logical conclusions based on evidence from the premise (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). This reasoning takes place in the human mind because it is taught from the formal rules of logic, and is popular thinking among critical thinkers. According to the Journal of Healthcare Management, “Individuals can implement several strategies to improve their strategic thinking ability, including deliberately incorporating the requisite experiences...
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...head: THINKING AND DECISION MAKING PAPER Thinking and Decision Making Paper Ebonique Barber University of Phoenix Thinking and Decision Making Paper People use different thinking styles everyday to communicate, remember, and distinguish information to help with solving problems. “Critical thinking is the art of thinking about thinking while thinking in order to make thinker better” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p.1). Thinking is not a simple process as many people may think it is, there are several different thinking styles for every situation that an individual may come across in his or her daily activities. These different thinking styles are modified to different effects on a problem or issue. In addition this is another variable that should be taken into consideration. There are four types of critical thinking styles to be analyzed and these consist of creative, logical, emotional, and persuasive thinking. Creative thinking is when an individual view existing problems or situations with a new approach or technique (encourage individuals to think outside the box). Logical thinking is a structured way of thinking that give reasoning to reach conclusions. However, logical thinking involves deductive and inductive reasoning that give the ability to tell the differences in misleading notion. As for persuasive thinking, it engages getting an audience to believe, go along, and agree with what a person want or say. In addition, with the persuasive thinking style...
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...Thinking and Decision Making MGT/350 March 4, 2010 Thinking and Decision Making Thinking Styles Emotional Thinkers Emotions are a vital part of the decision making process and the human experience. Emotional thinkers begin with a thought that translates to their behavior. An emotional thinker reaction is in connection to their personal belief system of the environment or culture that they were raise in. Emotions and behavior are the two main characters of an emotional thinker,which drives thoughts. Emotional thinkers can have a positive effect on the decision making process. These thinkers can be compassionate toward others, which a logical thinker may only rely on facts. Whereas emotions can be used as a positive tool to how others how much a person cares, it can also have negative consequences. Emotions limit the ability to apply critical thinking toward the thinking process. Anger has ruined countless relationships, cause many fights, and motivates leaders into makingbad decisions. This happens when a person allows his or her emotions to impair their judgmentduring the thinking process; it limits their ability to think critically. Kirby and Goodpastor (2007) points out that no matter what the underlining factors, when a person display emotions with anger, it is important not to make decisions. Pessimistic Thinking Pessimistic thinking is negative thinking. A person who thinks pessimistically rarely has anything positive to say and is always looking...
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...Thinking and Decision Making Thinking incorporates an individual’s thoughts through a process of carefully evaluating decisions so that a conclusion can be determined. Decision-making additionally involves implementing the proper steps so that the individual will reach his or her goals by making the right choices. The purpose of this paper is to present various concepts of different thinking styles. The thinking styles that will be discussed are emotionally, logically, creative, realistic, optimistically, pessimistically, divergently, and scientific style. Additionally, the following will discuss how to compare and contrast the three different types of thinking and comment on how each affects the critical-thinking process. Finally, the following will provide critical thinking to the decision-making process by discussing workplace examples that highlight each of the three different types of thinking. Logically Style Logical thinking is a style in which an individual feels that everyone should be thinking the same way as they do. Thinking logically can be either inductive or deductive. “Deductive thinking is the kind of reasoning that begins with two or more premises and derives a conclusion that must follow from those premises, a conclusion that is in fact contained or hidden in those very premises” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 156). “Inductive reasoning usually begins with a set of evidence or observations about some members of a class, or about some events” (Kirby & Goodpaster...
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...Thinking & Decision Making Paper Tommie Carter, Theresa Gately, George Miladinovic and Sharon Romine MGT/350 December 17, 2012 Lisa Stewart Thinking & Decision Making Paper In everyday life, all individuals are thinking. To be a critical thinker, an individual must be in control of their thinking. Critical thinking is when an individual improves their mode of thinking by analyzing, assessing and reconstruction of their thoughts. It gives individuals the ability to build upon their knowledge, opinions, and ideas. Critical thinking lets individuals take information and make informed decisions without being influenced by their own opinions. It causes you to raise questions and problems, and then, solve them clearly and precisely. Critical thinkers research and re-evaluate their solutions to find the one that will be the best fit. There are many different types of thinking. Each type affects the process of critical thinking differently. This paper will discuss the thinking types of creative, inductive and emotional. It will also explore in depth the similarities and differences of these types of thinking and how each type affects the critical thinking process. Creative thinking is defined as taking the elements presented during a problem while planning, and utilizing them to the best of your ability. Creativity is bringing in something which did not exist before. Creative thinking is using your thoughts to change the way that someone else looks at something...
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...Thinking and Decision Making Persuasive Thinking Persuasive thinking relies on organizing for the desired outcome. After analyzing the audience (understanding the demographics) and identifying the motivating factor, the organization must 1) establish credibility, 2) acknowledge the receiver’s position, 3) establish rationale, 4) transfer root elements, and 5) ask for a response (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). In the supply chain industry, persuasion is used constantly by both the customer and the supplier. Customers are constantly seeking how they can source goods faster, with better quality, and at a cheaper rate; whereas suppliers attempt to persuade why more product, completed faster, and with better quality, costs more. From the customer perspective when sourcing material primarily from China, individuals negotiating must understand the market (audience) being dealt with as well as understanding the primary motivating factor which is cost. Cost drives volumes of material, speed of delivery, and quality of the product. The effective use of persuasion determines the successful outcome for either the customer or supplier to minimize costs and maximize profits. Understanding the demographics in which business is being done is essential in establishing credibility. Conducting business in China, known as a low cost country, organizations must understand and acknowledge the cost structure within the country. Appealing to the rational of production...
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...Persuasive thinking “presents powerful methods to move other minds” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. xv). Persuasive thinking the art of changing other people’s perceptions to agree with the ones held. Critical thinking, on the other hand, is the process of rationalizing one’s thought process with the purpose of self-improvement. In essence, critical thinking seeks no selfish objective; instead it promotes intellectual humility, autonomy, integrity, perseverance, courage, fair-mindedness (Paul & Elder, 2006, p. 54). However, when critical thinking is affected by persuasive thinking there is a different determination. In short, it becomes a two edged sword, a powerful weapon. Critical thinking requires the individual to recognize weaknesses and strengths to improve. Similarly, persuasive thinking requires the person to “know thyself” (Socrates) with the objective of moving others or recognize when a person is trying to influence a critical thinkers’ thoughts. Persuasive thinkers analyze themselves to learn about others. Persuasive critical thinkers learn about their bias, how to use likability, recognize motivations, and purposes (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 268) to reach other minds. To illustrate, persuasive thinkers identify their bias and learn to suppress it because it becomes obvious to others, who may not share the same preconception, resulting in audience loss. Moreover, persuasive thinkers use the concept of likability to portray an image others will accept with ease...
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...Running head: Thinking and Decision Making 1 Thinking and Decision Making Paper Learning Team B MGT/350 Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Donna Rumrill, Eboni High, Portia Mack, Wesley Wendtland February 12, 2012 Instructor Michelle Malone Thinking and Decision Making 2 Decisions will have to be made as people go through life. In some cases, our decisions are big and then there are some cases where our decisions are small. When making decisions, there is a process that a person goes through. There are different types of thinking styles and thought processes. The way someone feels, believes, attitude, and associate ideas can contribute to their thinking style. There are numerous thinking styles and methods of thinking which usually makes thought processes individualized to where people think and make decisions differently. This paper will discuss and analyze three different types of thinking styles. The thinking styles that will be discussed in this paper are the persuasive, scientific and the pessimistic thinking style. This paper will compare and contrast the three different styles and discuss how each affects the critical thinking process. This paper will also incorporate critical thinking to the decision making process by including the discussion on workplace examples that involve the three different types...
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...Critical Thinking and Decision-making “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action” (Sciven & Paul, 2004). Moreover, critical thinkers use decision-making models as a guide to identify an issue, cause and desired outcome. These models are major components of the critical thinking process, as it determines the effectiveness of the end result. This paper will discuss a career development issue using The University of Phoenix (UOP) decision-making model as a guide. This model is divided by three phases: (a) framing the problem, (b) making the decision, and (c) evaluating the decision. Critical Thinking “Critical thinking is that mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them” (Paul & Elder, 2001). To think critically, one must identify, analyze, dissect, evaluate, reconstruct information to make sound decisions and achieve the best results. In addition, decision-makers must also outline potential risks, losses and alternatives to improve the process or resolve any foreseeable issues. Lastly, they also test, implement and monitor the finalized...
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...Critical Thinking in Decision Making Debra Rodriguez MGT 350 August 6, 2012 Karen Allen Critical thinking is a mode of thinking where one improves his or her quality by applying intellectual skills to elements of decisions to make solid decisions to develop intellectual traits. It is important to enhance ones critical thinking skills to improve decision-making capabilties in life and create new opportunities. Critical thinking is the ability of evaluating and assessing thoughts with the aim of making them better by reasoning to discern their validity and truth. This is achieved by the use of critical thinking skills that include analyzing, reasoning, evaluating decision-making and problem-solving (Wood, 2002). Concerning how humans think, two main activities are involved and include: gathering information from the environment around us and drawing conclusions from the data collected. It is during drawing of conclusions that critical thinkers are separated from noncritical thinkers, as noncritical thinkers collect information from their surrounding and draw conclusions without logical evaluations of the same. On the other hand, critical thinkers collect information, evaluate it, draw conclusions using logic and evaluate the logical conclusion. Elements of reasoning seek to break down the problem at hand into articulate components used to find accurate solutions, which include assessment of clarity, accuracy, relevance, logicalness, breadth, precision, significance, fairness...
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...Thinking and Decision Making Paper Introduction In today’s world there are many different thinking styles and different ways of decision making. Thinking styles can be categorized into four groups which are scientific, persuasive, creative, and logical. Individuals use these types of thinking styles to make decisions in their professional life as well as personal. Many times the way people approach the different methods of thinking come from what they have learned when they were children. This comes from experiences in which they might have been involved or witnessed growing up. In this paper we will compare and contrast three of the four thinking styles, which will be Logic, persuasive and creative. By learning the different thinking styles people can become better at analyzing and decision making. Compare and contrast three types of thinking All three of these thinking styles have differences, similarities, and weaknesses. Creative thinkers use the left side of his or her brain, while logical thinkers developed data using the right side of his or her brain. People, by means of additional artistic mind-set as creative thinkers are said to think in on the side practices, and pay less notice to association than somebody who found decisions nearer to scientific techniques as logical thinkers that emphasis on developing information in a regulation method. Creative thinkers use perception, logic, and comprehending life surround him or her as said by dissimilar circumstances...
Words: 1266 - Pages: 6
...There are various types of thinking styles that help people try to make sense of why people make the decisions that they do in based on different situations. Three examples of thinking styles are emotional thinking, logical thinking, and optimistic thinking. All three of these thinking styles have differences, similarities, and weaknesses. An emotional thinker has four types of abilities. First ability: perceiving with this ability they can detect and read emotions on faces, pictures and voices. Second ability: using emotions with this ability they can change their moods to best fit the situation. Third ability: understanding emotions with this ability they can comprehend emotional language and understand complicated situations among emotions. The final ability is managing emotions, with this ability they can regulate emotions regardless of the mood of the other person and get to the solution. A logical thinker is one that thinks coherently and logical or reasoning. Unlike the emotional thinker, the logical thinker uses their mind rather using their emotions. This is considered to be a cognitive skill and is abstract thinkers. The logical thinker always thinks things through and needs reasoning to get to the solution. They make judgments by circumstantial evidence and conclusions rather on direct observations. An optimistic thinker is one who turns negative thoughts into positive ones. They are always incorporating happiness...
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...I think there have been many times in my life where I have used the principles of critical thinking in making sexual decisions ( and many when I have let attraction and emotions guide my decision making).It has always been much harder to put critical thinking into practice when I let my emotions get in the way. However I believe that the basic principles of critical thinking apply in most situations you need to ask yourself the questions that apply to that particular situation. I believe that the time when principles of critical thinking were most important in my decision to have sex, were when my ex husband and I were near the end of our relationship and he said he wanted to have another child, in the attempt to save our relationship. I had to ask my self questions like: How would this decision affect those around us (our children, parents ect..)? How would having sex with the intent of having a child make me feel about myself? How would it affect me physically and emotionally? Am I considering it because I want to or because he is pressuring me? Would it improve our relationship or make it worse? I think that the only requirement for using critical thinking is to ask yourself why you are considering a particular course of action. Ask questions that will give you the information (incoming and what you already know), to determine your actions. Critical thinking enables me to ask the right questions so that I might arrive at the correct answers, which in turn becomes...
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...Strategies For Decision Making: Definition Of Critical Thinking Definitions Conceptualizing- If you have an idea for something, or if you understand something fully, you conceptualize it. Analyzing-Is to study or examine something carefully in a methodical way. Synthesizing- The combining of two or more things to create something more complex. Definitions in My Own Words Critical Thinking- When an individual can analyze a situation or problem gathers all information and makes an informed decision. Conceptualizing- Thinking of an idea or concept. Analyzing-To thoroughly look over something. Synthesizing- When more than one idea is combined When I applied this type of thinking in my own life Conceptualizing- I fully understand the process for the issuance radio equipment to the Afghanistan government. In order for the Afghanistan military and police units to receive radio equipment they must, first submit a formal request to the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior (MOI), if approved the MOI sends request to the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior (MOI) Logistics Officer, who review to see if he have requested equipment on hand. If equipment is on hand at his/her level they will issue equipment to the requesting unit. If, equipment is not on hand the MOI Logistics Officer will forward request to the U.S Military at Resolute Support Headquarters, who will review request and either approve or...
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...CO 210 Group Assignment CH 10: Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Sequence Decision-Making Steps 1. Felt Difficulty—initial orientation to the topic (generate relevant evidence) a. Status Quo: concisely describe the current situation—facts, stated opinions, etc., reflecting the significant differing points of view. “Every day, almost 3,900 adolescents under 18 years of age try their first cigarette. More than 950 of them will become daily smokers.” (Reference: dosomething.org) b. Desired Condition/s: Side #1: reduce/suppress the percentage of underage smokers Side #2: minimize the presence of 2nd hand smoke Side #3: minimize the pollution of cigarettes c. Barrier/s: Side #1: media and other influences presenting cigarette smoking as cool Side #2: ignorance (lack of knowledge) and protests by cigarette smokers Side #3: ignorance, laziness, and poor enforcement of the law/regulation 2. Problem outcome definitions (to be discovered/defined in completing the following steps) a. Identity of the problem outcome(s), the existing and/or expected harm(s) – harmful effects. Be specific and concise. (1) Is: Cigarette smoking is harmful to the environment, as well as the body, especially a body still in development (2) Is not: Cigarette smoking affects your personal image. (3) Distinctive: Majority of the time cigarette smoking is unknowingly influenced rather than intentionally influenced or forced. b....
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