...Terms Comparison Paper Raven Childers HCS/552 February 27, 2012 James Brown Terms Comparison Paper Economics is basically the management of an administration. The focus of economics is to determine the primary behavior of supply and demand. In health care the demand is made through technology, cures, and needs. Although the supplies are available to the consumers not all consumers receive the same amount or type of supplies. That depends upon the economic status and if he or she can afford the supply or service. In health care demands develop because of economic growth, knowledge, social factors, and inexpensive public health care. With insurance and government programs health care becomes available to people no matter what socioeconomic differences. Still economic factors do persist with socioeconomic differences even with government programs. According to Getzen (20074) economics is the trade, or “making a buck” in the marketplace where buyers and sellers exchange dollars for goods and services. Economics is the study of the forces between supply and demand and the impact they have on allocation of scarce resources. Demand is the wants or needs of a product by a buyer and what he or she is buying at a specific price. Supply is the amount of a product for sale for a specific price. Then variability...
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...purpose of this researcher paper to compare health care systems in three highly advanced developed countries: The United States of America, Canada and Germany. The first part of this research paper will focus on the portrayal of health care systems in the above-mentioned countries, while the second part will examine, evaluated and compare the three systems. Finally, a synopsis of recent changes and proposed future reforms in theses countries will be provided as well. The U.S. Health Care System in Perspective According to (The World Bank Group, 2012), the United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. The U.S. health care delivery system is complex and massive. It is ran by the government and financed through general taxes. 49.9 million Americans were uninsured in 2010 and 256.2 million were insured (Stark, 2012). The U.S. health care delivery is divided into many sub systems: Managed Care, Military, Vulnerable Populations and Integrated Delivery. Managed Care seeks to achieve efficiency by integrating the basic functions of healthcare delivery. It is the most leading health care delivery system in the United States and is available to most Americans. Employers and government are the primary financiers of managed care. The Military medical care system is available free of charge to active duty military personnel of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Costal Guard. Certain uniformed nonmilitary services such as the Public Health Services and the National Oceanographic...
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...Dr. David Tataw Healthcare Economics February 2, 2015 The economics of health care field studies demand and supply of health care resources, that is, allocation of the resources, within a given health care system. The health care system is defined as “the organizational arrangements and processes through which a society makes choices concerning the production, consumption, and distribution of health care services.”6 Because health care resources are limited, each society has to make decisions in terms of the distribution, consumption, and production of these services. A key factor that shapes the delivery of health care in any health care system is the evolving system for financing and reimbursement for health care services. The types of services delivered and the organizational approaches to delivering services are heavily influenced by how health care is paid for. In this paper I will discuss some values of healthcare professionals understand the discipline of health economics, the importance of considering the complex nature of health and healthcare when examining the economic principles, and the main potential benefits of learning about health economics. In the health care market, patients or consumers, health care providers or producers, and third-party payers are three major players. According to the principles of economic theory, consumers or patients on the demand side seek to maximize their utility or satisfaction, which is largely determined by...
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...Running head: Future trends in Health Care Future trends in Health Care HCS 533 April 23, 2012 Robert Ropnow PH.D. The findings of a review of trends in health care delivery that are associated with innovations in electronic communications are topic of discussion in this paper. The review focuses on four specific issues. The first issue concerned the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information. The second issue centered on the impact of distance-delivery on the effectiveness of health care. The third issue involved a determination of the effects that the use of electronic communications have on health care delivery today. The fourth issue required a projection of the likely affects that the continued use of electronic communications will have on health care delivery. These interrelated issues are addressed in separate discussions in this paper. The Ways in which Electronic Communications May Be Applied Effectively as an External Delivery Mechanism in the Communication of Patient-Specific Information When considering the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information, it is useful to first (a) identify the parties who will likely be involved...
Words: 1776 - Pages: 8
...Future Trends in Health Care Sukhwinder Kaur HCS/533 November 19, 2012 Sheryl-Anne Murray Introduction The findings of a review of trends in health care delivery that are associated with innovations in electronic communications are topic of discussion in this paper. The review focuses on four specific issues. The first issue concerned the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information. The second issue centered on the impact of distance-delivery on the effectiveness of health care. The third issue involved a determination of the effects that the use of electronic communications have on health care delivery today. The fourth issue required a projection of the likely affects that the continued use of electronic communications will have on health care delivery. These interrelated issues are addressed in separate discussions in this paper. Electronic Communications as an External Delivery Mechanism When considering the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information, it is useful to first (a) identify the parties who will likely be involved in such interchanges and to (b) determine the types of information most likely to be exchanged. Further, depending upon of types of information likely to be exchanged it is also useful to consider how and in what form such information...
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...The financial structures of health care entities non-profit, for-profit and government are different with funding, ownership, and type of services rendered. Financial managers, financial markets, and investors are the essential components that make up the financial world within a healthcare organization. Financial managers basically rely on investors to supply money through the financial markets when determining whether to use debt or use equity financing. To understand the full benefit of the financial resources, it is important to understand the overall financial structure. In other words how it is set up. In this paper, I will try to compare the financial environment of for-profit Pruitt Health Clinic, not-for-profit Phoebe Memorial Hospital, and VA Clinics. (to the best of my ability) In the health care sector entities regardless of their status (for-profit, not-for-profit, or government owned) should have the same common goal of providing quality healthcare to the residents of its community. Health care organizations are very different compared to other business when it comes to finances. The financial structure is described as the way funds are financed and the balance sheet shows what the organization looks like at a particular point in time. For example Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital will compare fiscal year to another fiscal year to decide what needs to stay, go or be “tweaked”. Some organizations have a method to reading the spread sheet as well. PPMH for...
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...Gwendolyn Smith MGMT 520 Prof Carr May 22,, 2015 MGMT 520: Week two Homework 1. State the administrative agency that that controls the regulation? The agency that controls SAMHSA is the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. Congress established Samhsa in 1992 to make substance abuse and mental health information, services and research more accessible. Briefly explain why this agency and the proposed regulation change interest you? I chose The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration also known as SAMHA because I have worked in the field of substance abuse for over 20 years. The regulation I have chosen is the Affordable health Care Act 2010 has a direct effect on the clients that I serve. This regulation has and will continue to affect my clients and the business that I am in and the agency I work for. The affordable health care caused our agency to become third party insurance providers to be able to continue services for the majority of our clients and to remain marketable in a system of continual change. 2. Describe the proposal or change? http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/timeline/timeline-text.htm * Making Care More Affordable. Tax credits to make it easier for the middle class to afford insurance will become available for people with income between 100% and 400% of the poverty line who are not eligible for other affordable coverage. (In 2010, 400% of the poverty line comes out to about $43,000 for an individual or $88,000 for a family...
Words: 2534 - Pages: 11
...Health Care This paper is an overview of the present healthcare system in United States as well as a presentation of a new, future healthcare system that differs substantially from what we have today. For many years, politicians and insurance companies proclaimed that US had the best healthcare system in the world, but as its major shortcomings become more visible, Americans are finding it harder to accept this assertion. There is growing recognition that the growing problems of rising costs and lack of access constitute a real crisis. The total spending on health care in 2007 was $2.3 Trillion or $7,600 per person. As shown in figure 1 this represents over 16% of gross domestic product and is expected to increase at similar levels for the next decade reaching $4.2 trillion or 20% of GDP in 2016 (Poisal, 2007). Health care spending is 4.3 times the amount spent on national defense (CHCF, 2005). Employers are also struggling with record health care costs-which have climbed at several times the rate of inflation and wages for the past decade. The annual cost of an average family health plan rose to $12,680 this year, more than double the $5,791 it cost in 1999, according to the Kaiser survey . Workers' annual contributions to those premiums have also more than doubled, to $3,354 in 2008 from $1,543 in 1999 (Claxton et al., 2008). The rise in health insurance gravely endangers U.S competitiveness. For example, General Motors spends about $1600 per car on health care- there...
Words: 867 - Pages: 4
...patients are expecting a certain level of high-quality care due to the vast amount of information available to them. Patients are now armed with knowledge; they are true consumers who look for the best quality care for the very best price. This paper will discuss the different forms of competition that takes place in health care, evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of competition while suggesting alternatives given competition were not the prime driver of operations in the healthcare industry, explain the essence of successful competition and the use of competitive intelligence and describe the influence competition has on the services offered by health care organizations and the choices patients have. Competition drives businesses to work at their full potential and forces them to constantly evaluate their business strategy and make changes when necessary. Competition also has the ability to force health care organizations to compete for business by lowering their costs of services provided; this competition takes place among hospitals, physicians and health plans. “Physicians may compete for patients who are able to pay for services and do not have health insurance, or for patients who have their expenditures paid for by third-party insurers. Physicians also compete on a non-price basis for location, colleagues’ referrals, and reputation (Rivers & Glover, 2008, pp.633).” It is...
Words: 1662 - Pages: 7
...Crossroads: The Development of Health Insurance in Canada and the United States, 1940-1965 Author(s): Antonia Maioni Source: Comparative Politics, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Jul., 1997), pp. 411-431 Published by: Ph.D. Program in Political Science of the City University of New York Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/422012 . Accessed: 12/10/2013 14:05 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Ph.D. Program in Political Science of the City University of New York is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Comparative Politics. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sat, 12 Oct 2013 14:05:01 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Parting at the Crossroads The Development of Health Insurance in Canada and the United States, 1940-1965 AntoniaMaioni Frequentlyraised in recent discussions abouthealth care reformin the United States has been the model of the Canadianhealth insurancesystem.' While debates about health insurance often turn into polemical...
Words: 9505 - Pages: 39
...Revision: June 2005 Responsible Executive: Vice-President, Academic and Provost Vice-President, Learning & Research (UBC Okanagan) Vice-President, Administration and Finance Title: Travel and Related Expenses Background & Purposes: Travel is a necessary component in the gathering and dissemination of information and knowledge. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate travel in support of the University’s mission while maintaining controls for accountability. 1. General 1.1. This policy applies to travel expenses paid from all University administered funds, including those from grants and contracts. The University will reimburse the cost of authorized travel expenses incurred by members of faculty and staff and, in special cases, students or other persons, provided that: 1.2.1. the traveller was travelling on University business, or in support of the University’s mission; and 1.2.2. the traveller had advance authority to incur travel expenses (for example, through recognition of travel in a grant budget); and 1.2.3. the expenses are reasonable, appropriately documented, and comply with University policies and procedures, or the policies and procedures of a granting agency or funding contract; and 1.2.4. the expenses are approved for reimbursement by at least one administrative level higher than the person claiming reimbursement. 1.3. Travel supported by research grants or contracts must comply with University policies and procedures unless specifically indicated otherwise...
Words: 4782 - Pages: 20
...Outline In deciding to become a Medical Administrative Specialist, a person should research the job description, the requirements to become one, and the job outlook for the future. 1. Job Description A. physician practices; large healthcare and allied health organizations such as clinics, hospitals, and foundations; insurance companies; medical publishers; research organizations; and medical product manufacturers 2. Requirements A. Education 1. Associates Degree 2. Total of 68 credits B. Training 1. Internships 2. On-the-job 3. Job Outlook A. Various fields 1. Medical Transcriptionist 2. Insurance Billing B. Expected growth Medical Administrative Specialist In today’s job market of limited opportunities, it is necessary to choose a career path wisely. One sector of the economy with high growth prospects is the medical field. As such, a career in Medical Administration would appear to be a promising choice. However, there are many important aspects that must be taken into account before choosing to follow this career path. These aspects include salary, the large number of available jobs, and the job outlook for the future. When choosing a career, salary isn’t always the first thing to look at, but of course, should be considered. The pay varies greatly in the Healthcare Administration category, since there is a wide range of jobs. An entry-level professional who possesses an Associate’s in Healthcare Administration...
Words: 666 - Pages: 3
...Trends in Health Care Charles addresses trends of health care delivery and innovations in electronic communications throughout this paper. The review completed by Charles Griggs explores four specific areas of interest. The first concern determines ways to improve electronic communication of patient information effectively as an external delivery method to health care providers, patients, and insurance payors. The second issue addresses distant delivery of health care information, and the third issue analyzes the effect that electronic communications have on the delivery of health care. The fourth issue determines a projection of the benefits that electronic delivery of health care information bears on future trends in health care. Applying Electronic Communications to Patient Information In considering the appropriate method of transmitting electronic patient information through electronic delivery methods organizations must determine: a. The parties involved in the interchange of patient information. b. The type of information appropriate for electronic transmission communication. Furthermore, in determining the type of information requested for transmission organizations must know the purpose of submitting patient information electronically. Organizations that transmit electronic records have the right to know the intent, and the legal steps that the requesting organization takes to protects/disposes of records at the end of the record lifecycle. Third party-requestors...
Words: 1885 - Pages: 8
...Health Care Information Systems Terms Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook. After you have defined each term in your own words, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Utilize a minimum of two research sources to support your claims—one from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines. Term | Definition | How Used in Healthcare | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) | HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a US law designed to provide privacy standards to protect patients' medical records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. | HIPAA should be used in all health care settings because it protects patients and deals with privacy rights. The new standards provide patients with access to their medical records and more control over how their personal health information is used and disclosed. So if someone other than the patient’s calls into a medical facility trying to get information about the patients care, the clerk is not allowed to give the person any information unless instructed by the patient that the person is permitted to have the information. | Electronic medical record | Electronic medical record also know as EMR is is...
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...The biggest asset we can have in life is health. Health care is one of the most important components in life. Disease or illness can really mean a downturn in life. As society’s standard of living improves, so does our daily diet. Have you ever caught yourself calculating calories whenever you go through a menu? It is difficult to maintain a healthy diet when we have so many temptations. Mark Twain says it best: “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.” Health care is normally defined as the management or treatment of any health problem through the services that might be offered by medical, nursing, dental or any other related service. Healthcare includes all goods and services that are produced to improve health. A system of health care is one that is organized to give health services to a population or a group of people. Health care can be for an individual or for a large group of people depending on how the systems are organized. However, there are many disparities and not able to deal with demand of health. Governments have the responsibility to create or formulate policies that will favor people in this regard. Good systems of health can be erected by the top most leadership of a state. As a nation progresses, society as a whole would improves their lifestyle and seek better heath care. This is the reason why we chose to write our final project paper on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal...
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