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This Is Absolutely No


Submitted By Jaredg
Words 2514
Pages 11
Theories of Personalities | Conscious | Unconscious | Biological | Social Influences | Similarities | Uniqueness | Freud: Psychoanalysis | Even though we are aware of our daily actions, we are still motivated with the actions of our unconscious and still be guided with the dream analysis. | He believed that everything from slips of the tongue to religious experiences is the result of a deep-rooted desire to satisfy sexual or aggressive desire and drives. | As Physician, he viewed the human personality from the heredity concept as he trained medical outputs. He believed that infantile fantasies and anxieties are also rooted in biology. | Even if he frequently speculated about the consequences of prehistoric social units of life and about the consequences of an individual’s early social experience. | Humanity’s evolutionary past gives to a great many similarities among people and individual. | Individual experiences also, especially those of early childhood, shaped people in a somewhat unique manner and account for many of the differences among personalities. | Adler: Individual Psychology | Adler explains that those thoughts are understood and regarded by the individual as helpful in striving for success. | He explained that it is a part of the goal in which is neither clearly formulated nor completely understood by the individual and he added that unconscious thoughts are those that are not helpful. | He regarded Self-centeredness with biological aspects as pathological health as standard of psychological maturity. | People’s creative power is capable of transforming feeling of inadequacy into either social interest or into the self-centered goal of personal superiority. | Due by creative power, everyone are free to choose their own life and control it. They are similar with the career they choose to be with. | Adler believes the different style of life in which

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