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This Is What I Can Write About


Submitted By tiff6191980
Words 340
Pages 2
Tiffany Campbell

The good things I had with writing are at times I don’t know what I write about. At times I just go and see what’s on my mind for the day or that minute. I try to keep up with the flow of things when I write but my mind goes other places here on paper and in my mind. I have a lot on my mind at times between my kids and just life in general. When there are a few things I can talk about but I few things that I choose not to talk about at the same time.
The bad experience that I have had with writing is when I was younger I use to put a lot of things down on paper as far as a diary of some sort. But a few things that I would write in there would not be right for my young mind at the time. Well to make a long story short my grandmother found my notes and I got in trouble real bad for writing what I thought about people and the opposite sex. So I thought to myself stop writing about what I thought and just kept it all in my head then and even now. So people wouldn’t find out what I’m thinking about. More than likely if a person could read my thoughts I would have a lot of people hating me and wanting to fight because I think of good and bad things all the time.
The people that have been beneficial to my writing is probably just myself in general I have learned a lot about myself through these years. But then I find myself if I’m alone I think a lot and it’s not a good thing to a person if I’m in a relationship. I tend to think to myself a lot and at times it’s a good thing because I would smile to myself about the good times but then I would be mad about other

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