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My Writing Diary Analysis

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In this writing diary, I started on the first day handwriting the entry because of previous knowledge, I write more when I handwrite creative writing papers than typing it. When I’m on the computer or my laptop, I can easily get distracted. I knew from past experiences that if it was a long essay or report then I should type it, but if it’s not then it needs to be handwritten. But for some reason, during this activity, it didn’t matter if I wrote my story or if I typed it. Neither choice seemed like it worked better than the other. It was equal. I found out some other interesting things while doing this assignment, especially new things that I will apply to when I write in the future. I write better in the afternoon, than I do at night or …show more content…
I wrote in my room, the underground part of the Schine Student Center, Bird Library, and Ernie Davis Dining Hall. I learned that, for me, it does not matter where I write as long as it’s a calm and quiet space and that it isn’t my room. In the Ernie Davis Dining Hall, I was writing about my dream, but it was hard for me to focus because it was extremely loud in there. People were eating with their friends while telling them about their day. I couldn’t pay attention to what I wanted to say because of the noise. I ended up leaving the Ernie Davis Dining Hall and going to the Bird Library to finish my story. I wrote in the Bird Library on the third day, and it went well, it was nice and quiet and I was able to focus and write what I needed to write. The underground part of the Schine Student Center was also a nice space to write in since it was also quiet and there were just a few people in there. But when I write in my room, although it is also quiet, I stop writing to do something else. I’ll try to do anything but write when I’m in my dorm because I can see there is other things to do and then I don’t feel like writing anymore. So if I’m anywhere that is not my room and it is quiet, than I’ll be able to write. I also found that I can write when it’s silent or if I’m listening to Haitian music. I tried to listen to rap music but, it didn’t

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