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Thomas Hobbes Research Paper

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Thomas Hobbes's political thinking and worldview are surprisingly original and still remarkable in contemporary politics. Their main concern is the problem of social and political order how human beings can live together in peace and avoid danger and fear of civil conflict. Hobbes has a negative anthropological view of man. He thinks that man in his state of nature is governed simply by the desire to fulfill his desires, man has a right to everything that is reserved, his inclination to his own desires never culminates because they follow one another. For him ethics does not exist, the reason is only a means to get the maximum benefits possible, to calculate advantages and/or disadvantages. The only end of man is self-preservation, he flees from what threatens him, the man comes into the world to survive and to satisfy what is needed for this conservation. …show more content…
As I just said hobbies has a negative perspective of the man. applies in this moment, how in the Mexico government point of view money and power are more important than the life of the citizen's lives. Hobbes's moral thinking is difficult to separate from his politics. In Hobbes's opinion, what we must do depends largely on the situation in which we find ourselves. Where political authority is lacking as in its famous natural condition our fundamental right seems to be to save our skins by whatever means we think fit. Where political authority exists, our duty seems rather simple which is “to obey those in

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