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Thomas Moore Research Paper

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Throughout Thomas Moore’s Utopia, the description consists of nothing less than perfection. The word “Utopia” was originally used by Sir Thomas Moore in his book Utopia to describe a perfect place. Compared to modern society, the Utopians culture and customs were certainly strange to read about but also interesting. Most of, if not all of their means of living were different compared to the way we live now. Although written in a completely different time period, some of their actions would be considered peculiar even in Sir Thomas Moore’s time.
Firstly, the major custom which would catch the reader’s eye is certainly concerning their usage of gold. Throughout history, gold has always been something that people have seen as valuable and have cherished it. It has been used as a means for trade, decoration, and among other things. Although in reality gold has always been valued, the Utopians did not seem to care …show more content…
The laws of Utopia are made clear, a woman is not able to marry until she has reached the age of 18; likewise, a man is not able to marry until he has reached the age of 22. It is seen as of great importance in Utopia when it comes to choosing a mate as divorce is not permitted in Utopia unless the circumstances allow in cases of adultery. The custom which was most strange was when before giving the final consent of marriage, both the groom and the bride were displayed naked to one another accompanied by a matron. This custom was to inform the other of what to expect while preparing for marriage. The Utopians labeled it as strange concerning how the rest of the world did not follow such traditions. They thought the mates should know what to expect, their reasoning was given by an analogy concerning a horse. They said, “no one would buy a horse which was covered by a blanket so that only the head and hoofs were

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