...Carroll). In Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing, Jerry shows us that some risks are worth taking. Jerry displays that even if the risk is life threatening that we must try. Some risks are worth taking while others are not, however, we take both kinds of risks. Sometimes we mistake what we want to do with what others want us to do, and take risks that are unnecessary. Jerry and his mother are on vacation near a beach. Each day Jerry and his Mom walk to the beach and spend the day there. Usually Jerry explores by his Mom, but one day Jerry decides he wants to play by some rocks. Jerry meets some boys and they play happily, diving into the water. When the other boys dove into the water and...
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...deep water. SPLASH! “Through the Tunnel,” written by Doris Lessing, starts off at the beach during a boy and his moms vacation. An English boy named Jerry explores the beach and feels lonesome with no one to play with. As his mother debates how to treat him; Jerry wonders off to another beach to meet some older boys who he does not know. They speak different languages, but welcome Jerry anyway. After the biggest boy dives off the promontory, and does not surface Jerry gets timid. He starts yelling warning to the other boys that one has not come up. They brush him off and the rest dive in. After Jerry’s warning they decide to leave him behind and head to another beach. Jerry notices that there is a hole in the rock he has been diving off of and tries to swim in it. He can’t hold his breath and mysterious creatures start to brush against him. He quickly swims out of the tunnel to surface, and pants. He becomes determined and practices everyday holding his breath and going farther into the tunnel. One day after hours of practice...
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...As kids grow up they desire to do things that older kids their age could do, in order to show that they are also capable of accomplishing it as well. In the short story, “Through the Tunnel,” by Doris Lessing, she describes an English boy, Jerry, an 11 year old boy who wants his freedom from his single mother to become an adult like the French boys at the beach. Through the characterization of Jerry, Lessing shows that even though you can accomplish and proved that you are like others, at the end it just about accepting yourself. Through the story the characterization of Jerry and his mother change. In the beginning Lessing portrays Jerry’s mother, as a single mother who would rather want her son to be by her side but doesn’t want to be possessive as Lessing mentions in paragraph five. Though Lessing also mentions how Jerry and his mother are both starting to slowing see how they detaching from each but still care for one another, “… he almost ran after her again, feeling unbearable that she should go… She was thinking, of course he’s old enough to be safe without me.” The exposition shows that even though they both would want things to change but eventually it will happen....
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...what they want. In “Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing Jerry didn’t have this problem. As an eleven year old boy, Jerry makes incredible breakthroughs in his life by distancing himself from his mother, gaining more confidence in his self, and conquering the tunnel. Jerry distanced himself from his mother while they were on vacation in France. When they went down to the beach his mother said, “Are you tired of the usual beach, Jerry?” (Pg.278)He may not have said no, but he was. After he said no, he told her, “I’d like to go and have a look at those rocks down there.” (Pg.278)His mother approved and he went to go swim down at the rocks, while his mother went to the usual beach. He distanced himself by leaving the usual beach and the comfort of his mother. When Jerry was diving with the other boys he realized that they could stay underwater for a long time. While they were diving down and going through the tunnel Jerry tried it. He didn’t find the tunnel and didn’t stay under as long as the other boys. “After a long time, the boy came up…” (Pg.297) The second day he went to the beach and started teaching himself to control his breathing. When he came back up out of the water his nose was bleeding and he was fairly dizzy. However, he went back the next day and exercised his lungs once again. He built confidence in himself, and started to believe that he too could find the tunnel and swim through it. Jerry is going to try and make it through the tunnel. Before he went into...
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...Jamie Allred Paper 3 English 203-A Water to Diamonds Physical pain is often the result of a great triumph. Many athletes thrive under physical pain. However, there is also a fair amount of people who flee pain and thrive when encouraged and loved. In the following two stories, there are both types of people portrayed by the same type of imagery. Understanding the imagery in Ellen Gilchrist’s “Traveler” helps readers to better understand Doris Lessing’s piece “Through The Tunnel”, because once readers come to understand how the use of touch and feel of her own physical body in “Traveler” actually portrays how LeLe views and grows into accepting herself, they can understand the beating and bruises that Jerry takes in “Through The Tunnel” represents the same thing. As LeLe feels physically skinnier, lighter and prettier, her self-image grows more positive, however Jerry’s self-image grows more positive as he experiences increasing physical pain and challenges. Through the summer or week and shown by their physical body, both LeLe and Jerry go from insecure to confident. “Traveler” starts out with LeLe actually feeling very uncomfortable physically. She “was sweating heavily in a pink linen suit, and [her] straw hat was making [her] head itch… [her] linen dress was helplessly wrinkled… and teeth were worn out from being brushed.” (Gilchrist, 573). She was trying to put her best foot forward in pink suit and straw hat, but her sweat and overly brushed teeth reveals her nervousness...
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...Wind tunnel A wind tunnel is a tool used in aerodynamic research to study the effects of air moving past solid objects. A wind tunnel consists of a closed tubular passage with the object under test mounted in the middle. A powerful fan system moves air past the object; the fan must have straightening vanes to smooth the airflow. The test object is instrumented with a sensitive balance to measure the forces generated by airflow; or, the airflow may have smoke or other substances injected to make the flow lines around the object visible. Full-scale aircraft or vehicles are sometimes tested in large wind tunnels, but these facilities are expensive to operate and some of their functions have been taken over by computer modelling. In addition to vehicles, wind tunnels are used to study the airflow around large structures such as bridges or office buildings. The earliest enclosed wind tunnels were invented in 1871; large wind tunnels were built during the Second World War. Contents • 1 Theory of operation • 2 Measurement of aerodynamic forces • 3 History o 3.1 Origins o 3.2 World War Two o 3.3 Post World War Two • 4 How it works o 4.1 Pressure measurements o 4.2 Force and moment measurements • 5 Flow visualization o 5.1 Qualitative methods • 6 Classification o 6.1 Aeronautical wind tunnels 6.1.1 High Reynolds number tunnels 6.1.2 V/STOL tunnels 6.1.3 Spin tunnels o 6.2 Automobile tunnels o 6.3 Aeroacoustic tunnels • 7 List of wind tunnels o 7.1 Aquadynamic...
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...Carpal Tunnel Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common injury among people who work with their hands a lot. Jobs and hobbies such as a heavy duty mechanic and sewing will often lead to this injury and have people asking why does this happen. This injury can prevent the play of many of our favourite sports and can cause pain up through the arm that it affects. Carpal Tunnel can affect a person’s feel which is extremely crucial in sports such as golf, tennis, billiards, and many more. However there are treatments that can be made to combat Carpal Tunnel. These treatments are not absolute guarantees as there have been complications following Carpal Tunnel treatment. Carpal Tunnel is a sport’s injury that can take effect in almost anyone and the signs symptoms and treatments should be known to each person. Carpal Tunnel is defined by the Electronic Text Book of Hand Surgeries (n.d.) as “the effect of pressure on the median nerve, one of the main nerves of the hand. It can result in a variety of problems, including pain, tingling, numbness, swelling, weakness or clumsiness of the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers.” Carpal Tunnel is contracted most commonly through typical daily activities that we do as hobbies, in our work, or just normal everyday life. Pub-Med Health describes these activities as all being possible contributors to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; driving, sewing, assembly work, painting, writing, use of tools, some sports such as racquetball and handball, and playing a...
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...~~~Concept of Wind-tunnel~~~ Wind tunnels date back to the 1870’s. Scientists realized it didn’t matter if an object was stationary and air was blown was over the object or if the object was moving through the air. The resultant forces over the object would be the same. The idea of blowing air over an object and determining the forces lead to the invention of wind tunnel. As the name suggests, a wind-tunnel is a cylindrical tunnel in which air is blown from one side by a huge fan at high speeds. The middle part of the tunnel is called as throat. It is the place where the test model is placed. Various sensors are attached to the test model and the data is collected in the room near it. The data collected issued to reduce the aerodynamic drag and minimize fuel consumption and also increase the speed of the cars, trucks, planes, etc. also aerodynamic properties like lift, drag, forces, moments are measured with the use of wind-tunnel. In wind-tunnel air is blown over the test model which is kept stationary at the throat. This will produce the same effect as it would be produced if the vehicle is moving at high speeds on a road. For more accurate results the tunnel is sometimes equipped with rolling road to prevent the boundary layer forming on the floor which may affect the test results. * What are wind tunnels? Just as its name suggests, a wind tunnel is a tube or tunnel that has man-made windblown through it at a certain speed. Scientists and engineers put...
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...First described by Paget in 18541, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a collection of symptoms and signs that occur as a result of compressive neuropathy of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The common symptoms include numbness, paresthesia and pain in the distribution of the median nerve, as well as possible changes in sensation and strength of the hand structures innervated by the median nerve2. CTS is the most common form of median nerve entrapment and accounts for 90% of all entrapment neuropathies3. Despite the possibility of spontaneous regression, the symptoms of CTS will usually worsen without intervention2. When it comes to management a conservative approach is taken first, using physical therapy and wrist splints. If this approach fails, corticosteroid injections into the carpal tunnel are used. These have been shown to be of long term benefit in relieving the symptoms of CTS4. The two techniques used when injecting into the carpal tunnel are the anatomical landmark approach, and ultrasound guided approach. The purpose of this article is to describe, with reference to the anatomy of the median nerve, the symptoms that occur due to its nerve distribution as well as...
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...first impression on the readers. Sarah Ellis brings flavour and depth to her story The Tunnel by grabbing the attention of the readers. Authors often use literary devices to enhance their short story. First writers use imagery to make the reader’s visualize images in their minds. Secondly they use irony to emphasize a central idea about the story. Lastly they use symbolism to add profundity and meaning to a story. To begin, when the readers cross paths with imagery it makes the story that much more interesting. Kenton is babysitting a little girl named Ib who makes him play with barbies. Kenton suggest to get out of the house and go on a mission and...
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...Siloam Inscription The Siloam Inscription is a passage of text found in the Siloam tunnel—also known as Hezekiah’s tunnel—which was dug underneath the City of David in ancient Israel. The tunnel brought water from the Gihon Spring into the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem. It was built by Hezekiah of Judah in the late 7th or early 8th centuries as he prepared for an imminent siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib. The tunnel was first discovered in modern times by Franciscus Quaresmius in 1625, however, he was unable to explore the canal and is unable to give information about the canal (Robinson, 337-338). It was then discovered by Edward Robinson in 1838, however, he and a few excavators after him never came across the inscription described above. The inscription itself was found accidentally by a boy in 1880 on the eastern side, about 19 feet from the pool. The inscription dates to 701 BCE and talks about how two groups of workers started from opposite ends of the tunnel and dug until they met in the middle. The inscription itself describes one of these groups heard the sounds of pickaxes that helped lead them through the tunnel when “there was a fissure in the rock.” Most researchers agree that the inscription was commissioned by the [Hezekiah’s] tunnel’s chief engineer toward the completion of the tunnel and was inscribed at the location in the middle where the workers met. It was cut off from the wall in 1891 by thieves and broken into fragments. After being...
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...Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that is painful in one or both of the hands or wrists. It is seen in older age, caused by repetitive movement of the hand or wrist over a long period of time. When the median nerve that pass through the wrist is compressed or pinched. The family provider is able to test the median nerve. With the test the family provider result are able to diagnosis for carpal tunnel. There are surgeries that are able to take the pressure or pinched never to relief the tingling, numbness, or burning. With non-surgical treatments use injections, stretching out the hand and or taken medications are offered to help reduce the pain. There are also many ways to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition that takes place in one or both the hands and wrists to the fingers. Carpal tunnel is caused by the compression or by the median nerve being pinched between the bones and muscles. The nerve passes through the carpal to the fingers. While the nerve travels through the carpal the metacarpal to the phalanges alongside the tendons of the hand. Repetitive movement that are done on a daily bases from typing, sewing, beading, holding a book, etc. over a long period of time causes the nerve to become compressed or pinched. Also, from fluid retention when the blood...
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...1.2) A tunnel is an underground or underwater passageway, dug through the surrounding soil, earth, rock and enclosed except for entrance and exit, commonly at each end. A pipeline is not a tunnel, though some recent tunnels have used immersed tube construction techniques rather than traditional tunnel boring methods. A tunnel may be for foot or vehicular road traffic, for rail traffic, or for a canal. The central portions of a rapid transit network are usually in tunnel. Some tunnels are aqueducts to supply water for consumption or for hydroelectric stations or are sewers. Utility tunnels are used for routing steam, chilled water, electrical power or telecommunication cables, as well as connecting buildings for convenient passage of people and equipment. There 4 kinds of tunnelling methods that is widely used. They are (1) Cut and Cover Tunnelling method (2) Drill and Blas Tunnelling method (3) Tunnel boring machine method (TBM) (4) Sequential Excavation Method Cut and Cover Tunnelling Method Cut and Cover Tunnelling Method Cut and Cover Tunnelling Method Cut and cover tunnelling is a common and well-proven technique for constructing shallow tunnels. The method can accommodate changes in tunnel width and non-uniform shapes and is often adopted in construction of underground stations. Several overlapping works are required to be carried out in using this tunnelling method. Trench excavation, tunnel construction and soil covering of excavated tunnels are three...
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...adventure. However Davao is also of Historical importance. One such reason is the Japanese Tunnel, located in Diversion Road. Nestled inside a resort, I was able to gain access by paying fifty pesos. I was met by a tour guide who narrated bits of information that I found interesting such as the Mickey Mouse money that was on display near the entrance The tunnel per se is over rumored to be 10 kilometers long but tourists can only access the first 300 meters because parts of the tunnel had already collapsed. While the presence of installed lighting helped, it did not completely erase the chills I felt when the guide described the experiences suffered by fellow Filipinos. The Japanese tunnel was excavated by Filipino prisoners of war under the supervision of the Japanese Imperial Army to serve as their shelter during World War 2. According to one of the POWs, they dug up the tunnel night and day. It took them over a year to dig up one kilometer of tunnel. Filipinos who were physically weak ended up being killed and replaced with stronger ones. I was able to see various statues that depicted life in the Japanese tunnel. These included soldiers standing guard and a replica of a golden buddha in one of the several chapels. As we went deeper into the tunnel I saw a very small cell where rebelling prisoners were kept without food for several days. There was a portion of the tunnel that was filled with stalactites. I could also hear droplets of water fall from the ceiling...
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...ip IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence (tunneling) protocols Introduction The internet is exponentially growing in size, The number of users of the networks seem to be exploding soon, as nowadays many devices exists that connects through the internet using IPv4 protocol and the amount of those devices has increased in the last few years since not only personal computers and laptops are connected to the network but also devices like smart phones, automobiles with GPS, PDA's, and video game consoles. IPv4 is in trouble since it has no capacity to support all those devices to overcome those situation another methods were developed to extend the life of IPv4 such as : Network Address Translation (NAT), classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), and Length Subnet Mask (VLSM). However, this has not been enough because new technology and devices had emerged, making IPv4 unable to support the technological growth anymore. On February 3, 2011 the Latin American and Caribbean internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC) issued a statement that says that the global IPv4 central address pool which is managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) was finally exhausted, according to the global policies agreed by the Internet communities of all regions, on that date the last available IPv4 address blocks were allocated, June 6, 2012 was the selected date by the Internet Society (ISOC) and other organizations in the field as the worldwide launch of IPv6. On that date numerous companies...
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