...TÜRKİYE EKONOMİSİ DEVLET PLANLAMA TEŞKİLATI Türkiye’nin , ekonomik ve sosyokültürel kalkınmasını sağlamak amacıyla; Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı adı altında , 1960 yılında kurulan bu kuruluş ,hükümete danışmanlık yapmak üzere yapılandırılmıştır.Hükümetin amaçları doğrultusunda yaptığı çalışmaları ve kuruluşunda ki tarihsel periyotları ana başlıklar altında incelemek istersek ; kurumun 1960 öncesi ve sonrası durumu ,görevleri birimleri ve her beş yılda bir hazırladığı (1-9 )yıllık kalkınma planlamaları olarak adlandırabiliriz. Birinci dünya savaşından sonra Türkiye’yi genel bir bakış açısıyla incelememiz gerekirse; Osmanlı devletinin bıraktığı borçları ve sorunları devralan alan Türkiye, o yıllardaki ekonomisini tarıma dayandırmaktaydı. Kişi basına düşen gelirin yetersiz olduğu ülkede, ekonomik kalkınmayı gerçekleştirebilmek için devletin özel sektöre, sermaye açısından teşvik edici bir rol oynaması gerektiği inancı hakim olmuştur. 1923 yılında toplanan İzmir İktisat Kongresi’nde alınan karara göre özel sektörün maddi olanaklarının yetersiz kaldığı anlarda ,devletin bu tür işletmelere maddi kaynak sağlaması gerektiği kararı alınmış ve cumhuriyetin ilk yıllından 1933 yılına kadar liberal bir ekonomik politika izlenmiştir.Fakat 1929 yılında patlak veren ve tüm gelişmiş dünya ülkelerini etkileyen ekonomik kriz, toparlanmakta zorluk çeken Türkiye’yi bir kez daha dara sokmuştur. O yıllara kadar...
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..."Summary: Going Home is about an elderly man, who sits on a bus going from New York to Florida with a group of young people. They find him strange, and one of them decides to talk to him to investigate deeper. They find out that he has been in prison for four years, and is now heading back home to see if his wife has found someone else, or want him back. While in prison, the elder man had written to her, telling her that he was going to stay for a long time, and if she couldn’t stand that, she was free to forget him and find someone else. As he found out that he was going to be released, he wrote to her again, telling her that if she had found someone else, that was fine, but if she wanted him back, she could hang a handkerchief on a tree in the city entrance. As they approach the city, they see that there is hanging many handkerchiefs on the tree, and the young people start cheering loudly. * Try not to use too many details from the text – keep it simple. * Complete the story * Remember the most important part of the story – the punch-line * “It results in…” * “It all ends in…” * “All in all it ends with…” Character descriptions: Vingo is described as a worn out person, with threadbare clothes. It is told that he is an ex-marine, who has spent the past four years in jail. He is described as a shy person, with dust in his face, which makes him look older than he probably is. This makes the girls wonder who he might be, as well as his story. The...
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...pursue a college degree. My biggest fear was if I was smart enough for college. When I first started I took classes to meet my humanities requirements. I took a class called Good Books not knowing the instructor had recently discovered his Native American roots. Thus all five books he chose for us to read that semester were related to the struggles and accomplishments of the Native American people. Now I was very upset thinking what on earth could reading these books do for me personally or professionally, I felt I was wasting my time and money. I thought if college was about taking classes that did not mean anything to me then maybe college was not where I needed to be. Now twenty six years later I remember that class as the turning point in my college career. That instructor brought so much insight into his lectures I was glued to my seat every class to see if I was able to pick out the same message in the reading as he did. I learned in his class about empathy, hope, respect, relationships, patients, love, kindness and much more. To this day I think about those lessens...
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...In the short story ‘More Than Just The Disease’ by Bernard MacLaverty, the main character Neil is a character that I sympathize with. In the story, Neil has to deal with pressures from his mother and the added embarrassment of his skin condition, psoriasis. During the course of the essay I will be thinking about the main themes which run throughout the story and taking a look at some of the main characters. The story focuses on a young boy, Neil who suffers from a skin condition called psoriasis. The ‘disease’ causes him great embarrassment and discomfort when he is around people and his Mother’s attitude towards it doesn’t help him. Her voice repeatedly interrupts the narrative of the story. While on holiday with his friend Michael and his family, Neil feels like he has to hide his condition. Instead of having fun, Neil finds refuge with homeowner Mrs Wan (a former duchess) who encourages him to feel better about himself and he finally gains enough confidence to go with Michael and do the things that normal boys of his age do. In the opening paragraph of the story, the author makes it clear how much Neil depends on his mother. When Neil is unpacking his case, we hear her voice for the first time, telling him what to do. ‘Be tidy at all times, then no one can surprise you’ We see here, that Neil’s mothers' attitude has a huge impact on him and his thoughts. The author attempts to show how most of Neil’s decisions are influenced by his mother as almost every thought...
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...and in some occasions is violin when there is trouble in Daniels life the tempo starts to get faster and faster showing problems this creates suspense for the audience not knowing what will happen next. The first drawing uses the camera very effectively the camera shot used was a wide shot and the camera pans immediately towards Daniel to show his loneliness also this lets the audience look at the background as well as the characters personality and face, the shots that I chose to do on my storyboard helps to carry the Daniels loneliness from scene to scene. The lighting used was very effective, For example, when the character (Daniel) is outside in the park with the famous rapper called Giggs outside, the sun is shining to show the turning point of Daniels life. The natural lighting used is bright; leading to a happy mood this makes the audience feel happy for Daniel. My drawings were accurate showing every body parts of the characters and the company of their cloths an example is when Daniels dad was young and had an ambition of being a rapper, the camera shot that I used in that scene was zoom showing every part of the face and the emotions he was feeling, the costume was a new era hat which symbolises gangster cloths normally what rapper would wear this gives a little hint to the audience that the dream of Daniels dad was being a...
Words: 346 - Pages: 2
...older than me some reading books, some chatting with friends, some play guitar together…. At that time I told myself ‘ oh my god student life is so interesting, lively. This is a true life, definitely different from my life before the time I only knew study and study. Let’s live and enjoy your life’. I was curious about culture and cuisine there. Therefore I and my best friend traveled around ha noi. I really like old quarter, a rich food culture most famous dishes, such as phở, chả cá, cốm, bánh cuốn, nem trộn, trà chanh, nem vuông, café giang… ‘life is so wonderful there are so many things I haven’t knew’- I thought that. It was a very exciting time and maybe it lasted for about 1 month. Then the hostility stage hit. I think that the turning point was when I decided to sign up the advanced business program. This period was a hard time to me. As you know this program required a certain level of english skills and at that time my english skill was very bad. And I still remember the first period I used to lecture in english and I can’t understand despite the fact that how I tried my...
Words: 303 - Pages: 2
...finding a job. He is then accepted into a teaching job in the East of London which consists of a class of adolescents from a low-income community and is then hit with a crisis within the school that includes the students which erupts into a turning point. With this being Mr Braithwaite’s first job since the navy he was very eager and positive so start his first day there but his first encounter with the students gave him a straight perception of them. Walking through the forecourt he encounters bad language being spoken from one of the students: “Move out the bloody way”. He is shocked to hear such bad language come from the students within the school grounds. Later on that day he is again struck by shock when he enters the classroom and no one paid attention to his entrance. This gives us a sense of the children’s social background as they clearly haven’t been taught manners or even respect from their own parents. Further on in the novel, Mr Braithwaite tries his best to interact with the students but basically there not up for it. On the plus side they do listen to him but show no enthusiasm towards the work. With the tension building up between Rick and his students matters become incredibly worse and this is the stage of the turning point of the entire novel. As Mr Braithwaite comes back into the classroom from recess, he approaches the class and comes across smoke coming from the grate of the fireplace. A few girls and boys were standing around joking and laughing without...
Words: 845 - Pages: 4
...all three of these girls in definite detail?” What i had admired the most of this short story was, how exactly it was told. I really did not know who was telling the story until mid-way of this selection. I also admired the fact that Updike was a bit concerned with feminism and how he made both Lenegal and Sammy portray it through their thoughts and perspectives. But other than that from beginning to end i enjoyed it. Session 4: Th 1/30: Baldwin, “Sonny’s Blues” : The turning point is when the narrator had a conversation for the last time with his mother. It was the last time before she had died and before he went away with his life. She was telling the story of how the narrator’s and his brother Sonny’s father’s brother was killed for no reason apparently. And she had explained the burden that it left on the father and herself ever since then. The point she was trying to get across to the narrator is to always to look out and take care of his brother if anything were to happen to her. Another turning point can be when the narrator finally gets the opportunity to see Sonny play. Session 5: T 2/4: Mason, “Shiloh” : This information contributes to my understanding of the story by seeing the sequence of how the events were displayed. The same things that were happening to Leroy and Norma Jean, happened before with Norma Jean’s mother; Mabel; before. It is like when the Norma and Leroy were slowly but surely arriving to the battlegrounds their marriage and commitment; well...
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...I. HOTS: A. Inferring: 1. What did Mr. Kelada infer from the expression on Mrs. Ramsay’s face? (line 228) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did the narrator infer from Mr. Kelada’s actions? (end of story) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Uncovering Motives: If Mr. Kelada was so talkative, how can you explain the fact that “with all his loquacity, he had never told anyone what his business was”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Distinguishing Different Perspectives: Who is the narrator of the story? What do you know about him? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Explaining Patterns In the story “Charles”, we learned the HOTS of Explaining Patterns. How can we apply this HOTS to the story “Mr. Know All”? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ...
Words: 252 - Pages: 2
...Happens In Boston Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman paints the picture of a middle class family struggling to make a decent living in Brooklyn. The Lomans have dedicated themselves to being successful businessmen under the direction of Willy, the father of the family. Ironically, Willy is fired from his life’s career as a salesman while his son Biff works odd jobs on farms out West. Biff had a shot at success in college and business, but gave up his aspirations after catching his father in the midst of an affair. Learning about his father’s adultery is what led Biff to disappoint his father and let his life end in unmet expectations. Soon after being fired, Willy meets Bernard, one of Biff’s childhood friends. Bernard reveals that the turning point in Biff’s life was his month-long trip to Boston, and that upon returning he gave up his plans to go to the University of Virginia. Bernard tells Willy that “he came back after that month and took his sneakers… and burned them up in the furnace… I’ve often thought of how strange it was that I knew he’d given up his life,” (Miller 94). Burning up his “University of Virginia” sneakers Biff’s literal and figurative effort to give up his future. Instead of taking advantage of his scholarships and possible football career, Biff decided to leave home and work manual labor. Willy’s hallucination in the diner explains what happened on the night Biff found Willy in Boston. The woman’s laughter from the bathroom gives away her hiding place...
Words: 361 - Pages: 2
...yourself and to shine professionally. This idea concerns a project which you have had in mind for a long time now and which you care a great deal about or this may be an old idea in fact which resurfaces. At any rate, I can see that it is something you have already thought about but which hasn't come to anything yet because it quite simply hasn't been the right moment yet. Well, I can tell you that the moment WILL come during this period. I can also see that this project will greatly evolve in comparison to what you have in mind and this will be in large part thanks to someone who you do not yet know but who will play a certain role in this challenge. Another important point is that I see that this Transit will really allow you reach a turning point in your career on many different levels and that you will feel the greatest impact financially. It is however, extremely important that you are fully active during this...
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...”Society’s child – My autobiography” – Is a book written in 2009 by Janis Ian, an American folksinger and songwriter, who, being 13 years old, sold a single that ignited rebellious behavior all over America. The reason for this was the racial problems it addressed in the lyrics of the song. The first thing you see in this text is the fact that the story is Janis Ian tells us in this book, is in fact a retro perspective on her life. This assertion is strengthened by the fact that she uses past tense in the entirety of the story. She takes us through the story with a first person perspective and makes the reader understand those emotions she gets through the story better. This can for example be seen in lines 34 and 62: “I felt like crying, but you can’t sing and cry at the same time so I tried to keep on going.” , “I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. What was wrong with these people? It was just a song, not a combat invitation!” These identifications make a strong bond between writer and reader, and through pathos used in a plethora of ways throughout the text, the reader is strongly affected by how the hardships Janis Ian has to go through. Another good point to bring up is the fact that she wrote her songs at a time where the black/white tension was at a breaking point. The song was written in 1964, which was just one year before the equal rights demonstrations – with Martin Luther King as the spearhead in this movement – began marching in the cities of America...
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...TI-84 Plus TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Guidebook Important Information Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an "as-is" basis. In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this product. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party. © 2005 Texas Instruments Incorporated Windows and Macintosh are trademarks of their respective owners. ii USA FCC Information Concerning Radio Frequency Interference This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference...
Words: 27513 - Pages: 111
...Wiliam Gajski Ja idem na biologiju about an hour ago via mobile · Like Luka Lapanja iz cega ces ucit? jel imas nekakve knjige, skripte ili neki k pa da mogu fotokopirat about an hour ago via mobile · Like Wiliam Gajski Imam skripte kaj mi je dala od zene neka frendica kaj ide na pripreme iz bio.. briem da ima oko 130 str about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1 Luka Lapanja Aj jel moš to donijet u školu, pa da si fotokopiram to 4 minutes ago · Like Wiliam Gajski moram pogledat dal mi opce doma il kod zene about a minute ago via mobile · Like Luka Lapanja dobro, samo molim te ako možeš to dofurat ovih dana a few seconds ago · Like Luka Lapanja pa ti ja slijedeći vratim a few seconds ago · Like Options OLDER POSTS Diana Dee Dee Jašarević jel ko napiso eng??? koja tema je najlaksa ( makar meni nijedna nije xd ) Like · · Follow Post · 5 hours ago Seen by 15 View all 9 comments Dominik Cvijanović Eee paa sad 4 hours ago · Like Diana Dee Dee Jašarević joj joj ... sto reci 4 hours ago · Like Options Antonija Gabrić jel gledala potacek izostanke? Like · · Follow Post · 8 hours ago Seen by 16 Luka Lapanja and Diana Dee Dee Jašarević like this. View all 15 comments Diana Dee Dee Jašarević kurvaa 7 hours ago via mobile · Like Antonija Gabrić 7 hours ago · Like Options Dominik Cvijanović Laura Šeremet nam je u vezi sa Biciklom tj sad je sa Motorkom hahahahahhahaha eee ako ona moze nac decka onda svatko moze hahahahaha ...
Words: 15156 - Pages: 61
...and/or integration. Thus candidates may NOT use calculators such as the Texas Instruments TI 89, TI 92, Casio CFX 9970G, Hewlett Packard HP 48G. Instructions to Candidates In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Core Mathematics C3), the paper reference (6665), your surname, other name and signature. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy. Information for Candidates A booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provided. Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions. The marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2). There are 8 questions on this paper. The total mark for this paper is 75. Advice to Candidates You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled. You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may gain no credit. 1. Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the graph of y = f(x), –5 ( x ( 5. The point M (2, 4) is the maximum turning point of the graph. Sketch, on separate diagrams, the graphs of (a) y = f(x) + 3, (2) (b) y = (f(x)(, (2) (c) y = f((x(). (3) Show on each graph the coordinates of any maximum turning points. 2....
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