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Submitted By miaomiaozhu
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MGMT 3161 Purchasing & Supply Chain
Assignment #5A: Case 7-1 Power Line Poles Write-Up
Due: Sunday, September 27, 2015 @ midnight

If you were in the position of Gordon Yarrow, how would you deal with the bid exceptions requested?
In addition to answering the question above, select and answer one of the following six questions:
1. Do you agree with Mr. Yarrow’s procedure of sending only the four most acceptable bids to Moren’s engineering consultants for complete analysis?
2. Does Mr. Yarrow really have much choice as to whom he awards the pole manufacture contract?
3. Under the circumstances, is the manufacturer of the pole or the engineering consultant responsible for the final specifications?
4. If you were Mr. Yarrow, what additional information would you like beyond that supplied in the case, and how would it affect your final decision?
5. What decision would you make on the basis of the available information?
6. Do you think that all suppliers have been fairly treated?
Guidelines & Requirements: * Use standard margins (i.e., 1”) and double spacing * Do not exceed two pages in total length * You will be evaluated on the following criteria (grading rubric): * Analysis: * apply relevant principles, concepts and frameworks to the questions * assess the issues faced by the enterprise * do not just repeat the information already in the case * Reasoning & Logic * Clear ideas, practical solutions, appropriate examples, evaluate opportunities and potential consequences of actions * Be original, i.e., do not simply re-hash the case as written in the textbook * Structure * Balance in addressing all case questions equally * Logical flow to paper * Grammar & Spelling * Paper should be free of major spelling errors and grammatical problems
Be professional – imagine you are submitting this to your boss

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