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Time Attendance


Submitted By mamthaar
Words 2546
Pages 11
Time & Attendance Trends in the UK

October 2015

Time & Attendance Trends in the UK

White Paper

Time & Attendance in the UK

Brandon Hall Group Research Team
September 2015

©2015 Brandon Hall Group. Licensed for Distribution by Kronos Incorporated.

Page 2

Time & Attendance Trends in the UK

Table of Contents


Time & Attendance: A Critical Intersection


Laying the Foundation for Success


Taking Automation into the Future


Key Take-Aways


About Brandon Hall Group


©2015 Brandon Hall Group. Licensed for Distribution by Kronos Incorporated.

Page 3

Time & Attendance Trends in the UK

Organisations with fully automated
T&A processes are
32% more likely to be able to use their workforce data to support predictive analytics. Time and attendance (T&A) tracking and data are at the core of workforce management today and are key intersection points between HR and the business. Key findings from Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 HCM Technology Trends study show that organisations in the UK are beginning to take advantage of technology to automate T&A. As a result, they are able to experience key improvements in reporting and analytics capabilities and better support collaboration with other areas of the business:
• Technology. 67% of UK organisations that have workforce management strategies say they have used technology to enable their T&A processes.
• Reporting and analytics. Organisations with fully automated T&A processes are 70% more likely to be able to report on current data and 32% more likely to be able to use their workforce data to support predictive analytics.
• Ownership. 63% of UK respondents report that T&A processes are owned outside of HR.
By enabling T&A processes through technology, organisations can improve

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