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Time Management Research Strategy


Submitted By astrofan
Words 832
Pages 4
Time Management Research Strategy


Time is not an issue. People have the same number of hours in the day, the same number of days in a week, and the same number of days in a year. It is the management of that time that separates success and failure. Think about it; offices, homes, and computers have a multitude of online folders, three ring binders, and file cabinets used to manage mail, e-mail messages, memorandums, and other correspondence received. The concept of time management should be no different. Learning to organize tasks and use time more efficiently through a process, puts everything in its place, makes it easy to find, and makes it easy to manage.

Time Management Research Strategy People continually pursue techniques to make better use of the time. Effective time management skills used by students juggling classes and homework, people in the workplace meeting deadlines, and households with multiple individual schedules provide for better work-life balance. Those who have not mastered these skills go through the day stressed and overwhelmed. Discovery of effective time management skills can be accomplished only through research. You must first conduct research to identify common causes, and then discover tools and methods used to address the problem, and ways apply those tools effectively.
Time management courses offered through a school or business as well as online are an excellent approach to learning skills. According to Time Management. Excellent resources on time management college students (2011). “In training courses, many videos used are meant to help you understand how to apply the activities or practices for time management courses. So many people will find that they can learn much better with visuals like a video instead of just reading in a book or in a workbook. Now you can take courses in the comfort of your own home at

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