...Alternative “C” Economic Analysis * Contains: 1. Tangible Benefits Worksheet 2. One Time Cost Worksheet 3. Recurring Cost Worksheet 4. Discount rates * Used to create Cost/Benefit Analysis Spreadsheets for possible alternative solutions. Cost/Benefit Analysis spreadsheet is located in doc sharing. * Description of Alternative C – Nova Corporation. (see page 151 in the book) 1. Industry Leader in CRM solutions 2. Large and complex 3. Pricing only based on modules purchased 4. License for the use of the system is middle of the row 1. Tangible Benefits Worksheet - Nova Nova - Alternative “C” Tangible Benefits Worksheet | A. | Cost reduction or avoidance | $12,500 | B. | Error reduction | $ 3,500 | C. | Increased Flexibility | $ 5,500 | D. | Increased speed of activity | $ 7,500 | E. | Improvement management/planning control | $15,000 | F. | Ease of interfacing with business partners | $16,000 | Total Tangible Benefits | $60,000 | 2. One Time Cost Worksheet – Nova Nova - Alternative “C” One Time Costs Worksheet | A. | Development Costs | $ 2,000 | B. | New Hardware | $ 1,000 | C. | Software License or Purchase cost | $19,500 | D. | User Training | $ 3,500 | E. | Site Preparation | $ 4,000 | Total One Time Costs | $30,000 | 3. Recurring Cost Worksheet – Nova Nova – Alternative “ C” Recurring Cost Costs Worksheet | A. | Software Maintenance | $ 2,500 | B. | Incremental Data Storage...
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...HIPAA COW Risk Analysis & Risk Management Toolkit Networking Group Guide for the HIPAA COW Risk Analysis & Risk Management Toolkit Disclaimers This Guide and the HIPAA COW Risk Analysis & Risk Management Toolkit (Toolkit) documents are Copyright by the HIPAA Collaborative of Wisconsin (“HIPAA COW”). They may be freely redistributed in their entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed. When information from this document is used, HIPAA COW shall be referenced as a resource. They may not be sold for profit or used in commercial documents without the written permission of the copyright holder. This Guide and the Toolkit documents are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty. This Guide and the Toolkit documents are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, you should consult with an attorney. Unless otherwise noted, HIPAA COW has not addressed all state pre-emption issues related to this Guide and the Toolkit documents. Therefore, these documents may need to be modified in order to comply with Wisconsin/State law. The Toolkit provides an example HIPAA Security Risk Assessment and documents to support completing a Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation Implementation Plan. While it covers a broad spectrum of the requirements under the HIPAA Security Rule and HITECH, it may not cover all measures needed to secure your patients’ electronic protected health information (ePHI). It...
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...Case: Acme Manufacturing Company Case & United Machine Workers Introduction to the case analysis The legal aspect of every contract in business requires critical analysis for every term in accordance to the specifics upon which both parties are involved. The reason for analyzing such terms carefully is because it can become a crucial part in determining the decision making when addressing any business problem. This is generally more important from the perspective of the company management because some situations can result in high intensity and significance for the company. Analyzing the terms of a contract will help avoid any inappropriate or insufficient conclusions when presenting a final resolution in times of a dispute. The case to be evaluated in this assignment is the result from an opposing perception of an issue in which both party’s are involved. The grievance is the result from the opposing views on a subordination matter; that of the management’s perspective and that of the employee. The case to be evaluated can very easily occur in an actual situation and I would like to write this analysis from the management’s perspective. Summary of the issue(s) The problem involves the contradicting views of a legal issue within the union contract reached between our firm, the Acme Manufacturing Company (the company) and the United Machine Workers Union (the union). The parties in question in the dispute are Mrs. Kyla Martin, a machine operator working in...
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...HCS 405 week 1 Health Care Financial Terms Worksheet Paper - WWW.STUDENTWHIZ.COM Introduction The HCS 405 week 1 financial terms worksheet throws light on some of the most basic concepts of the healthcare business. Understanding health care financial terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. The health care business helps the nation by providing the building blocks that the citizens need to live a successful and healthy life. The worksheet is intended to ensure that the students understand some of the basic terms used in the business world of the health care industry. The purpose of HCS 405 individual and team assignments is to make the students aware about the numerous strategies employed in the financial and other departments of a health care sector. The students attending to the HCS 405 need to understand the significance of the healthcare industry. The employees of the company strive hard every day to fulfill the mission of the company by providing millions of families, seniors, and children of the country with access to good quality healthcare products and services. The questions are strategically framed to bring out the major theme of each of the HCS 405 week assignments. For example, decision-making is the process of making sound financial decisions with the aid of your controlling, organizing, and planning results and analysis. It defines the roles for various employees of the company like the financial manager. There is a need for the mangers...
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...work and present it individually. It is expected that each student work independently on all the tasks set out in this assignment, applying problem solving strategies and selecting appropriate techniques in data analysis in order to produce an individual report according to the guidelines provided. This individual work must be your own work only with no consultation with others. The individual report must not exceed 2,000 words. Those reports that exceed the similarity index of 25% produced by Turnitin, can only achieve a maximum grade of E. Assignment Title: “Performance Lawn Equipment” Issue date: Week One: Monday 19/10/2015 Submission due date: Week 7: 07/12/2015 Week 9: Friday 08/01/2016: A single report per student should be submitted via the TURNITIN link in the Assessment folder. Assignment must not be e-mailed under any circumstances. Unit co-ordinator’s name: C F Shooshtarian Core learning outcomes | | On completion of this unit you should be able to: | Assessment number | 1 | Investigate and analyse a variety of problems and data sets in the context of different analytics to develop insights in order to support management decision making. | 1 | | | 2 | | | | 2 | Apply statistical and mathematical technique to find solutions to analysis conducted using suitable software. | 1 | | | 2 | | | | Threshold standards | Assessment number | In order to pass the assessment you will need to: |...
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...DSS Assignment (Assignment 1) GROUP DUE DATE: March 13, 2015 Peer Evaluation: Each group member will be grading other team members. A student’s score will be an average of the group member’s rating times the overall assignment score. For example if you get an average of 80/100 in peer evaluation from your group and 90 in the assignment, your INDIVIDUAL score would be 90*.8 = 72/100. If there is a problem with your group members, please e-mail me right away!!! PEER Evaluations are posted in the ASSIGNMENT section under PEER_EVAL_assignment1 Once the project is submitted, fill it out and post it in SAKAI under peereval1 Peer Evaluation has TWO parts * Rubric part (one for each group member) * Text Part (only once) If your team has three/four members, you will be submitting two/three rubric parts by copying and pasting rubric parts as needed (one for each group member; do not evaluate yourself) and ONE text part COMBINE all in ONE file. Do not submit separate files for each group member. SUBMIT only one rubric file with all evaluation!!!!! Budget Planning and DSS System for Pierogi_rus.com COMPANY HISTORY Pierogi, Inc. was started by Mr. Polanki, Sr. in 1962 in the basement of his home in Warsaw, Poland. He and his wife worked endless hours experimenting and promoting their product. Eventually, their product became known as the specialty Pierogi in supermarkets, restaurants and food circles. The sales increased almost 10 percent...
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...Whirlpool Europe Analysis The Whirlpool Europe case provides an opportunity to look at different ways to evaluate a major IT investment the company is considering. To undertake this analysis we have to make a few assumptions because the case does not have all the details needed to estimate benefits and investment cost. However, if you were in a company faced with this situation, these numbers would be available. The spreadsheet for Whirlpool contains two worksheets. Worksheet 1 is a net present value analysis, and worksheet 2 applies an options pricing model to the decision. Be sure to save a copy of the spreadsheet when you download it because most of the questions refer back to the original spreadsheet, which you will often change in a preceding question. NPV Analysis (Worksheet 1) The NPV analysis follows the scenario in the case: the company invests for a series of years, and implements in the West, South Central and North regions in that order. The spreadsheet has been designed with the first analysis showing the summary of investment costs and anticipated benefits for the six year time horizon in the case. The spreadsheet calculates the net present value of each year’s benefits and costs, and subtracts the NPV of costs from benefits. The table just below this analysis contains variables that you can change to test the sensitivity of the analysis. The rest of the spreadsheet presents the details of the assumptions and calculations to arrive at the yearly...
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...mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market. Use examples from each...
Words: 5722 - Pages: 23
...WWW.STUDENTWHIZ.COM HCS 405 Week 2 Health Care Financial Terms Paper The theme of HCS 405 is to enable students to learn about the financial statements and other financial transactions in the hospital industry. There are various topics in HCS 405 like balance sheet, statement of revenues and expense, revenue cycle, payer mix and revenue. There will be five weeks in the course of HCS 405 in which the above topics will be covered. There will also be the study about the financial worksheet and reporting practices. It will be taught to the students that organizations must comply with the requirements of ethics and proper disclosure of the statements. In HCS 405 week 1, there will be teaching of balance sheet. Balance sheet is defined as the financial statement of hospitals that tells about the assets, liabilities and equity of shareholders at a specific point of time. In HCS 405 week 2, earning statements will be taught to the students. Statement of revenues and expense is one of the financial statements which are used to identify the revenues or losses of the hospitals for the particular period. In the course, there will be different multiple choice questions that will be provided to the students to test their understanding. After it, the solutions are also provided to check the correctness. There will be the final exam in which all the topics will be covered. The HCS 405 week 3 will include the revenue cycle of hospitals. . It is defined as the process in which the revenues...
Words: 1024 - Pages: 5
...portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market....
Words: 5721 - Pages: 23
...mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market. Use examples from each...
Words: 5722 - Pages: 23
...ACCT 212 Course Project (DEVRY) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A (TCO 1) The Accounting Equation is used to develop the organizations financial reports. (1) Describe what owners' equity values would be if Assets are $100,000 and Liabilities are $27,000 by showing the Accounting Equation (10 points) and (2) provide an explanation of what accounts could be found in owners' equity. (10 points) (TCO 1) The financial statements present a company to the public in financial terms. (1) Which financial statement identifies where cash was generated and where it was spent during the year (10 points) and (2) identify the three major parts of this statement. (10 points) (TCO 1) The accounting profession follows a set of guidelines for measurement and disclosure of financial information called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). (1) Explain what the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are (10 points) and (2) provide an example of its application. (10 points) (TCO 2) Transaction analysis results in the development of a journal entry. Supplies are purchased on account agreeing to pay $500 within 30 days. (1) Name the accounts impacted and how using the format account name/debit or credit/dollar amount (10 points) and (2) explain how the Accounting Equation is impacted. (10 points) (TCO 3) Adjusting Entries are required at the end of the period to ensure that accrual accounting principles are...
Words: 2078 - Pages: 9
...portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market....
Words: 5721 - Pages: 23
...mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market. Use examples from each...
Words: 5722 - Pages: 23
...mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan. Please respond to the following: * Create your NAB company name and explain its significance. * Develop your company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components. BUS 599 Week 2 Discussion "Growing Honest Tea" Please respond to the following: * Review the following documents: * Honest Tea’s business plan for 1999 (PDF). * A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis based on Honest Teas’ business plan (PDF). * Suppose Honest Tea has hired you as a consultant to evaluate the completeness of their strategy for future growth. Base your evaluation on the provided SWOT analysis. Provide a rationale for your response. BUS 599 Week 3 Discussion "Don't Miss the Mark" Please respond to the following: * Watch the following videos: https://youtu.be/0-4ivPwMDCE https://youtu.be/lYX04wiMYmQ * There are two (2) very different target markets and sales forces discussed in the videos. Identify some of the key differences between the organizations’ sales forces and target markets. Explain the value of developing a sales force based on the target market. Use examples from each...
Words: 5722 - Pages: 23