...2424A STATUTORY INTERPRETATION: THE MEANING OF MEANING RMIT University, Melbourne School of Accounting and Law, Symposium on Statutory Interpretation Chapter House, St. Paul‟s Cathedral 13 August 2009. The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG RMIT UNIVERSITY, MELBOURNE SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING AND LAW SYMPOSIUM ON STATUTORY INTERPRETATION CHAPTER HOUSE, ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL 13 AUGUST 2009 STATUTORY INTERPRETATION: THE MEANING OF MEANING The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG THE MAIN TASK OF MODERN LAWYERS Although we still describe ours as a common law system (to distinguish it from the countries of the civil law tradition), the label is now looking somewhat dubious. The distinctive feature of contemporary Australian law derives from the overwhelming importance of the laws made by or under parliament. I refer to statutes, regulations, by-laws, executive instruments, rules of court and all the other ways in which the written law now manifests itself. In my youth, the statutory law of the State of New South Wales was collected in twelve manageable volumes, supplemented by a threevolume index1. These books included many important statutes commencing in the colonial period, some of which, like the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), still apply today. Past Justice of the High Court of Australia (1996-2009). President of the Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia 1 R.J. McKay (ed.), The Public Acts of New South Wales 1924-1957, Vols.1-15, Law Book Co. Sydney 1958. 1 The volumes...
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..."Some healthy fruits and veggies you can feed your zebra finches are broccoli, corn, spinach, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, kale, yams; bananas, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, watermelon, and grapes. You can either cut up fruits and veggies into tiny pieces or serve clipped to the cage, for example, a broccoli floret. Make sure all food is fresh and thoroughly wash all raw food before serving to your finches. Finches can also eat hard-boiled eggs (you can remove and crush the egg shells and feed those to your finches for calcium), brown rice, cooked oatmeal, cooked rice and cooked pasta. Don't keep any food out for too long, especially eggs, as they will spoil. Avoid feeding your zebra finches any apple cores, the pits or seeds of any fruits, avocado, chocolate, caffeine, high-salt foods, rhubarb, onions, and mushrooms. Those foods are toxic to zebra finches." Source(s): Zebra Finch FeedZebra finches are seed eaters. They primarily feed on grass seeds. Various variety of millet is their staple food. Zebra finches are typically found in scattered bushes and trees. But they are now adaptable to human surroundings and are loved as pet birds. They need to be provided with proper feed that includes balanced diet and fresh water. Some feeds are described here that are useful for bird.Seeds:Zebra finch feed comprises of a good quality finch seed mix. This should not be the sole diet provided to finches. The seed provided should be well sprouted. If seeds are not sprouted...
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...The Meaning of Life There is a certain point in our lives, regardless of the time, when we begin to ask ourselves a set of questions that challenge our existence on this earth. Was the human race created to wonder this world aimlessly? Or do we have a true purpose that we are destined to harness and attain? Why am I here? Like the rest of us, Thomas Nagel, Robert Taylor, and Raymond Martin have each made their own attempts to answer the question of the meaning of life and while doing so, each of the philosophers rendered their own solution to these universal doubts. Thomas Nagel explains that “to convey the absurdity of our lives often has to do with space or time: we are tiny specks in the infinite vastness of the universe; our lives are mere instants even on a geological time scale, let alone a cosmic one; we will all be dead any minute” (Nagel, 768-769). Nagel then defines absurd as “a situation that includes a conspicuous discrepancy between pretension or aspiration and reality (Nagel, 769). Translated, Nagel says that absurd is a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless. Throughout his entire argument, Nagel hardly leaves room for a rebuttal to yield the answer to the true meaning of our lives. He suggests that we as humans have a special capacity to take a step backwards and observe the lives that we are “committed” to and call them into question. But, as he pointed out; while taking that backwards step we realize that the life that we are so “committed”...
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...Can life have meaning even if there is no afterlife? Why or why not? Before I can answer this question I must confess that I have no religious beliefs nor do I have any belief in heaven or hell, ghosts or immortality. Now it is purely my opinion that life is as we make it from the time we are born. Can life have a meaning? Life expectancy of a human can last 80+ years depending on where you live in the world. I think that the meaning of life is defined by the individual person. In my heart I believe that my life is meaningful and I know some people that believe there life also has a meaning. However, like I mentioned earlier it is up to the individual to make their life have a meaning. So far in my 36 years of life I have experienced both bad and good situations. My life has taken a path from which I chose to take. Life can be stress free or stressful depending on how you choose to live your life as an individual. For me, I know there is a birth, a life and then a death in store for me. I have no illusions of immortality or reincarnation or remaining in limbo until I find peace. Until the day comes where there is proof of an afterlife then all that I have just mentioned is all I have to work with. Back to the meaning of life, it is all on how we make our lives meaningful. Destiny has nothing to do with it and neither does some “divine intervention”. Once our mind has developed to the stage where we can make conscious decisions for ourselves then that is where I believe...
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...Brandin Harvell English 111 Definition Paper Have you ever wondered why so many famous and rich people are stressed and unsure of the meaning of their life? The media has basically brainwashed us to believe that being successful involves having a lot of money, living in a huge house, have new sports cars. Even dictionary.com says success is “the attainment of wealth, position, honor, or the like” but this really isn’t the case. (Dictionary.com) Success is really based on ones aspirations which aren’t always about money. In this essay I’m going to talk about the deeper meaning of success. So what is success? For me success involves respect, appreciation and happiness. These traits are considered hard to attain. But in today’s world success is deceived in our thoughts to become rich. The media wants us to believe that being successful involves living in a self-centered life, in which involves nothing but the pursuit of riches. They say this will bring you happiness but this is not true. Money is simply like a new toy that eventually gets boring. Don’t get me wrong money can buy you luxuries, and might make your life easier but will it really make it better? No. For existence money can’t make somebody educated in a field; that can only come with hard work and dedication. Also money can’t help you solidify a long –term relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend only thing that can do that is love and commitment. (Sasson) The terms respect, appreciation, integrity...
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...The meaning of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, The annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621, and is held on the fourth thursday in november. There are many meanings to thanksgiving like a big meal or football but the true meaning is to give thanks to God. This holiday takes place this year on november 23, 2017 Every november there is a celebration throughout the world. This holiday is called Thanksgiving. On this day we celebrate and give thanks to God for all the things he has gifted us with.We have been celebrating this holiday for almost 400 years. During this holiday there are multiple traditions and family...
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...DEFINITION OF SOCIOLOGY Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | Posted by Nimesh Suranga (නිමේෂ් සුරංග) | 'Sociology' which had once been treated as social philosophy, or the philosophy of the history, emerged as an independent social science in 19th century. Auguste Comte, a Frenchman, is traditionally considered to be the father of sociology. Comte is accredited with the coining of the term sociology (in 1839). "Sociology" is composed of two words : socius, meaning companion or associate; and 'logos', meaning science or study. The etymological meaning of "sociology" is thus the science of society. John Stuart Mill, another social thinker and philosopher of the 19th century, proposed the word ethology for this new science. Herbert Spencer developed his systematic study of society and adopted the word "sociology" in his works. With the contributions of Spencer and others it (sociology) became the permanent name of the new science. The question 'what is sociology' is indeed , a question pertaining to the definition of sociology. No student can rightfully be expected to enter on a field of study which is totally undefined or unbounded. At the same time, it is not an easy task to set some fixed limits to a field of study. It is true in the case of sociology. Hence it is difficult to give a brief and a comprehensive definition of sociology. Sociology has been defined in a number of ways by different sociologists. No single definition has yet been accepted as completely satisfactory. In...
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...What Is the Meaning of True Freedom? To be "free," as generally understood, is to be free to do anything one desires to do, as long as you do not harm another person, thus interfering with his or her freedom. With this in mind, you can do essentially anything you want. There are no restrictions, no limits. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that we, humans, have rights. Among these being the famous "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I believe that the very essence of freedom is found in the early years of our American Revolution. There is no better way to describe freedom than an element that all humans strive for, to the point of incivility, or war. It is something that we treasure so dear to us that we chose to die defending it. Freedom has both an external as well as an internal component. The external is associated with how we can "freely" operate in society so as to not, for example, encroach on the freedom of others. The internal component is related to grasping our own potential; and this requires that we understand ourselves, that we understand others through overcoming our prejudices against them, and also that we learn to attain the audacity to express this knowledge openly. Freedom without a goal or purpose is hollow but when the purpose is simply the search for truths in the wide sense of the word and for which there are many paths, it gains meaning. It is through these truths that we will learn to "better" ourselves...
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...What Gives meaning and Purpose to One’s Life? What brings meaning and purpose to my life is actually a simple concept if you think about it. I can sum it up with two main ideas, knowledge and happiness. Knowledge or the pursuit of knowledge is perhaps the more important of the two. I feel this way because as one gains knowledge and the ability to apply what is learned to one’s life. a person gains the ability to become truly happy. I can’t speak for everyone but when I metaphorically speaking “unlock secrets of the universe”, I feel a deep sense of accomplishment especially when what I learn can be used to help other people or further my career. This pushes me to learn more as this feeling is addictive. Through knowledge comes happiness. I don’t feel one can really be happy without a certain level of knowledge attained simply because until you become “aware” ore “conscience” your basically living life in a hole never even knowing what true happiness is. This is reflective of how I used to live. Just day to day with very simple things bringing me a perceived and very short sense of happiness. When I was able to open my eyes to the world I feel I experienced what true happiness is. These ideas give meaning and purpose because I am able to gain knowledge and channel them into a skill or ability to help myself and others which in turns makes me strive to learn more and repeat the cycle. Ultimately the joy I gain most is that unlike a drug this sort of happiness...
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...Baptism Terminology Baptism: is to dip or immerse It’s a ritual of cleansing Rite of initiation into the Christian community Dyeing and rising with Christ. The meaning of baptism It is a public announcement of a personal experience It is a Christian act of obedience and a public testimony of a believer’s willingness to identify with and follow Christ. It is a picture of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection- one baptized is dying in sin, burying the sins and resurrecting in a new life in Christ. It is an outward picture of a person’s inward change- leaving behind the old way of life in exchange of new life in Christ. Baptism is a symbol of salvation NOT a requirement of eternal life. Baptism is an indication of our willingness to tell our church and the world that we are committed to the person of Christ and his teachings. One baptized who is born of the love of the two now is born of water and spirit into the kingdom of light. Enables the one baptized to live as adopted son or daughter of God By him/herself or through the parents the newly baptized person desires to put his/her life under the lordship of Jesus- under his reign whereby the sign of baptism seals that agreement. Meaning of the elements Water: this means the cleansing into new life is the sign of the kingdom of light into which the Lighten candle: baptized is entering. White garment: wedding garment of the saints (Revelations 7) Sign of the cross: signifies that...
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...Looking back at my research their are many things about myself that I would like to show to others within this logo. Looking at myself and writing down some words that describe who I am helped me discover some options that I can make a logo around. Looking still at the images and designs from the steps before I would like to create something similar, but also something different, something that will stand out. I like the use of space, clean and simple designs, but then I also like the complicated and intricate designs that take time. I want something that will make a person to look at it a couple of times and grasp the meaning. With a lot of my art in the past I have always combined multiple things together to create something new and fresh....
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...THE MEANINGS OF COLORS Colors… A lot of colors… Each color has a meaning. Which is your favorite color? Black, white maybe red or blue? It is this instinctual choice of a color that tells you a lot about yourself, how you function and how others see you. It is the means to understanding your behavior and your character traits as well as your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. It reflects the way you operate in the world, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, your deepest needs and your challenges at that time in your life. What Does Your Personality Color Say About You? To read more about your personality color, click on the link for each color If your favorite color is red, you are action oriented with a deep need for physical fulfillment and to experience life through the five senses. If orange is your favorite color, you have a great need to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected as part of a group. You also have a need for challenges in your life, whether it is physical or social challenges. Choosing yellow as your favorite means you have a deep need for logical order in your everyday life and to be able to express your individuality by using your logical mind to inspire and create new ideas. If green is your favorite, you have a deep need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure. You need acceptance and acknowledgment for the everyday things you do for others - just a 'thank you' is...
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...and to die, but how do you know that the soul is a soul that already existed? How do you know that the soul isn't obliterated when you die and that a new soul is born with a new body? In Phaedo Plato uses dialogue to explore all these ideas,which are formed through reasoning. All that he thinks is not told explicitly but discovered by questioning and use of the intellect. In the exact way that he describes, the question is not asked, what do you see, its always what do you think. The processes of thinking things through leads you to the arguments he presents for the immortality of the soul. Socrates never tells me what to think he only presents ideas and allows the conversation for my own thinking to develop. The process of reading this is in line with the way of life for a philosopher who is seeking truth. Even in his last moments, Socrates is taking time to discuss these ideas with his colleagues. If this is what he is doing before he dies, this is another way he shows me that this is the proper way to live. The body can’t exist without soul but the soul can exist without the soul. The body needs its opposite since it is mortal. But the soul being immortal does not need body to reach beyond itself. This is why Socrates views death in a positive light. He seeks lives in the soul which is done through understanding and the intellect and this is the life of a philosopher. opposites. In the generation of the idea of the opposites you need the idea of "after having been" for...
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...EDLINE JASON A. DE JESUS BSBAMG-1B SACRAMENTS | MEANING | EFFECTS | MATTER, SIGNS, MANAGEMENT | MINISTER | BAPTISM | For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God. | The Remission of All Sin, Original and Actual.Remission of Temporal Punishment. Infusion of Supernatural Grace, Gifts, and Virtues. Conferral of the Right to Special Graces.Impression of a Character on the Soul. | Matter of BaptismThe pouring of water.Form of Baptism"I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." | Ordinary MinisterExtraordinary Minister. | Eucharist | Catholics believe the Eucharist, or Communion, is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God. | The Union With Christ by Love. The Spiritual Repast of the Soul. Forgiveness of Venial Sin and Preservation from Mortal Sin. The Pledge of Our Resurrection. | Matter of The Eucharist:Bread and wine.Form of the Eucharist:"This is my body...This is the cup of my blood..." | Is used to denote someone who assists the priest in administering the bread and wine. | Reconciliation | The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance, or Penance and Reconciliation) has three...
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...expression and he always answers back with a friendly smile and a very gentle gesture with his hat. Eventually, he arrives at the hotel and sees the receptionist is very upset because he has just hurt his finger. To his surprise, the man in pain is expressing his discomfort by using the same words the traveler had assumed to be polite. 2) What is the connection between the story, negotiation of meanings and communicative competence? The main connection between these aspects is the fact that the story depicts the perfect example of what happens when there is no communicative competence, misinterpretation of intercultural context meanings and lack of negotiation. The connection among these three issues is pivotal on the one hand to consider as stated by Safriyani, R. (2009) “communicative competence is the ability to interact well with others. Communication takes place in an infinite variety of situations, and success in a particular role depends on one’s understanding of the context and on prior experiences of a similar kind.” On the other hand, negotiation of meanings helps people develop interlanguage capabilities and internalize proper inputs. It promotes a set of prompts such as “clarification requests” and “confirmation checks” (Long, 1980). In addition, negotiation is almost indispensable for having a proper comprehension of L2 input...
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