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Submitted By davidko2007
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|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
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|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
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|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
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|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
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|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
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|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
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|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
|Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы |
|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
|Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы |
|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|ddsdf | | | | |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
|Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы |
|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |
|Евангельская | |Евангельская | |Евангельская |
|Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы | |Церковь Святой Троицы |
|Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm | |Богослужение: Воскресение 12:00 pm |
|Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm | |Изучение Библии: Пятница 8:00 pm |
|9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 | |9313 S. 88th Ave, Hickory Hills, IL 60457 |
|(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 | |(312) 636-8737 * (630) 936-8670 |

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Dropbox: It Just Works

...Dropbox: “It Just Works” (HBS 9-811-065) Kunal Sharma Advanced Entrepreneurship March 11, 2013 100410018 Word Count: 854 Question 1 a) The reason that Dropbox is such a universal concept is because anyone in the world can be a buyer of Dropbox. It can be an individual trying to save and access their pictures on different platforms or it can be a multinational firm who uses the product as a “file collaboration” software within the firm. “The idea is to get people using it inside companies without IT’s permission. Once IT sees that Dropbox is in heavy demand and that it works reliably, we’ll get certified for use across the company.” (Pg3, P3, Dropbox: it just work’s, 2012). So basically the buyer can literally be anyone with a need for easy access to storage of data across multiple platforms. Usually in other industries the buyers would be a small group of people or companies for whom the product was specifically made and marketed for, as well as each industry tries to capture a part of the market share. Whereas in terms of Dropbox, as we can see that the buyers differ in a way that anyone can become one as the service is offered free of charge for users who do not wish to store too much data. Identifying buyers is one of the key steps of opportunity assessment. In order to see whether if a product or service will have sales depends on its buyers and if they exist or not, if a product or service is launched and there is not a real need for it then that product will...

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Dropbox Case Study

...KRIPALI VIKRAM DROPBOX CASE STUDY – COURSEWORK 2 Question 1 Houston …got the idea for Dropbox while waiting for a bus at Boston’s South Station in December 2006.” (P1 of case study – final paragraph). a) Do you think Dropbox was a creative idea? Please state your reasons. Creativity is not inventing or discovering something completely new. It is the ability to generate new concepts and ideas by combining, reapplying and regenerating existing ideas. There may be some creative ideas that surpass the imagination of a normal individual but there are some that are just simple and practical but haven’t been accomplished by other people (Arrington, 2010). Although the concept for cloud storage had been around for a decade no company was successful in creating a technology that was simple and efficient. Drew Houston, applied creativity and ingenuity to existing ideas and technologies to create a practical product, Dropbox, which is now used worldwide. b) Is creativity a necessary criterion for entrepreneurial success? At the heart of any enterprise there is creativity and innovation. Astute entrepreneurship rises from finding unique opportunities or turning existing concepts into extraordinary successes. No entrepreneur or enterprise, however successful can retain their status without recognizing the need to change and create new opportunities and products to retain customers and eliminate competition. For instance Christopher Lewis realized that when people...

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Getting Started with Dropbox

...Dropbox Quick Start What is Dropbox? Dropbox is software that links all of your computers together via a single folder. It’s the easiest way to back up and sync files between computers.  The Dropbox Desktop Application is software that watches a folder on your desktop computer and syncs any changes to the web and to your other computers. The Dropbox Website allows you to access your files on any computer from a web browser. You can also use the Dropbox website to share your files or folders with others. The Dropbox mobile website and Dropbox for mobile devices allow you to connect to your Dropbox from your pocket, so you can take your files with you wherever you go. Is it for me? Transferring data between computers usually requires uploading via web forms, connecting to network drives, carrying around thumb drives, or sending emails with attachments to yourself and others. Dropbox makes all of these methods obsolete. If you're looking for a better way to transfer data over the internet or are just looking for a way to improve productivity within your team, Dropbox is for you.  Adding files to your Dropbox You've found your Dropbox folder, and you're ready to start using it. Let's move a file to your Dropbox folder. Step 1: Drag and drop a file into your Dropbox. Step 2: The blue icon means your file is syncing with Dropbox. That’s it! The green icon means that your file has finished syncing and is now available from your other computers and the website. Now that Dropbox...

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Dropbox Economic Analysis

...Dropbox: Novel Innovation or Economic Genius? A Comprehensive Analysis on Electronic Storage. University of California, Los Angeles Engineering 110, Fall 2012 1 Introduction to the File Sharing Industry and Dropbox In an era in which the large majority of information is stored electronically, companies that specialize in online file sharing and cloud storage services feast upon massive consumer demand for remote data storage. By 2011, many of the largest technology companies had already created storage services: Amazon Cloud Drive by Amazon, iCloud by Apple, and Google Drive by Google. Other companies providing similar consumer and enterprise services include Scribd, Mozy, Box, and Carbonite. However, none of these services could have hoped to mirror the success of Dropbox. Founded by Drew Houston (an MIT computer science graduate) in 2007 as a Y Combinator startup, Dropbox was considered “a late entrant to the fiercely competitive online backup and storage services space.” (Eisenmann et al., 2012, p. 2) Y Combinator, a California LLC that financially seeds promising startups in exchange for a small amount of the company’s equity, provided $15,000 to Dropbox. Houston’s endeavor soon grew at an astonishing rate. As of 2011, according to a Dropbox engineer, the company backed up 1 million files every 15 minutes, much more than what storage services created before could achieve. From the outset, Dropbox has been immensely successful. In fact, Dropbox was so promising that Apple’s Steve ...

Words: 3137 - Pages: 13

Premium Essay

Freemium Pricing at Dropbox

...Pricing at Dropbox In this case, we are asked to provide Dropbox some recommendations in order to address three major issues: the customer growth in B2C and B2B markets, the free-topay user conversion and the competitive threats. First, it is important to describe how each of these issues came about and why they are critical for Dropbox going forward. When A. Ferdowsi and D. Houston launched Dropbox in 2007, they knew that getting business customers would be tough due to bureaucratic delays in getting them to integrate the services into their operations. Another problem was that getting individuals to pay for Dropbox was hard because mainstream consumers were still not used to using cloud-storage services. To overcome that, they first focused on the individual consumer market (rather than corporate clients) and adopted a new pricing concept called “Freemium” which consists in giving away basic services for free (and thus only charging for premium versions). By coupling this “free way” to try the service with an efficient incentive program allowing people to get free storage upgrades, Dropbox was able to hold a large share of the consumer cloud storage market but also to indirectly penetrate the corporate world. Indeed, Houston’s goal was to get individuals to use and like Dropbox so much that they, in turn, got their employers to sign up as well. All this worked so well that they grew from 4 million users in 2010 to 200 million in 2013. The next step for Dropbox was...

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