...My schedule varies from week to week depending on my work schedule) Monday 7:05am daughters wake me up to take them to school 7:15am-7:25am dropping them off to school and driving on the way back home 7:40am tidying up the living room and kitchen area once I am done fall asleep in the living while watching espn news 8:05-2:20pm still sleeping 2:22pm my girls come from school fixing lunch before going to work 3:00pm- 100am (sometime I work overnights) I’m at work Tuesday 7:30-8:00am getting home from work (the day before probably worked an overnight shift) 8:15-2:00pm heading to school/ in class working on assignments or group activity 2:20pm –leaving school heading home getting ready for work 3:15pm-1:00am- at work Wednesday 7:10am- take the girls to school 8:00pm- working on any or making up any homework assignments that I may have missed 1:15pm- help prep dinner e.g., marinating the chicken 2:20pm sometimes I willl pick up my daughters up from the school bus stop 3:00-fixing them lunch…and helping girls with home work 5:00-6:00pm wife comes home from work would talk to her about several of topics 8:00pm-8:30pm eating dinner with family 9:00pm-9:30pm-send the kids to bed Thursday 7:05am-7:15am-waking up and taking the kids to school 8:30-1:30am-school 2:25pm-girls comes home from school 3:15pm fixing lunch for them to eat 3:20-help with any homework I can and the rest when my wife comes home...
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...The Cotton Picker Once upon a time there was a Christian family of four, they lived in Denmark. The family never missed a Sunday at church and though all their prayers did not come true they taught their kids to appreciate what they had. The family barely had any money, and most of the time it wasn’t enough. The husband worked eight hour days picking cotton and grain from people’s farms; he would then sell it and make a small profit. Not getting any younger the fifty five year old gray headed man could hardly stand. He wore a ragged shirt and dirty pants. Many people in the small town which they lived, looked up to the man for supporting his wife and kids, however there were a select few that saw him as trash. Never letting the words of others bring him down the old man perused on day after day in his routine. Every night after a long day his wife would run a hot tub of water and bathe her husband. On Wednesday’s the old man and his wife would wake up extra early and take what little money they had to the town shelter. There was a lady that worked at the store across from the shelter, her husband owned several street side stands and they were quiet wealthy. She would wait outside the store every Wednesday morning waiting on the old man and woman and say the same thing “you should keep your money, you all are just as poor”, and the old man would respond the same every time “we have what we need, and would like to help others have the same”. Sticking her nose up to the old man...
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...Refining Solutions Travis Lara March 24, 2014 PHL-458 Carrie Woodhouse My issue happened about a year ago. I had to decide weather or not I should stay in the military or get out. This decision would change everything, not just in my life, but my families life. My first solution would be to stay in the military. With this solution came a lot of sacrifice. If I stayed in the military I would be receiving orders out of California, which is where home is, unaccompanied. Unaccompanied means that I would be moving without my family. I would be in a different state or country for two years without my family. The second solution would be to get out. The scary part about that is that I didn't have a job secured for when I got out as of yet. I had been applying through several law enforcement agencies and interviewing, but had not yet received a yes from any. I was given 24 hours to make the decision. I soon decided that the best solution for me was to get out. Although this is a decision left a lot to the unknown I just could not imagine being away from my wife and kids for two years. According to Ruggiero in Chapter 11 there are three steps to refining a solution. Step one is working out the details. In this step you need figure out exactly how your decision will be applied. Step two is finding imperfections and complications. In this step you check for common kinds of imperfections, compare the solution to competing ones, consider what changes your solution...
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...AFTER DINNER SPEECH I asked the chairman how long I should speak for this evening and he said; “Speak for as long as you like; but we’re going home at ten.” Before I start my speech, the management of this hotel have asked me to point out that the sign in the gents ‘Wet Floor,’ is a warning not an instruction. Before coming here today, I was forced to give my wife a lecture on home economy; and believe me there are going to be some changes. For starters I will be giving up drinking. I am afraid I have 2 disappointments for you today; the [eg Prime Minister] couldn’t make it;---but our next speaker could. Police cordoned off Liverpool City Centre this morning, when a suspicious object was discovered in a car. It later turned out to be a tax disc. I am sorry to report that # was in trouble with the Police recently for alleged assault, although he swears it was self defence. He was in B&Q, when an elderly man with orange overalls asked him if he wanted decking. On the way here I stopped in the local village and asked a man, “Which is the quickest way to [place you are at]?” He said, “Are you in a car or on foot?” I said, “In a car”. He said, “That’s the quickest way.” Another sign of growing older is, when you are faced with two temptations; And you chose the one that will get you home by 9 o’clock. I am not trying to say that Dave is a bad driver; but I would feel safer being driven home by Richard Hammond. One of the most bizarre MP’s expenses...
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...The Fisherman and His Wife [calm water, the fisherman arrives] One morning, as a fisherman was fishing in the sea, he caught a golden flounder. [the fish rises from the calm water] This flounder was actually an enchanted prince, so the fisherman granted his request to be released back into the water. [the water goes away and is replaced by a small house] Upon returning home that evening, the fisherman told his wife about the magic flounder. [enter the wife] WIFE You just let him go? FISHERMAN Well, yes. I could not kill an enchanted prince. WIFE He would have granted any wish you had! Go back and catch him again. This time, when he asks you to release him, ask him to grant you a wish. FISHERMAN Alright. What should I ask for? WIFE Ask him for a grand house. We have lived in this hovel for too long! [exit wife and hovel. The water returns, but the waves are turbulent] The fisherman caught the magic flounder yet again. FISH I am an enchanted prince. Please release me back into the water. FISHERMAN First, you must grant me a wish! FISH Sure. What is your request? FISHERMAN I would like a bigger house. FISH Release me and return home. Your wish has been granted. [exit the fish and the waves] Upon returning home, the fisherman is greeted with a grand mansion. [the hovel with the first larger overlay] WIFE Oh, it’s exactly what I’ve always dreamed of! FISHERMAN It is truly grand. Now we can live comfortably instead of in that hovel. WIFE ...
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...aren't exactly known for teaching their kids how to break a task into smaller, accomplishable pieces). That, plus my mother's voice in my head ("Everybody else knows how to do it. You're just really lazy") have made figuring out this home maintenance thing an uphill climb. Here's the thing, though. As my personal life completely imploded over the last year or so, I began to realize how much living in chaos affects my outlook and stress level. Even if I have a well-developed case of hoarder's child clutter blindness, at some level I do register the mess and feel stressed by it. And so, fifteen years after leaving my mother's home, I set about really figuring out how to address this issue once and for all. Here are some of the highlights of what I've learned. 1. Cut yourself some slack. As a culture, we view people who don't keep their houses clean in a truly negative light. I really struggled to let go of viewing my messiness as a deep, personal flaw. What worked for me was to take a deep breath and replace my mother's voice ("What's wrong with you?") with something I would say to a friend in the same situation (usually, "Do you realize how much you've already gotten done today? No wonder you're tired"). Repeat about a million times, and you'll be on your way. 2. Have less stuff. Some children of hoarders go the stark minimalist route. Some, like me, just struggle with having a bit too much clutter. I now keep a Goodwill bag in my closet. When I come across something that...
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...What matters more to my kids’ future: Their school or quality time with their parents? 1] On countless mornings over the past year, I stood with my 3-year-old son, James, in our driveway, watching our next-door neighbor trudge off to fifth grade. As she’d disappear around the corner, I’d think ahead to the kind of school James might attend when he starts kindergarten in two years. 2] My wife and I are in our early 30s, living in Ann Arbor, Mich., where she is finishing her training as a demographer. Over the next year we’ll figure out where we’re going to live for the long haul. Where we choose will depend to some extent on the job market, but it will also depend heavily on where we want James and his brother, Oscar, 1, to go to school. 3] We can’t afford private-school tuition, so living in a city would probably mean chancing it on a subpar public school system. And although I loved growing up on the coast of Maine, the limits of my public high school education became clear when I got to college and immediately felt like I was behind. I would like my boys to be better prepared for college. 4] But if my wife and I wanted to do everything we could to give James and Oscar the best possible K-12 education, we’d have to make some big changes. We’d have to choose more lucrative careers than hers in academia and mine as a writer so we could afford urban private schools or a house in an affluent suburb where the public schools are better. But between the longer...
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...Book : Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 2 Author: Jeff Kinney 1. Setting - There are multiple setting in this story. These settings include the house, school, talent show and leisure towers. At morning the settings was at the house and on the school campus. During the evening the setting was also home and when it became night the talent show was held. Lastly the leisure tower was also a setting. 2. Summary of Plot – in the book, diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules, by Jeff Kinney, the main character Greg Heffley has a secret. During summer break, an embarrassing thing happened to him and only Rodrick knows, hence Rodrick held it against and threatened to tell everyone. We learnt that Greg is eager to go back to school; however moments after he arrived everyone avoided him. Later on down, Susan Heffley started something called “mom bucks”. Rodrick threw a party when their parents went away. At the end of the book, Rodrick and his band performed and although they did not win, the most terrible, most horrifying secret got out. 3. A) Gregory Heffley “Greg” is the main character and owners of the diary. He is the “wimpy kid”. Greg is sometimes selfish and vain. He is also easy going and good natured trying to survive in middle school after realizing and understanding that middle school is not avoidable. At the beginning of the book Greg was afraid that his secret would be discovered, so he played close attention to Rodrick and finally discovered Rodrick secret. Eventually they...
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...Last year when I wrote this same essay I wrote about my internal struggles with being a closeted gay kid in the middle of a town that has more churches than anything else. On September 15th 2016 I faced that fear . It was without a doubt the most terrifying thing I have ever had to experience. Facing my family and my peers was the one thing I never really wanted to do but I decided that for my sake I needed to because otherwise I was probably going to be driven insane with the secrecy. I decided to come out on Facebook because if I had to personally tell people I most likely would have chickened out. I also made the decision to do it on a Thursday, that way I would be able to get a gauge of people's reactions but if it was bad I would have...
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...about your kid-- A guessing game My learning curves as a parent It was a rather lazy rainy weekend and we decided to spruce it up by watching a movie. This was a movie that I had been meaning to watch with my kids. I went to the nearest redbox and picked up the movie " Wonder" as many parents raved about this movie. A simple script with a powerful message with intrinsically woven characters. As we navigated through our own emotions while watching August Pullman(Auggie) get bullied because of his facial deformities, we shed a few tears and unanimously roared with laughter after the final act as a deep sense of comfort and warmness swept through our entire body. My daughters faces glowed with positive approval...
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...get the kids dressed. | Getting up out of bed, than get dressed, and we get the kids dressed. | Getting up out of bed, than get dressed, and we get the kids dressed. | Getting up out of bed, than get dressed, and we get the kids dressed. | Getting up out of bed, than get dressed, and we get the kids dressed/ | Still in the bed. | 6:30 | Still in the bed. | Giving the kids their daily medicine. | Giving the kids their daily medicine. | Giving the kids their daily medicine. | Giving the kids their daily medicine. | Giving the kids their daily medicine. | Still in the bed. | 7:00 | Getting up out of the bed. | On the way to drop the kids off at school. | On the way to drop the kids off at school. | On the way to drop the kids off at school. | On the way to drop the kids off at school. | On the way to drop the kids off at school. | Getting up out of the bed. | 7:30 | Cooking breakfast | Eating breakfast. | Eating breakfast. | Eating breakfast. | Eating breakfast. | Eating breakfast. | Cooking breakfast. | 8:00 | Washing dishes and cleaning house. | On the way back home from dropping the kids off at school. | On the way back home from dropping the kids off at school. | On the way back home from dropping the kids off at school. | On the way back home from dropping the kids off at school. | On the way back home from dropping the kids off at school. | Washing dishes and cleaning house. | 8:30 | Watching TV with the kids, or playing with the kids. (reward time) | Doing my school...
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...chambered on/in their nightstand, under the mattress, or on a shelf in the closet. It’s loaded in my nightstand – Male Gun Owners no kids, N I sleep with it by my bedside, it’s loaded and chambered. Without that, you’re sleeping with a paperweight by your bed – Male Gun Owners no kids, N When I’m home, It’s on my dresser or by my bed and it’s loaded. When I am out, I carry it – Male Gun Owners no kids, N My safety is my own finger on the trigger – Male Gun Owners no kids, N The only people who come to my house are gun owners and they know how to treat a gun, so I don’t worry about storage – Male Gun Owners no kids, D...
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...Parent I can honestly say with my first kid I knew from the beginning I was going to need to take responsibility in my own hands and raise my kid. I knew it would be hard but I had no idea it was going to be that hard and I had to make a major decision in my life. The job I had I knew I could not support me and my son, so I applied for a job quit my old one without any clue I was going to get the other one. I will say God worked in my favor and must have knew my hardship. Although, no one chooses to be a single parent because of the obstacles and struggles we face, just to find personal time, the money to support the family and family needs, and trying to find time to spend with your kids is a challenge. I remember my grandma telling me, once you have a kid the time you thought you loved so much no longer exist. She wasn't lying because trying to find personal time is the struggle of a lifetime. I recently had twins a year ago and that just made my life even harder just trying to find the time to blink. With three kids in my house taking a simple shower is a struggle because all the kids want to be around you and want to know where is mommy? If I put the twins down for a nap my oldest son wants him time with me, so I have to play a game, read a book or just sit on the couch and watch a movie till the twins wake up. So, napping as a single parent is non-existent in my book. If someone knows the code to taking a nap with three young kids, please let me know because I want...
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...parent my own children. Though all of that is true sometimes, I assure you I am not as crazy as I sound, that my children are healthy and happy, and that most of the time they really do like me. Since having children, I have noticed some things. I have noticed that every time I see a smattering of stick people stickers on the back of a minivan, my soul dies a little. That commercials really are brainwashing my kids into thinking they need whatever new sugar frosted chocolate bombs in the shapes of kitties and bunnies cereal Kellogg’s has released this month. That if we don’t trek our children to Disneyworld before they are 5 years old, I’m pretty sure Walt Disney himself will rise from the dead and smite us all. But most of all, I have noticed the multitude of ways that we are ruining our children. 1. Participation trophies. Participation trophies are the biggest load of bull I have ever witnessed. The only time they are appropriate is if your child is playing in a 3 year old soccer league (quite frankly, I can’t believe this exists), and all they do is run around in circles, pick at the grass and their nose, and dig for bugs in the middle of the field. If they can make it through an entire game, they deserve a trophy. But everyone else, not so much. Let me let you in on a little secret that you might not want to hear, folks. Everyone isn’t a winner. Every one of you, at some point in your life, has been a loser. So have your kids. And so what? So what if your kid plays...
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...on my service learning. I completed my hours quickly because of how disgusted I was of Istrouma Early Head Start Center. The YWCA Early Head Start Program provides comprehensive, educational and health services for pregnant adolescents, children of adolescent parents, children with disabilities, and children living in poverty. Istrouma Early Head Start is first and foremost a child development program with the goals of promoting school readiness and effective parenting. All children served at the center are the ages of six weeks to three years old. There are five goals the center provides for the families. The first goal is that the children of the center will have access to high quality early childhood services. The second goal is that families will progress toward their goals in health, mental awareness, education and employment. The third goal is that the staff will leverage their personal and professional growth to assist children and families in realizing their goals. The forth goal is that community partnerships will be established and or mentioned to build comprehensive, integrated services for children and their families and increase community investments. The fifth goal is that the program that they will strive to strengthen the management systems and provide the support required to expand their services. I will Look, Judge, and Act on the services this company provides for poverty stricken homes and communities. LOOK: Upon entering the center on my first...
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