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To What Extent Do Referendums Strengthen Democracy?


Submitted By MORROWC
Words 558
Pages 3
To what extent do referendums strengthen democracy in the UK?

Democracy is defined in Greek as government by the people. Referendums are undermining of the authority given to the people through a representative.
The use of referendums in the UK allows for an increased participation from the electorate. This encourages direct democracy and therefore strengthens the basic principle of a democratic governing body. However, participation is a key part of the strengthening of democracy. In recent years we have seen a growth in the number of referendums held in the UK. Referendums are usually held to conclude on an important issue, such as devolution and issues regarding the changing of a constitutional law. It has become increasingly problematic that there has been a decline in the turn-out for referendums, a clear example of this is the Welsh national; assembly referendum held in 2011. The turnout for the Welsh national assembly referendum was 33%, with a 65% voting in favour of further devolved powers for the assembly. Although the vote was a majority decision 67% of the electorate did not vote, which undermines the result and therefore democracy is weakened without active participation by the electorate.
As mentioned, the Welsh assembly referendum resulted in 67% of the electorate not voting, which means that these individuals will still get a devolved set of powers. Therefore unless you have a 100% turnout a referendum will forever be undemocratic. This can be described as tyranny of minority, the labour government of 1997-2010 avoided this issue by placing a threshold on the 1979 Scottish referendum. This strengthens democracy as it allows MPs to understand the views of the electorate and vote accordingly. This exemplifies the premise of a representative democracy. It is arguable that referendums undermine the representative democracy in place in the UK, as

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