...In recent years there has been much debate within Parliament over the possible codification of the British Constitution and it is always a topic that people often find very hard to agree on. Though some parts of what may be a codified constitution have been introduced, such as The Human Rights Act which established a codified set of rules and the introduction of devolution, Britain is currently uncodified and so this brings up the arguments of whether update the system or not The initial argument for the change is it was remove the transparency of rules and laws, the key constitutional are collected into a single document all clearly stated with great difficulty of alteration. This portrays exactly what the beliefs of Parliament are and restricts law breaking. Not only does this deter people from committing offences but also makes it simple to enforce as every charge wish be on the same wavelength. An argument to contradict this however would be that's not every crime committed is the same so the variation in the punishment given would also have to vary and with the defining of the law there is actually potential for it to become less democratic. Along with this as times are forever changing and technology is being updated, the demand for laws to be amended is crucial as without it people could technically exploit the system ‘legally’. Another bonus of a codified Constitution is the fact that it is authoritative meaning it is a higher-level and so it lines all political...
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...Northern Consortium United Kingdom – Politics Past paper questions for June exam < Module 1 > Section A 1a What are the differences between Public Bills Committees and Select Committees? [5] Public Bills Committee is part of legislative process, whereas Select Committee is part of scrutiny process. In the former committee, the bill is examined by line by line to ensure that its wording and language is clear to allow any amendments on the bill. In the latter committee, there are two departments – governmental and non-governmental. They examine government departments’ expeditures , policies and policies. There are between 16 to 50 members in the PBC who are selected by Committee of Selection whose 7 out 9 members are ships. On the other hand, there are 11 members in the SCs and to eliminate “the conflict of interest, all the members are backbench members who are elected using the Alternative vote system. 2a What are the main functions of Parliament and how well does it perform them? [5] < This question is a 20-mark question > 3a What are the differences between direct and representative democracy? [5] In direct democracy, people are directly involved in decision-making processes, whereas in representative democracy, people elect MPs who will represent and form a government in Parliament. For instance, some qualified members of Athenian society were involved in decision-making and a referendum is a limited form of direct democracy. Also general elections...
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...management, fewer legal controls, and fewer taxes. However, the business owner is personally liable for all debts incurred by the business. Partnership: Partnership comprises of 2 or more persons who mutually agree to contribute money, labor, or skills to a business. Each partner shares the profits, losses, and management of the business and each partner is personally and equally liable for debts of the partnership. Formal terms of the partnership are usually documented in the Partnership Deed. Private Limited Company: Private Limited Company is whereby shares of the company are issued to a limited number (usually within a family of friends) of individuals. These share holders are owners of the business and their liability is limited to the extent of the investment in the business. Since the number of owners in a private limited company is greater than the partnership it can raise more capital and investment. Public Limited Company: Public Limited Company is same as private limited company except that its shares are list on a stock exchange and can easily be sold and purchases by people. Since their numbers of owners (shareholders) are large, it can raise the highest level of...
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...Democracy and participation: Democracy = a political system based on the idea that government should serve the interests of the people. Legitimacy = the extent to which a government has the right to rule and exercise power. Power vs. Authority: * Power= the ability to make someone do something that they would not do of their own free will * E.g - Coercion – the use of force to achieve ends – the military * Authority = the right to exercise power (based on the consent of those being ruled) * E.g - Legal/rational – HOC * E.g – Traditional – HOL Modern democracies have: Political tolerance Peaceful transition of power Free, fair and regular elections The government is accountable to the people The rule of law Freedom of the media Modern democracies have: Political tolerance Peaceful transition of power Free, fair and regular elections The government is accountable to the people The rule of law Freedom of the media What makes a government legitimate? * Referendums (‘Yes’ answers) * High turnout * Free, fair and regular elections * Lack of dissent * Displays of public support How legitimate is the UK? Legitimate | Not legitimate | * House of Commons is elected | * Electoral system unfair and distorts political representation (FPTP) | * Government elected with mandate to govern | * Every government elected has only achieved the minority of the popular vote | * House of Lords has traditional authority...
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...DEMOCRATIZING GLOBALIZATION ZURIN MOHAMAD NOR University of Technology Mara, Institute of Graduate Studies, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia mnzurin3003@gmail.com Abstract Decision making in a country represents an involuntary constraint on the sovereignty of the country in the process of globalization. The democracy system of the country may appear to be negative effects to the sovereign will of the people. The weaknesses of the democratic institutions and dependent economies on external sources will be suffering and vulnerable to the pressures of globalization. The strength of their democratic institutions, capacity to structurally diversify their economies and knowledge advances of their people itself toward development of their country can coping this democratizing issue in globalization. Keywords : Involuntary, globalization, democratizing 1.0 Introduction Globalization has been given many meanings in different contexts. One frequently encountered meaning is that globalization is the homogenization of peoples’ tastes and demand patterns around the world due to increased access to international communication of information about products and services as well as increased access to transportation of products and people across the borders (Carol Hammond and Robert Grosse). Globalization means that events in one part of the world have ripple effects elsewhere, as ideas and knowledge, goods and services and capital and people move more easily across border. Communication...
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...Analysis of Factors Influencing Adequate Funding of Social Health Care in the Tower Hamlets, London DECLARATION I declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted in any other university or institution for examination. Signature Date Student no: Stud - This is to confirm that the work this proposal was done by the student under our supervision. SignatureDate Supervisor 1: For and behalf of (Name of institution) Signature Date Chairperson, Department of ( ) DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my family members for their enduring support they gave for the whole time I was pursuing this project. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I would like to thank my supervisor .................... who has guided me in writing this project. More particularly my special thanks go to my lecturers for taking me through the whole course. I am also greatly indebted to my fellow students who were with me throughout the course work. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Class A drugs- drugs deemed by the government to cause the most lethal harm when consumed. They attract heavy jail terms including life in prison. Community care- a term used in healthcare policies to mean looking after people with particular needs in the community. Local strategic partnership- a single non-statutory body, aligned with local authority boundaries that bring together at a local level the different parts of the public sector as well as the...
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...ventured out of India were suddenly investing all over the world and even in some industrialized countries. When, in 2009, the Group of 20 (G-20) was raised to the level of a forum for leaders, India was a significant member of this global policy group. 14.2 The globalization of India has given rise to new opportunities but it has also brought with it new challenges and responsibilities. It means that the global economy can no longer be viewed from a spectator’s standpoint. What happens there has large implications for India. Every time there is a major financial crisis anywhere in the world, there is need to take brace position. And, in turn, the rise and fall of India’s growth rate has an impact on global growth and there is need for India to take this responsibility seriously. This chapter, a new addition to the Economic Survey, is a recognition of this fact. It examines the state of the global economy and India’s position therein. It analyses the current global slowdown and eurozone crisis, what this means for India and the policy challenges that these international matters give rise to on domestic soil. The...
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...The House of Lords an effective institution? an effective institution? Introduction Since the reform of the House of Lords in 1999 by Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ government, the status and legislative scope of the ‘upper house’ has steadily risen. Its role as a ‘revising chamber’, scrutinising bills sent to it from the House of Commons, is an important one. However, unlike upper houses in many modern democracies such as the Senate in the USA, theoretically it cannot stop, and at best can only delay, legislation sent from the Commons. As a largely appointed chamber, doubts remain as to its legitimacy and as recently as 2012 the government tried to replace the Lords with a largely elected chamber. This initiative however failed, perhaps partly because MPs were worried that a wholly elected Lords might in the future question the primacy of the Commons. Task Objective * This task requires you to explore the workings of the Lords and consider how effective it is as a parliamentary body. * It will ask you to consider whether the House of Lords should be reformed further. * It will guide you through a range of reading material and pose key questions for you to post on as you complete each section of reading. Task 1: Overview of Functions____________________________________________________________________ You can get a very quick overview of the role and work of the House of Lords by skim reading the following pamphlet and watching the YouTube clip: http://youtu...
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...‘Soft Power’ to Collective Decision-Making? Saif Al-Islam Alqadhafi A thesis submitted to the Department of Philosophy of the London School of Economics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, London, September 2007 Declaration I certify that the thesis I have presented for examination for the MPhil/PhD degree of the London School of Economics and Political Science is solely my own work other than where I have clearly indicated that it is the work of others (in which case the extent of any work carried out jointly by me and any other person is clearly identified in it). The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. Quotation from it is permitted, provided that full acknowledgement is made. This thesis may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of the author. I warrant that this authorisation does not, to the best of my belief, infringe the rights of any third party. 2 Abstract This dissertation analyses the problem of how to create more just and democratic global governing institutions, exploring the approach of a more formal system of collective decision-making by the three main actors in global society: governments, civil society and the business sector. The thesis seeks to make a contribution by presenting for discussion an addition to the system of international governance that is morally justified and potentially practicable, referred to as ‘Collective Management’. The thesis focuses on the role of civil society, analysing arguments...
Words: 127847 - Pages: 512
...of this article can be found at: http://lec.sagepub.com/content/26/6-7/594 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: London South Bank University Local Economy Policy Unit Partner Organisation: Centre for Local Economic Strategies Additional services and information for Local Economy can be found at: Email Alerts: http://lec.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://lec.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://lec.sagepub.com/content/26/6-7/594.refs.html >> Version of Record - Nov 17, 2011 What is This? Downloaded from lec.sagepub.com at UNIV OF GUELPH on November 17, 2013 Review article The euro crisis Andrew Jones Local Economy Policy Unit, London South Bank University, UK Local Economy 26(6–7) 594–618 ! The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0269094211421748 lec.sagepub.com ´ ˜ Marco Buti, Servaas Deroose, Vıtor Gaspar and Joao Nogueira Martins (eds), The Euro: The First Decade, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2010; 1048pp: ISBN 978-9279098420, £95 (hbk); Roy H. Ginsberg, Demystifying The European Union: The Enduring Logic of Regional Integration (2nd edn), Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2010; 422pp: ISBN 978-0742566927, £21.95 (pbk); Michael Mitsopoulos and Theodore Pelagidis, Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust, Palgrave...
Words: 15233 - Pages: 61
...subject specific questions about this specification that require the help of a subject specialist, you may find our Ask The Expert email service helpful. Ask The Expert can be accessed online at the following link: http://www.edexcel.com/Aboutus/contact-us/ Pearson: helping people progress, everywhere Our aim is to help everyone progress in their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people, wherever they are in the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70 countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out more about how we can help you and your students at: www.pearson.com/uk January 2012 Publications Code US030541 All the material in this publication is copyright © Pearson Education Ltd 2012 No.1a How does a referendum differ from an election? Indicative content (The following does not exhaust relevant points or appropriate knowledge) Referendums and elections can be seen as different political mechanisms, below are some of these differences: • • • • • A referendums does not secure representation of officials whereas elections provide a mechanism to place...
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...Harvard Law School Jean Monnet Chair Professor J.H.H. Weiler Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 1/01 Päivi Leino The European Central Bank and Legitimacy Is the ECB a Modification of or an Exception to the Principle of Democracy? Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 All rights reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form Without permission of the author. © Päivi Leino 2000 Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 USA The European Central Bank and Legitimacy Is the ECB a Modification of or an Exception to the Principle of Democracy? Päivi Leino, Åbo Akademi University( M.Pol.Sc. (international law), Åbo Akademi University, Finland; LL.M. candidate, London School of Economics and Political Science. This paper was concluded on August 8, 2000 and subsequent changes have not been considered. The author would like to thank Professor Markku Suksi and Lic.Pol.Sc. Kurt Långkvist for their comments and encouragement. The author has exclusive responsibility for all views, errors and omissions. Comments are invited to Paivi.Leino@abo.fi.) 1. The Sovereign of Monetary Policy The creation of a single market and the continuing concentration and integration at the European level have created phenomena that can neither be governed by nationally based policies nor left to the working of unregulated markets.( Hirst, Paul and Thompson, Grahame (1996), p. 156.) According to the European Court of Justice...
Words: 19380 - Pages: 78
...Press. Hypertext links to other Web locations are for the convenience of users and do not constitute any endorsement or authorisation by Cambridge University Press. Ben Clift, University of Warwick b.m.clift@warwick.ac.uk http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/staff/clift Jim Tomlinson, University of Dundee j.d.Tomlinson@dundee.ac.uk Abstract This article questions prevailing interpretations of New Labour’s political economy. New Labour’s doctrinal statements are analysed to establish to what extent these doctrinal positions involve a repudiation of Keynesianism. Although New Labour has explicitly renounced the ‘fine tuning’ often (somewhat problematically) associated with post-war Keynesian political economy, we argue that they have carved out policy space in which to engage in macroeconomic ‘coarse tuning’ inspired by Keynesian thinking. This capacity to ‘coarse tune’ is precisely what is being sought in New Labour’s quest for credibility through the redesign on the UK macro policy framework and institutions. Our empirical focus on New Labour’s in government since 1997 offers considerable evidence that this search for the capacity to ‘coarse tune’ has been successful. Credible Keynesianism?: New Labour Macroeconomic Policy and the...
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...1.0 Question a Explain sovereign risk. Broadly defined, sovereign risk refers to the risk that a host government or sovereign power will default on its payment obligations. For example, a host government or sovereign power may unilaterally repudiate its foreign obligations or many prevent local firms from honouring their foreign obligations. Sovereign risk reflects potential adverse effects resulting from a country’s political conditions. In other words, sovereign risk reflects the possibility that political conditions could prevent the counterparty in a swap agreement from meeting its payment obligations. Various political conditions could prevent the counterparty from meeting its obligation in the swap agreement. For example, the local government might take over the counterparty and then decide not to meet its payment obligations. Alternatively, the government might impose foreign exchange controls that prohibit the counterparty from making its payments. Sovereign risk differs from credit risk because it is dependent on the financial status of the government rather than the counterparty itself. A counterparty could have very low credit risk but conceivably be perceived as having high sovereign risk because of its government. It does not have control over some restrictions that are imposed by its government. Comment on the most common indicator of sovereign risk with current examples. Spain's Government Bond Yield for 10 Year Notes rallied 58 basis points during the last...
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