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Tom's Escape

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Should a slave have every right to escape? We have two men here, who have given their opinions on this matter, that I will reveal to you.

These two men have differing beliefs about a slave escaping. George believes in a man having every right to escape, regardless of whether it’s right or not. He holds to the truth in his own heart that he is a man that should be given the same opportunities, rights, and privileges as any other man on the earth is subject to. This includes a person’s decision of whether or not he is another person’s property. He adamantly believes that he is no different from anyone else, and that he is most capable of doing anything anyone else can do. Tom, our other man to present his case, feels differently. He believes that escape from one’s master is, (in his own personal feelings), is something …show more content…
His wise, christian-like views, and walk-by-faith life reflect who he is, and how it all plays into his attitude towards a slave taking the chance to escape. George stands on the side of the right to liberty and escape. Tom doesn’t agree with that. While he sees this as not right and disrespectful to his master, George one hundred percent believe’s it to be his own, clear, and total right to make the effort to break the chains of his bondage and escape at the first sign of opportunity. Tom’s view stands as the right and respected belief. God says respecting authority is important, and we see Tom holds to this. George’s view is not, in the Lord’s eyes’, morally right. It goes against God’s plans and ways, concerning masters’ and authority. When we go back to Tom, we clearly see that he holds to the biblical truth about respecting authority. The question still is, however, does a slave have every right to escape? This is an issue that today, and especially during that time, could be one that is an unanswerable

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