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Case Study: Ambulatory Care

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1. I believe this is a form of Misfeasance. What the scrub tech did was not proper and was illegal. When the scrub tech did the actions with the syringes they brought possible suffering to many patients. The negligence that was committed could be classified as direct cause (pg. 135). It could be direct cause because this was a chain of events that eventually caused a potential injury for thousands of patients. If this incident did not occur there would have not been this injury (HEPC). Also this technician caused multiple damages. The patients that found out what the technician did is now seeking treatment if possible infection from the tech. This will cost the ambulatory care center money for the free blood test and possible physical damage patients.

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She could be charged with drug charges, tampering, and negligence. In this chapter it talks about Res ipsa loquitur “the thing speaks for itself” (pg.136. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence against her. In most cases she was probably tested before she was allowed to work in a healthcare facility like the ambulatory care. She was probably tested and then did not act on her Hepatitis C. Instead she developed a drug problem and then put other patients at risk for the illness. Thousands of patients could have come in contact with the technician’s illness. This is neglect on the technician’s part. She may not have intentional got the patients ill, but it could still lead to patient injury.
3. In this case No I do not believe it is fraud. She did not illegal sell the drugs as far as the article states. She also did not provide unauthorized services, write prescriptions, etc. (pg. 138). If she did any of the things classified as being fraud then yes, but in this case it is not

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