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Lost Innocence By Tim Anderson And Joanna Wendel

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I learned a lot from writing this paper! It was extremely different from the concept essay but it was a good different. It required finding and reading sources as well as understanding their points of view and opinions on a given topic. I used what I learned from writing my first essay to help guide me but the examples given in the book honestly helped too. For this paper I knew I had to keep my opinions out of the paper and focus on those from my sources, Tim Anderson and JoAnna Wendel. These were fantastic articles to draw from because they almost mirrored each other! JoAnna Wendel believed strongly in the advancement of GMOs and felt that GMOs were completely safe and had studies to back up her opinion. Tim Anderson, on the other hand, opposed GMOs as well as the government, as he felt, not doing its job to keep the public safe. …show more content…
I looked at how they introduced and made sources credible, how facts were presented, and how counterarguments were established. Then I looked at how the authors used the information they were giving and how that helped create solid common ground and show differences. After doing that I looked at the thesis statements which guided me in crafting my own. All three of the examples helped me construct my common ground paper, but the “Lost Innocence” essay was one I thoroughly enjoyed. I love sports so this helped me relate with the topic and stay on track in hopes of soaking up valuable ideas that I could filter into my own paper, and that is exactly what I

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