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Toms Marketing Plan


Submitted By ryanshumway
Words 2472
Pages 10
Toms Shoes- Case Study

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………....3

2. Situation Analysis .....................................................................................4

3. Analysis of case issues using marketing theory

3.1. The trends in the marketing environment …………………….. 5

3.2. Creating value for customers.......................................................6

3.3. Fitting in with the changing marketing environment...................7

4. Conclusion...........………………………………………………………....8

5. References………………………………………………………………...9

1. Executive Summary

In the era of globalization and highly competitive business world, it is the goals and desire of every company to take a good portion of market share for their products in the market place. People in different geographic locations are more connected ever than before with advancement of internet and air travels. Online blogs, YouTube and social networking web sites have changed new socio culture across demographics especially in younger generations. Consequently, consumers are also becoming well informed about the brand and products, value conscious and their purchase decision are made beyond the quality of product and its face value alone.

The aim of this study is to analyse the key concepts of Toms Shoes Company marketing strategies and important factors that influence the success of this relatively new shoes company under current market environment. Toms is a shoes company that gives a new pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes a customer purchases. The company was founded in 2006 by an American entrepreneur who inspired to start a shoes company after his visit to Argentina where he saw shoes giving movement by non-profit organizations. Toms shoes has capture hearts and mind of

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