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Tools of Critical Thinking


Submitted By d8tedmusik
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Tools of Critical Thinking
TS8004 - Information Technology Research and Practice

This paper reflects the differences between a peer-reviewed article and a popular media article. Both publications are desired references for future research.
Peer-Reviewed Article
A Conceptual Framework for Using and Evaluating Web-Based Learning Resources in School Education
This article is regarding Web-based learning resources. This is important to my research as I’m leaning toward distant learning for minorities and the education gap it can help to bridle. Web-based learning resources gives teachers a wide range of new teaching experiences that are not possible in traditional classroom. This paper provides research in an area where little study has been done.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework to explore the design and evaluation of Web-based learning resources in school education. The paper also examines the way in which the framework is used to evaluate students’ and teachers’ perceptions of Web-based learning resources by means of survey questionnaires. (Hadjerrouit, 2010) This paper is a source of refernce for my research as it provides an idea of Web-based learning resources that may be available fo minorities for Distant Education.


Being a peer-reviewed article, I know that other scholars in this author's field has critically assessed the draft of this paper before it was publshed. I know paper has passed through a rigourous review process, leaving me with encouragement of integrity of the author. The review process helps ensure the validity, reliability, and credibility of both the author as well as the article.

The downside of this article is that it may never reach the masses. In comparison to a popular media article that I will analyze next, it will not see the eyes of those unfamilar with scholarly journals and miss the numerous number of people who opt to read a magazine than a Journal.

Popular Media Article
Distance Learning and Success: How Does Distance Learning Affect Minority Students?
This popular media article discusses the affects of Distance Learning on minority students and the success. The article discusses the concerns of minorites as well as the the way a student can be successful. Below is a general listing of what some minority students may face at traditional schools: * Hazing, such as the volatile type discussed by the Women's Sports Foundation in various forms, based on differences in sexual preference, race, religion and gender. * Ostracizing from classmates based on minority differences in various subjects. * Difficulty in understanding terminology due to a language barrier. * Prejudice from instructors and staff members of the school that is reflected in grading or general treatment. (Foust, 2010)
The article also stated a number of benefits such as it being nearly impossible to be wrongfully judged, when others may not be aware of your gender, race, or religious affiliation. It also stated that it is fairly easy to avoid prejudice from staff members you never see. Though the instructor has access to some personal information, even that is limited and not very extensive, therefore limiting the chances of prejudice in general. (Foust, 2010)

Popular Media

Popular media is usually short and to the point. The media pushing the article make sure the author makes it easy to read and comprehend, versus a peer-reviewed article. These articles usually give a researcher a spart to follow and to do an in-depth research that will be peer-reviewed. The downside of this article is the lack of credibility of the author as well as the article. Unlike a peer-reviewed article, there are no stats or surveys that prove any of the arguments.

Hadjerrouit, S. (2010). A conceptual framework for using and evaluating web-based learning resources in school education. A Conceptual Framework for Using and Evaluating Web-
Based Learning Resources in School Education, 9, 53-79.

Foust, K. (2010, April 26). Distance learning and success: how does distance learning affect minority students?. Retrieved from learning/articles/35455.aspx

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