...be faced with some type of problem or issue over the years. A couple must be able to discuss things and compromise without feeling that they are being taking advantage of, or their opinion is not even considered. By not being able to have a reasonable solution between both parties in a marriage this sets up for problems in the future. The problems will most likely lead to a couple feeling there is nowhere to go in the marriage, and find that they are unhappy. There are also many reasons that a couple fill a divorce is needed. Divorce offers both people in the relationship a better since of happiness, a stable life for themselves and the family, and divorce allows a person to regain their identity. The option of filing for a divorce is a tough and very difficult decision that is brought onto a couple when faced with a family problem. Once the idea of divorce is considered or brought up, either by one of the people or both people in the marriage feel that the relationship cannot be repaired or worked on. In a marriage both people want to have a sense of self worth and also for both people to be happy. By filing for divorce the couple may improve their overall happiness. A problem has occurred somewhere along the lines between the married couple and they are unable to come up with a solution that would make both people in the relationship feel happy. Being happy is one of the main reasons that a couple decides to get...
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...New jobs can be tough and require a lot of work, effort, and perseverance. In the Call of the Wild, Buck gets his first job, Spitz fell into the ice and almost dragged the whole team in. Buck persevered and tried his hardest to drag the team out of the ice. In contrast to Buck, my dad persevered when he got his new job, and the company downsized. Since my dad was one of the new reps they had to let him go. But he was stubborn and never gave up looking for a job. Buck had to persevere through the hard times even when Perrault and Francois sold him. My dad had to persevere even though he lost his job. My dad was stubborn and never gave up. But he also had a newborn baby to feed and a new house to pay for. Buck was sold and kept working hard and doing what he thought was right. Altogether we all have something we persevere through, it could be something from really big to something really small. In The Call of the Wild, Buck’s new job is tough...
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...Gumamela Petals as Dishwashing Liquid: The Effectiveness of Gumamela Petals in Removing Stains and Grease An Official Requirement in Research II Rico Emmanuel A. Pineda Arnieca Lulu Kim R. Mamayson Jhunaiza C. Santos Researchers Mr. Lucky Sonny A. Ligsanan Research Adviser I. Introduction Washing dishes is one of the major house chores our parents are facing every day. One of hardest part of washing dishes are the tough stains and grease that is all over the common kitchen tools we use in our everyday life. Dishwashing liquid is a great help to minimize the time of removing those tough stains and grease on our kitchen tools and it totally removes all the dirt of common kitchen tools. Imagine yourself washing the dishes without using any dishwashing liquid, how will you easily remove those stains and grease? This study shows how a simple organic material that can be easily found elsewhere can be turned into something as useful as dishwashing liquid. Background of the Study This research aims to produce a dishwashing liquid out of Gumamela petals that will remove the stains and grease in common kitchen tools. This study will make use of Gumamela petals which contains mucilage that effectively removes stains or grease present in common kitchen tools. Significance of the Study The study will produce a new kind of dishwashing liquid that is completely organic. It will make use of Gumamela petals mixed with water and calamansi extract to produce a dishwashing...
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...individual today. My mother has gone through struggles, pushed herself to be a fighter and most importantly taught me the true value of life itself. Being that my mother has had Multiple Sclerosis for more than ten years, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles and hardships that she has faced. One example of those hardships is not being able to walk without assistance. Seeing her face many hardships has convinced me that even though life may get hard, it may not be a beneficial thing to give up. The different emotions that she faces may not be recognizable to those around her but she still manages to take it one day at a time. To my mom a new day brings a new brand new attitude and a new possibility. I like to live by that mindset because it shows the amount of optimism you have. My mother has a strong way of saying “When the tough gets going, the tough gets going.” Whenever I am having a horrible day or decides that I will decline something because it is too “hard” then I will remind myself of this motto; Then I would sit and think of her reaction and her positive mindset about things which would consequently influence mine. Also, showing her being a fighter toward her condition has consequently convinced me that without a fight there is no point in standing for what you believe. Seeing my mom trying to fight against not losing her walking completely and also standing up for her overall has convinced me to speak what’s in my mind and in my heart. My mother’s condition could...
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...narrator has truth in his words, but all events in the story point to the contrary. T. Corahessan Boyle, or T. C. Boyle for short, is an unreliable narrator. The truth of this story is not in the text, but in the underlying meanings and subliminal nuances. This hidden reality really helps the reader make a direct judgment of the characters. After reading between the lines, one quickly finds out who the characters are, but more importantly, who they are not. Every 19 year old boy wants to be tough. Reputation is everything to a teenager and toughness is the cornerstone of that reputation. Even though most boys at 19 are far from being truly tough, they sure do play the part. “Greasy Lake” outlines the adventure of three wanna’ be tough dudes. Throughout the story the author, also the narrator, leaves hints for the reader to help determine the characters background. He refers to them as ‘mistakes’ but after a while the reader realizes that the one sole mistake was the boys fronting to be tough in the first place. The second line of the story immediately triggers a judgment call for the reader. The narrator comes outright and says, “We were all dangerous characters then (Boyle 164).” Dangerous dudes are known for reputation, and reputation is built by ‘showing’ not ‘telling’. The reader now has to ask him/herself if the narrator is truly dangerous. If he is dangerous, there would not be a point in telling the audience in the second sentence, for that would surely spoil the rest...
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...Alexander Team B discussed the decision making that the CEO of Xerox had to perform in the beginning of her tenure in order to get the company to where it is today, stable and competitive. I think that we all agreed that when she first took the position that she had to make some tough decisions by cutting departments which in turn meant cutting jobs which is always going to be a hard thing for any manager to do within any company. In the state that the company was in when the CEO took it over hard decisions had to be made in order to keep the company out of bankruptcy. She closed down the desktop printers division and focused on the commercial printers to give the company a boost in sales and it worked. Fast speed color printers are something needed in almost every company, Xerox just has to stay competitive with HP and Brother in order to keep the company running in the right direction. We also found it very interesting and noble that the CEO keeps the company to have a family fell to it. At sometimes one of the team members felt that this could be a downfall due to keeping a family orientated environment would cause a manager or anyone with an authoritative position not want to make the tough calls when needed closures, layoffs etc. The team also found it interesting that a former CEO that had left the company had been asked to come back and basically handpicked Anne Mulcaly to be his successor. It turned out to be the best move for the company and immediately began...
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...performer’s mean streak? Step 1: Understanding Her Current Organisation and Its Practices Jane should spend a lot of time with her Manager and other Senior Members in the Organisation. It is very important for her success to understand the organisations style of functioning. Jane should stop discussing and depending on the advice of Rick. Jane has just joined the organisation and Rick doesn’t understand the new company’s Value and Culture. Jane should rather depend on the advice and counsel of her seniors in her current organisation rather than Rick. Step 2: Start Leading It is very important for Jane to settle down quickly in her new role and understand her deliverables .She should hold meetings/communication sessions with her team members jointly and separately to discuss her vision and expectations from the team. She should also understand the team’s expectations from her as a leader. This will make everybody clear that she is the leader and she is the one who will call the shots and will lead the team to glory. Step 3: Dialogue with Andy Andy is on the most promising team member of Jane and her success depends largely on the contribution of Andy. She has to ensure that while she gives Andy more responsibilities in line with his strength and also keep rewarding him for his superior performance. But on the other hand, it is important that she does the tough talking. Jane should tell Andy that good numbers are not enough and that Andy’s job and his growth in the organisation...
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...sensemaking skills at the mission on hand. Sensemaking: Captain Ramsey was one of the few remaining captains with considerable experience, therefore he understood the threat that enemy posed upon the USA. He ignored the incomplete EAM (External Antenna Module or external action message), and followed the unified chain of command which are critical to accomplish missions. In this regard, captain Ramsey displayed adequate sensemaking skills at the right time Relating: When it came to relating, captain Ramsey’s comprehensive experience in combat helped him make the tough decisions which are generally taken by a high ranking official. He saw the outcome as either winning or losing the fight against their enemy, and all he wanted was to win that battle at any cost. Visioning: He knew how to run a ship and how to manage his personnel. His experience gave him the skills to efficiently deal with the critical situation. His clear understanding of the responsibilities entrusted upon him, he did not hesitate in making the tough decisions, i.e. fire the missile without questioning the difficulty of his decision. Inventing: He wanted to make sure that his team was able to adapt to unexpected circumstances and to keep their focus on missile drill, no matter what distractions come their way. Sshld I give fire example? Williams typology: Intro: Captain Ramsey,...
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..."It was your two-word retranslation, Lee- 'Thou mayest.' It took me by the throat and shook me. And when the dizziness was over, a path was open, new and bright. And my life which is ending seems to be going on to an ending wonderful. And my music has a new last melody like a bird song in the night." Lee was peering at him through the darkness. "That's what it did to those old men of my family." "Thou mayest rule over sin, ' Lee. That's it. I do not believe all men are destroyed. I can name you a dozen who were not, and they are the ones the world lives by. It is true of the spirit as it is true of battles-Only the winners are remembered. Surely most men are destroyed, but there are others who like pillars of fire quite frightened men through the darkness. 'Thou mayest, Thou mayest!' What glory! It is true that we are weak and sick and quarrelsome, but if that is all we ever were, we would millenniums ago, have disappeared from the face of the earth. A few remnants of fossilized jawbone, some broken teeth in strata of limestone, would be the only mark man would have left of his existence in the world. But the choice, Lee, the choice of winning! I had never understood it or accepted it before. Do you see now why I told Adam tonight? I exercised the choice. Maybe I was wrong, but by telling him I also forced him to live or get off the pot. What is that word, Lee?" "Timshel," said Lee This passage portrays the theme of Timshel which means 'Thou mayest' in hebrew. Once Lee told...
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...Being a girl can become a difficult life style. Between our stages in life, staggering attitudes and emotions… I don’t know how we would get through it. I myself am a girl, born and raised as one; so I know first hand that I can be very frail and take many chances. I’m also the target for a lot of people, for emotional support and other things. My parents depend a lot on me to take care of things when they can’t, especially because I'm the only girl. I recall my 5th grade classroom, the desks were set up in rows of six, and I sat in the middle row, of a large room filled with an average sized class. And that’s where he sat, right there in front of me; now being a female in a male bias world I found that most guys don’t expect you to know how to fight. And that’s where he made his mistake. His name was Tommy and he tried to take my pencil, this might not seem like a big deal now but ever since I was younger, I had an “obsessive compulsive disorder” type of thing; I absolutely positively could not stand to have people touching my things, or things that I had previously touched. So I asked him kindly to please not touch my things…he didn’t quite listen. He continued to grab for my book bag when I told him again “DO NOT TOUCH MY THINGS” I was getting madder and he didn’t seem to comprehend the level of seriousness displayed in my threatening tone. “Shut up” he snapped back at me “don’t be a tattle tale”. “I wont,” I said through my teeth “but stop touching my things” with an...
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...1. By dropping prices and increasing product range, is Woolworths diluting its value proposition? Woolworths is not diluting its value proposition by dropping prices as they still intend to deliver good quality products, superior packaging and excellent customer relations. They still intend to deliver on that promise and ensure that the consumer prefers its products and services above their competitors in the long run, thus maintaining the key to a sustainable competitive advantage (Hough, 2011). In the case study the divisional director for foods, Mr Julian Novack, mentions that because they carry a large portion of own-brand products, they are able to exert greater control over the prices by optimising the production process and reduce the input costs. Woolworths consulted with its suppliers to find ways to reduce pricing on their products and reviewed its entire supply chain, reducing unnecessary packaging, improving their logistics and also keeping an eye on price of commodities such as wheat. By making effective changes in their value chain Woolworths is able to increase the value delivered to their...
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...honors We've all gone through had time but do you think yours is as hard as the one i'm about to tell you. The tough go through tough challenges but only the tough push through and bounce back. Jack Harman is the person who stood out to me the most he. he is such a good man.At the time of his challenge he work for Land View. Jack is my uncle and i couldn't ask for a better uncle. Jack’s challenge was fall off a 25 foot fertilizer tank. He was climbing up to and slipped. He fractured his pelvis and was rushed immediately to the hospital. it was a tragedy and a nightmare happening at the same time. The hardest part was the recovery and the process and pain. He stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks and then moved to rehab for 3 weeks. The pain in his...
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...Everyone goes through tough times but try not to show their pain in several ways, Hughes claims that life isn't always happy with sunshine everywhere you go: "thouh you may hear me holler, And you may see me cry." It doesn't matter what kind of problems that you're going through, what really matters is that you try to push and fight against all your problems. Sometimes smiling is just too much for some of us to do and maybe hiding your pain isn't always possible to do because on some occations we just need to let our emotions out. I like this poem because I can relate to Hughes' pain and it's just simply understandable to me. Hughes tells us to keep trying: "so since I'm still here livin', I guess I will live on." He adds significance to this by capitalizing 'I'm'. I can agree that trying in life even through the tough times, and although you should keep on 'livin', it is important to fight through the tough things in life and even though there are terrible tradgedies in life, it is important to stay...
Words: 547 - Pages: 3
...Sun Hydraulics: Leading in Tough Times Case Study Executive Summary Sun Hydraulics, an industry leader of hydraulic valves and manifolds, has seen steady growth over the past eight years. It has been a profitable company throughout the years with varying return on sales. Presently Sun is constrained by declining sales and high labor costs heading into the present recession. The horizontal corporate structure has proven ineffective in ridding itself of low performing employees that are weighing down the company and thus decreasing profitability. It is time for Allen Carlson, president and CEO of Sun Hydraulics Corporation, to address the employees and shareholders of his decision on how Sun plans to deal with labor and profits during these tough times. I recommend that Sun Hydraulics should proceed with layoffs and early retirement plans to effectively and immediately reduce labor costs during the present recession. This approach seen by some as a short-term solution, allows Sun to rid itself of low performers that the present corporate structure has failed to do. Not only will it increase overall moral over time, but also these layoffs will allow current employees to contribute more time towards future growth and less time coaching or babysitting present employees that may be unhappy or underperforming. Organizational Profile/Overview Bob Koski along with another engineer established Sun Hydraulics, describe as the BMW in the Hydraulics Industry, in 1970...
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...Why I need the people around me To me, the people around me are to me like oxygen is to a tree. Of course, the tree might live a short period of time without oxygen but it will be tough. I might make it on my own for a while although it is tough, or, at least, that is what I might think but I can do great things with a team, the people around me. I was always taught that there is no I in the team and I value that. Together is just so much better than me because imagine the fun in making a beautiful cake all by yourself and imagine the fun in doing it with your friends, icing and smiles will be on everyone’s faces and there will definitely be memories in their hearts. The people around me are like a support system, there is someone I can talk to when it gets tough, someone that I can cheer up when it's tough for them people to share experiences and memories with and people that will dream with me when I share my dreams with them. If I value the people around me I will involve them the way Jesus involved people when he talked, or even when he travelled. Thinking I can make it on my own is thinking “there’s no I in team but there are an m and an e” it's foolish and so dumb, because who wants to walk 1000 miles with a heavy backpack filled with burdens if you can drive 1000 miles in a bus filled with joy, laughter and support. Together we...
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