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Town Crier Research Paper

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The Mackinac Island Town Crier is a week by week, occasional daily paper that covers occasions in and around Mackinac Island in the U.S. condition of Michigan. The Town Crier has been possessed by the group of Wesley H. Maurer Sr. since 1957, making it one of Michigan's most seasoned family-possessed and - worked daily papers. Starting 2007, the Town Crier was distributed 22 times each year, with week after week issues in the late spring and occasional issues in the late fall, winter, and early spring.

The Mackinac Island Town Crier is a week by week, occasional daily paper that covers occasions in and around Mackinac Island in the U.S. condition of Michigan. The Town Crier has been possessed by the group of Wesley H. Maurer Sr. since 1957,

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