...Estudio de Tiempos: Realizamos un estudio de tiempos de empacado del café seco en cada saco, dentro de las instalaciones de la empresa Café de Altura, en el área de Secado y empacado. En la siguiente tabla se muestran los tiempos reales obtenidos mediante su medición. El Tiempo de Ejecución se estableció en un 90%. El tiempo que se le concede al personal es de 30 min, más un tiempo de retraso de 40 min. Se tomó una muestra del promedio del tiempo de 10 diás. Tiempos: | Tiempos min/día | | n | Trabajador | Máquina | Total | 1 | 1.30 | 1.00 | 2.30 | 2 | 1.40 | 1.00 | 2.40 | 3 | 1.25 | 1.00 | 2.25 | 4 | 2.10 | 1.00 | 3.10 | 5 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 6 | 1.50 | 1.00 | 2.50 | 7 | 1.20 | 1.00 | 2.20 | 8 | 1.45 | 1.00 | 2.45 | 9 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 10 | 1.40 | 1.00 | 2.40 | Suma | 15.60 | 10.00 | 25.60 | 1. Ciclo de Tiempo = CT= Suma de los Tiempos n = 15.6010 = 1.56 min 2. Tiempo Normal = TN= CT.TE = 1.56 x (0.90)+ 1 x (1) = 2.404 3. Factor de Concesión = FC= 11-∆ total % = 11-0.15 = 1.18 ∆ total %= Suma del tiempo de concesiónTiempo de Jornada = 30min+40min(8 h)(60min) = 0.15 4. Tiempo Estándar = TS= TN.FC= 2.404 . 1.18 = 2.84 Determinación del tamaño de una muestra necesaria para el proceso productivo La norteamericana comercializadora de café procesado Starbugs, le pide anualmente a Café de Altura una muestra de café para determinar la calidad del café (Grano arábigo entero grande, tipo oro), sugiere que el tiempo de captado...
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...propósito del artículo, la metodología empleada, los resultados econométricos y las conclusiones. Explique la innovación introducida por Hartelius et al (2008) para estimar el impacto de las calificaciones de riesgo a largo plazo sobre los Spreads soberanos en países emergentes. Ayuda: observe el efecto asimétrico de cambios en las perspectivas (outlook) de dichas calificaciones sobre los spreads. Compare los principales hallazgos de este paper con los reportados por González Rozada y Levy-Yeyati (2006), y con los encontrados por Remolona, Scatigna y Wu (2007) en particular respecto al rol del “risk premium o unexpected losses given default”. (Máximo 5 carillas) I. a) Principal propósito del artículo El objeto de análisis de este trabajo es estudiar el dramático declive de los spreads, considerando que llamamos “ spread” de un mercado emergente a los determinantes de la diferencia entre el rendimiento de un instrumento de deuda del mercado emergente y una nota del Tesoro de U.S. a 10 años- Esta caída en los spreads ocurrió a lo largo de una dramática disminución en las políticas de las tasas de interés de los países industriales y a un marcado incremento en el crecimiento del dinero, al emitir dinero , por medio de la política monetaria que hicieron estos países en un esfuerzo por reavivar sus economías como consecuencia de los efectos de la burbuja de activos en el 2000, lo cual motivó a ciertos analistas a proclamar que la caída en los Spreads se producía por “un exceso...
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...Materia: Publicidad Integrantes: Ignacio Noble Carolina Baraibar Patricia Otero Introducción: Quiénes somos? Somos Horse Adventure ®, una empresa turística, dedicados a ofrecer viajes temáticos a Uruguay y Argentina. Nos enfocamos al mercado sueco y nuestra temática se relaciona a los caballos. Porqué Uruguay? Uruguay es un clásico país gaucho y también tiene algunas de las mejores playas vírgenes del mundo. Aunque es pequeño para los estándares de América del Sur, es aproximadamente del tamaño de Gran Bretaña. El país tiene una tasa muy baja de la delincuencia y la gente es extraordinariamente amable y hospitalaria. Famoso por sus carnes, también encontramos mariscos y verduras frescas de primera clase y sus vinos son un secreto muy bien guardado de este país. La producción de ganado de carne ha dado a la zona su mayor fortaleza económica y el entorno es ideal para criarlos. Montar a caballo es una parte tan integral de la cultura uruguaya así como la cría de ganado es un gran negocio, y los gauchos siguen dependiendo en gran medida de los caballos para mover a las vacas. Cabalgar se da por sentado aquí casi como es caminar en algunas partes del mundo. Los caballos criollos son ideales para el terreno y le llevarán cómodamente a través de la región montañosa del interior mientras se une a los gauchos que trabajan el ganado y a lo largo de las famosas playas de la costa. La larga costa atlántica con su claro, agua no contaminada es un refugio para los animales...
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...Desde mi punto de vista la conferencia me pareció bastante interesante, creo que al ser exalumno de nuestra carrera y universidad, José Manuel Zardain tiene una perspectiva muy real de lo que puede llegar a suceder en el mundo laboral actual, y más siendo parte del área de reclutamiento de una empresa tan importante. Es bueno saber lo que las empresas buscan de un egresado, porque es así como podemos darnos cuenta en que áreas podemos crecer o mejorar para hacer más fuertes nuestras fortalezas y defendernos de las debilidades. Lo que mas me gusto de la conferencia fue que compartió experiencias reales, y anécdotas que le han pasado durante su estancia en ese trabajo, ya que realmente podemos saber a que nos enfrentaremos, en este caso, si llegamos a trabajar en una consultoría. También me gusto que fuera directamente al grano, y explico de manera breve pero muy clara todo lo que se requería, además de que respondió varias dudas de varios alumnos. Como ya mencioné, me parece muy interesante ver como un Ingeniero Industrial puede dedicarse a varias cosas, y algunas muy distintas entre ellas, por lo cual creo nos da una visión hacía el futuro muy amplia para ver hacia donde queremos dirigirnos. Otra cosa que me gusto fueron los diferentes tips para las entrevistas que dio, ya que creo es algo que todos podremos utilizar, cuando sea necesario. Realmente yo no le cambiaría nada, ya que realmente cumplió con explicarnos todo lo que el realiza, así como la empresa donde trabaja...
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...¨OFFICE SPACE¨ ¨Office Space¨, muestra la realidad de muchas personas a la hora de acudir a su trabajo. Personas descontentas o desmotivadas ya sea con el trabajo que realizan, con la compañía, con el trato que reciben, (como lo es el caso de Milton) o simplemente con la paga la cual no es suficiente por la cantidad de trabajo que realizan. También podemos ver la falta de compromiso de la compañía con sus empleados y la poca importancia que esta le brinda a los mismos. Es una sarcasmo muy certero de lo que son muchas compañías y del trato para sus empleados. La película comienza un lunes normal, el cual los personajes se ven atrapados en el tráfico de la ciudad que en la realidad normalmente es el primer problema que nos encontramos antes de llegar al trabajo. El personaje principal Peter lleva una vida monótona y aburrida. Este no se encuentra contento con su trabajo y con su novia, a esto le sumamos sus compañeros de trabajo los cuales se sienten igual que él, pero resignados por que según ellos tienen un buen empleo. Existe otro personaje el cual todo el mundo en la oficina tilda de inservible llamado Milton, este es el caso del típico empleado el cual va reprimiendo emociones y malos tratos hasta que un día explota, Milton se pasa la película quejándose de las cosas que lo disgustan y amenazando con quemar el edificio, amenazas a las cuales nadie le presta atención. Un día la compañía decide hacer unas mejoras y deciden despedir y reubicar personal ya que según...
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...I used to play soccer for a club,just for recreational purposes,in fact i was one of the cofounders of the team. The team we assembled was a mixture of young and old, and for this reason we were the laughing stock of the league, because all other teams were made up solely of young players, who were exceptionally talented. The team ended up on the wrong side of the score for the first few games we played, and got nicknamed the “whopping boys”. Eventually we grew tired of the nickname and of our performances on the field, and we decided to try and improve things, first thing we did was to elect a leader for the club. Even though i didnʼt want the job, i was voted into the position, and as the president it was my duty to represent my team when the league called for club meetings. At the time we were all students, so it was decided that we would all contribute towards any and all expenses,but unfortunately when you dealing with a blend of young and old, things donʼt always go according to plan, people constantly made up excuses for not showing up for practice, or for not contributing towards our equipment. Even though it wasnʼt my duty, i took it upon myself to ensure that every single player showed up for practice, i used to drive up to the houses of all those who didnʼt have any transportation. It was a tiring job, but i realized that if i wanted the team to be successful, i had to make certain sacrifices, some of which included taking money out of my own pocket...
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...Axia College Material Appendix A Final Project Overview and Timeline Final Project Overview The final project consists of a checkout application. This application—similar to practical programs at many supermarkets—includes the following elements: • Complete requirements analysis • Design • Verification • Validation and test documentation The checkout application is a program that allows users to enter items and totals will be added up and results presented to the user. Requirements The requirements will change for each assignment section. This is because as we go along you will be able to add to the previous assignment using what you have learned during the course. Each assignment will require you to perform analysis and design and testing. We will learn more formal testing in week 6. Final Project Timeline You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. As outlined below, some CheckPoints and assignments in the course are designed to assist you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to complete your project successfully. □ Suggested in Week One: Read Appendix A regarding the final project overview and timeline. □ Due in Week Two: Initial Application Development □ Due in Week Four: Additional Application Development □ Due in Week Six: Final Application Development and Test Cases ...
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...patient for hearing aid suitability. It was agreed that these three sessions encompassed all aspects in Audiology she may come across in her future career. For example, she can fit a hearing aid, she can assess a patient and she has learnt that not all fittings are straight forward, for those presenting with a unique problem(s). The end product is patient satisfaction, provide a solution for the patient and to support that in practise. Leanne has come on in leaps and bounds since her early days in the department. She is confident, but finds it difficult to ask questions. However, she does manage talk about things in the appointment through her reflective reporting. This is something I may need to talk with her about when I have the final meeting with her. But I am not overly concerned at this moment in time. The 3 reflective reports that Leanne produces is of good quality, informative and reasonably accurate. It also highlights aspects of training she mentions that we both have undertaken together in the appointment, so I suppose she is reporting her own training and that of mine in her words, that I can use as evidence that can be signed off. Each three reflective reports enclosed have been signed by myself and my mentor-supervisor, including this document. Trainee mentor…………………….print name………………….date:……………… Mentor-supervisor…………………print...
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...the students are Bill and John. Bill believes that the completed -contract method is most like recognizing revenue at point of delivery because in the end the final product is delivered and has fulfilled any requirements to recognize revenue. John believes that percentage-of-completion is most like point of delivery and this allows a company to recognize revenue over time. I support Bill’s opinion that the completed-contract method is closest to recognizing revenue at point of delivery. The reason I support this is because while there is still construction taking place, as in the percentage-of-completion method, there still is no actual product being delivered. Along with no product being delivered, it is possible that the final product may never actually be made. If there’s a chance the end product not being made then there is no way to recognize revenue for that product. Using the completed contract method we hold off on recognizing any revenue until the final product is finished and delivered to the client. In my opinion completed contract fulfills the requirements of revenue recognition which are (1) the amount has to be realized / realizable and (2) the revenue must be earned. In completed contract at point of delivery the item can be considered earned now that it is completed and ownership has passed to the final customer. Percentage-of-completion does help serve large contracts that take years to complete so that a company can recognize some revenue every year. The problem...
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...A statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action. Sentence- The student gave the principal a reason why he talked back to his teacher. Record- (v) Set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, esp. officially Sentence- We recorded the notes so that I could use them on my test later in the year. Relationship - (n) a connection, association, or involvement Sentence- The relationship between those two people is brother and sister Research – (v) to search or investigate exhaustively Sentence- I researched the problem in the investigation to find out what happened. Resolution – (n) The act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. Sentence- The final resolution on the argument between the two students was that they both got suspended. Respond- (v) To reply or answer in words Sentence- The student responded to the teacher because he was called on to answer the...
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...presentation of your findings, and manage the time and skills of your group members. The objective of this assignment is to persuade your audience/potential investors that you have identified an opportunity that fills an important gap in the market. You are asked to identify an idea for a new venture and conduct an environmental analysis (PEST, Five Forces, size of market) to prove that your idea is worth funding. Essentially, you are answering two questions: What is your idea and why does it represent a worthwhile opportunity in the business environment? This project is worth 20 marks of your BU111 final grade and consists of three components: • 4 marks for the New Venture Preliminary Report (hard copy due BEFORE Friday, October 12th at 12 noon; turnitin and peer evaluations due BEFORE Friday, October 12th at 12 midnight • 10 marks for the Final Report (hard copy due BEFORE Friday, November 16th at 12 noon and turnitin and peer evaluations BEFORE Friday, November 16th at 12 midnight) • 6 marks for the New Venture Presentations (done in Labs #10 or #11 as assigned by TA – peer evaluations due BEFORE Wednesday, December 5th at 12 midnight) Details on what is required and how to complete and submit each of the above components are provided below. New Venture Idea Qualification In order for your new venture idea to qualify as a legitimate opportunity, it should possess the following three essential characteristics: 1) creates value...
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...Utter chaos or sheer comical genius? The Eric Andre Show transcends what most people typically think of in terms of a variety show. This man has taken his talents as a comedian and created something that is truly unforgettable. The show on Wednesday, September 19 started with Eric Andre running out on stage throwing beer, sandwiches, what seemed to be chicken carcasses, and many other objects out into the crowd as he jumped off stage and began to run through the dense mass of people pushing, shoving, and simply making a riot amongst the observers. He disappeared and shortly after appeared back on stage fully naked running around the set. Things slowly settled down and it was time for his first guest, Russell Brandt. The crowd grew eager and when he finally came on stage, it was clear that it was in fact not he. Either that, or Russell Brandt changed his image to that of a malnourished Philadelphian homeless person. Once on stage “Brandt” sang a song, in what seemed to be English accompanied by a plastic guitar and a 2 liter bottle filled with some unknown foamy liquid that eventually also ended up in the crowd. His next two guests consisted of a local juggler and Freeway, who is a native rapper of North Philadelphia. It was clear that neither of the two were aware of what they were actually participating in. Right as the juggler was about to begin his performance, the lights dimmed and Doc Chicken emerged. This was nothing more than a rubber chicken with a stethoscope...
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...One of the strategies we discussed to resolve the conflict was (1) Meet with the three employees to discuss their ideas, (2) Meet with Jan and Marc to understand why they are unable to come to an agreement or compromise, (3) As the manager direct each employee to develop and present their ideas about the ad to a management team. The first strategy we discussed was to have a meeting with Jan, Sally, and Marc to find out why and how we could help them come to a decision about the ad. Allow each employee to present what ideas they have for the ad. As the manager listen to the idea, explain to them your views on what makes a successful ad, and make any suggestions for improvement on the ideas, if needed. Feedback is welcome, but we have a deadline to meet. Ask each one of them what they can produce to help promote this ad. Also remind them that they have been successful in the past and we are sure you can work together to solve this conflict. It’s about compromising. The second strategy is meeting with Jan and Marc, since they were unable to compromise. Even though they worked very well together in the past and Sally tried to get them to come to an agreement they could not set their personal values aside. The manager needs to be the negotiator to guide employees to see others views. Compromise is the key to good negotiation. You need to be able to give in a little to get closer to what you want. Have Marc and Jan present their ideas for the ad, give feedback on...
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...Attendance & Contribution: • Everyone should contribute to the assignment on daily basis and inform of any issue if there is any exception. • Participate in decisions about group planning, assignments, etc. • If one cannot contribute for whatever reason, please notify in a timely manner. • Participate is must at least three times weekly if discussion is required. Assignment Submission: • Meet assignment deadlines agreed to by the team to allow for final submission on time. • Due date for individual contributions should be set as Friday by noon for each team assignment- giving team lead ample time to compile and submit the project by Sunday. • We should be able to target the submission timeline a day before so that we have enough time to react to any contingency. Team work: • We should work together as a team to deliver the assignment and utilize the strengths of each other. • Make sure that we are unified in the final product. • Be open and willing to do one’s part Weekly Meetings: • A weekly meeting should be held so that the defining of roles for each assignment can be done. • We should meet weekly once in the begging of assignment no later than Wednesday to define roles, assigning a team lead and assignment delivery structure. • Stay in contact with team members via forum or email at least 3 times weekly. • Communicate fairness issues openly and professionally Exceptions: • Team lead and team member should be notified immediately if there is...
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...team and the reasons – Our team worked very well together on the project. We divided up the work load and each team member submitted a chapter. Everyone checked the group discussion board every day and made comments when appropriate. 2) how you and your team members might have worked better together and what you would do differently if you were to work together again – We worked very well together on the project, as we have done throughout the class. We each individually did research and submitted a chapter. Everyone was involved in editing and making suggestions for improvement of the final paper. 3) what could improve this activity, anything in the course content or anything the instructor might do in the future – I would like to have had more experience in working with the Excel templates provided on the text CD-ROM and it would have been insightful to tie this in with our final project. Names of Team Members In the table below, list your own name as the 1st team member. Then list the names of the other members of your team. You probably have fewer than seven members—just use as many rows as you need. Ratings To rate yourself and the rest of your team use this scale and mark an “x” to show your rating: 5 = exceptionally superior; 4=completely satisfactory 3 = sufficiently supportive; 2 = barely there but valuable; 1 = undesirable or interfering Rationale For each team member, state the role, overall contribution, and reasons for your rating. Keep your comments brief...
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