...In most cases, sentencing and punishment are effective in the criminal justice system because the victim, offender and society usually all achieve justice by the sentence that is handed down. A sentence is a decree of punishment which forms the final explicit act of a judge-ruled process. The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) is the primary source of sentencing law in New South Wales which outlines the purposes of punishment, types of penalties and the mitigating and aggravating factors that must be considered when determining an appropriate sentence. For the sentence to be an effective method of achieving justice, the judiciary must balance the rights of the offender, the needs of the victim and the interests of the community....
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...PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC INSPECTIONS AND SPEED LIMITS THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE A PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC INSPECTIONS AND SPEED LIMITS IN TANZANIA THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS – TANZANIA POLICE FORCE AND THE MINISTRY OF WORKS A REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA i PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC INSPECTIONS AND SPEED LIMITS THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA National Audit Office of Tanzania Vision To be a centre of excellence in public sector auditing Mission To provide efficient audit services in order to enhance accountablity and value for money in the collection and use public resources Our core values Objectivity Excellence Integrity Peoples Focus Innovation ii PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC INSPECTIONS AND SPEED LIMITS Table of Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................iii List of Tables and Figures...........................................................................v Preface.........................................................................................................vii Terminology used in this report.................................................................ix Map of Tanzania showing regions covered in this audit........................x Acronyms and Abbreviations...
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...P2 State the main sentences and orders criminal courts can impose. Custodial Sentences There are four types of sentences and orders that criminal courts can impose and these are, custodial sentences, community orders, fines and discharges. The first one I am going to talk about is custodial sentences. Within custodial sentences there are four different types of sentence; mandatory life sentence, discretionary life sentence, custody and suspended prison sentence. A mandatory life sentence is given when being convicted for serial killers for example and there is a minimum term stated. A discretionary life sentence is given when being convicted for murder and the term given can be up to life imprisonment depending on the severity of the incident. A custody sentence is a short-term sentence and these are given when you have been convicted crimes such as robbery and criminal damage these sentences have fixed terms and of varying periods. Lastly suspended prison sentences are given to crimes such as petty theft and these can happen for up to two years. They can make them do unpaid work, community payback. Community Orders The second one I am going to talk about is community orders this is a non-custodial sentence. These are given to crimes such as benefit fraud, damaging property and assault. You may get a community sentence if the court thinks that you a more likely to stop committing crime an than if you go to prison, if it’s the first time they have committed a crime...
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...Year 12 Legal Studies Notes Focus Study: Crime Key Legal Concepts and Features of the Legal System Crime - a violation of a law in which there is injury to the public or a member of the public and a term in jail or prison, and/or a fine as possible penalties Types of Crimes Offences against the person Offences against the person are defined as acts that intend to cause harm or injury to the victim Homicide Definition: is the unlawful killing of one person by another * Murder is the killing of one person by another “with malice aforethought”(mental component) * Manslaughter is the killing of someone in circumstances less culpable than murder. (generally given a lighter sentence than for murder) Degrees of awareness | Murder | Voluntary Manslaughter | Involuntary manslaughter | Non-criminal Killing | Intention to killReckless indifference of life Constructive murderDeath during intention to commit grievous bodily harm | Where the intention to kill or cause the act is mitigated by other factors, such as provocation or diminished responsibility | Non-reckless indifference to life or manslaughter by criminal negligenceReckless indifference to grievous bodily harmManslaughter by an unlawful and dangerous act | Death by non-criminal negligenceDeath by an unlawful act that is not dangerousAccidental deathSelf-defence | Stats: Murder: * In 2001 of the 340 homicides in Australia, 306 were murder * Maximum penalty is life imprisonment ...
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...International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume 1, Issue 9, May-2014 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 DATA MINING TECHNIQUES TO ANALYZE CRIME DATA R. G. Uthra, M. Tech (CS) Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India. Abstract: In data mining, Crime management is an interesting application where it plays an important role in handling of crime data. Crime investigation has very significant role of police system in any country. There had been an enormous increase in the crime in recent years. With rapid popularity of the internet, crime information maintained in web is becoming increasingly rampant. In this paper the data mining techniques are used to analyze the web data. This paper presents detailed study on classification and clustering. Classification is the process of classifying the crime type Clustering is the process of combining data object into groups. The construct of scenario is to extract the attributes and relations in the web page and reconstruct the scenario for crime mining. Key words: Crime data analysis, classification, clustering. I. INTRODUCTION Crime is one of the dangerous factors for any country. Crime analysis is the activity in which analysis is done on crime activities. Today criminals have maximum use of all modern technologies and hi-tech methods in committing crimes. The law enforcers have to effectively meet out challenges of crime control and maintenance of public order. One challenge to law enforcement...
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...Title Content page no Introduction…………………………………………………….……………………………….1 What is cybercrime? ..........................................................................................................1 Types of cybercrime……………………………………………………………………………..2 Reasons of cybercrime……………………………………………………………..……………2-3 Offences of cybercrime under ICT Act-2006……………………………………………………3 Penalties of cybercrime under ICT Act-2006 ……………………………………………………4 Cyber Tribunal …………………………………………………………………………………...5 Cyber appellate Tribunal ………………………………………………………………………….5 Recent condition of cyber law in Bangladesh……………………………………………………..6 Recommendations……………………..………………………………………………………….6 Conclusion ………………………..………………………………………………………………7 Bibliography …………….………………………………………………………………………..8 Introduction Information and communications technology (ICT) is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. The phrase ICT had been used by academic researchers since the 1980s, but it became popular after it was used in a report to the UK government by Dennis Stevenson in 1997 and in the revised National Curriculum...
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...staff of the Agency Application of the Pensions Acts. Establishment of special units etc. Special duties of the units Training programme. Power of the Attorney – General of the Federation to give directives to the Agency. PART II Offences 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Importation, etc., of cocaine, heroine or similar drugs, etc. Occupier unlawfully permitting use of premises. Offender being armed Conspiracy, etc. Unlawful assumption of character of officer of the Agency Tampering with drug Escape or permitting escape Preventing a person from attending as a witness. Unlawful possession of cocaine, etc. Offences in relation to drug abuse and penalties . What constitutes exportation etc. Offence of exportation of narcotic, drugs, etc Attempts Offences by bodies corporate Commercial carrier Jurisdiction, etc. Forfeiture after conviction in certain cases Forfeited property Foreign assets Forfeiture of passport N30-1 [Issue 1] Cap. N30 _________________________________________________________________ National Drug Law Enforcement Agency Act SECTION 31. 32. 33. Property subject to forfeiture Further provisions as to forfeiture Seizure of property PART III Forfeiture of assets of persons arrested for offences under this Acts 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Investigation of assets and properties of...
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...Topic Two: Human Rights Rights The nature and development of concepts of human rights. State sovereignty, ‘natural law’ doctrine, historic constitutional documents, movement for slavery abolition, trade unionism, universal suffrage and universal education Human Rights Human rights are the basic rights to which all human beings are entitled to. The most recognized document in modern human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, created by the UN. Human rights can be said to come from the idea of ‘natural law’. Natural Law Doctrine is the idea that some laws come from God or higher reasoning whether they have been written down or not. State sovereignty State sovereignty refers to the power of a state to have control over its territory and its subject. It’s important for protecting human rights because it means someone whose rights are being abused can flee to a safe country for protection. Because it restricts the actions of neighbours and other concerned states, also allows human rights abuses to go unpunished within the boundaries of a state. Movement for the Abolition of Slavery Slavery is the state of being under the control of another person. Trade Unionism Trade unionism is the collective organisation of workers formed to protect the rights of individuals from the power exercised by employees. The benefits of trade unionism include: * Prevention of child labour * Prevention of forced labour * Fair treatment of workers ...
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...RESEARCH ON THE TRENDS IN DRUG ABUSE AND EFFECTIVE MEASURES FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE DRUG ABUSERS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES AN ANALYSIS OF INNOVATIVE MEASURES FOR THE TREATMENT OF DRUG ABUSERS PREFACE Crimes related to drug abuse and the illegal manufacturing and trafficking of drugs are serious problems for virtually every country. The abuse of drugs has an adverse impact, not only on the individual abuser, but also on the economy and society of a country as a whole. Drug use and the problems that accompany it have an extremely deleterious effect on the healthy development of young people, especially. Due to the rapid increase in drug related crime and drug abusers in Asian countries, the establishment of effective countermeasures for demand and supply reduction are a pressing issue. In light of the above-mentioned situation, the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI); and the Research Division of the Research and Training Institute, Ministry of Justice jointly conducted a comprehensive study on drug abuser treatment, from 2002 to 2004, entitled “Research on the Trends in Drug Abuse and Effective Measures for the Treatment of the Drug Abusers in Asian Countries - An Analysis of Innovative Measures for the Treatment of Drug Abusers”. The Asian countries included in the study are: China (Hong Kong), Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. This is the first phase of the study on drug abuser treatment; the second...
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...Report On Cyber law LEGAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT Submitted to: Mr. Maneesh Yadav Submitted by: Ankita Bhatnagar (JL12PGDM030) Introduction: Computers and their use is a day to day activity of all the students, professionals, teachers, Universities, banks, Supermarkets, in the entertainment field, in medical profession and also in higher education. The use of this Weapon is spreading very widely in all parts of our society. As every weapon has two ways of operation. One is good and essential and the other are bad and not essential. Many times, whenever a new weapon is invented, many people use it unknowingly for the wrong purpose. So to aware them and to make the proper use of the Power of the newly invented weapon, laws is to be formulated and should be implemented. This chapter introduces the cyber law and many terms involved in it. There are two basic definitions of cyber crime. (a) One definition says that ‘cyber crime’ consists of only those offences provided in the Information technology Act, 2000. As per this definition, cyber crimes would mainly be restricted to tampering with the computer source code, hacking and cyber pornography. Cyber fraud, defamation, harassment, e – mail abuse and IPR thefts, would not classify as cyber crimes. (b) In second definition, ‘cyber crime’ is said to be an act of commission or omission with the internet, committed on the internet or through the internet or with the help of the internet or connected with the internet, whether...
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...Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2-3 WILDLIFE TRADE 4 THE GLOBAL WILDLIFE TRADE: AN INTERNATIONAL DISGRACE 5 WILDLIFE TRADE AND TRAFFICKING IN INDIA 5-6 A SAMPLE CATALOGUE AND RATE CARD OF WILDLIFE PRODUCTS 7 WILDLIFE EXTINCTION LEADS TO RISK OF GLOBAL HEALTH PROBLEMS FOR HUMANS 7 MEASURES TAKEN TO COMBAT TRADE IN WILDLIFE ARTICLES 8 LEGISLATIVE ACTION 8 WILDLIFE (PROTECTION) ACT, 1972 9 CONSERVATION AND ITS MANAGEMENT 9 PROTECTED AREA 10 NO RIGHT TO LIVE IN WILDLIFE AREA WITHOUT PERMISSION/PERMIT 10 TRADE OR COMMERCE IN WILD ANIMALS, ANIMAL ARTICLES AND TROPHIES PROHIBITED 11-12 PENALTIES 13 WE NEED TO CHANGE 14 INTRODUCTION ……….. Believe me. Trees are as much holistically breathing gas us; The wind perpetually exhaling from even the most infinitesimal pore of their emolliently serrated skin; is an unconquerably undefeated testimonial to the same. Believe me. Trees are as immortally loving as us; the unbreakable relationships that they form with every conceivably philanthropic entity of the atmosphere and beyond; is a timelessly exemplary testimonial to the same. So The Next time you think of chopping a tree for “Paper” or spuriously turgid bonfires to passionately enlighten your every dreary night; remember that you’d be insanely annihilating one human of your own kind, Instead. I’d humbly suggest friends. Please switch over to Lightning fast and non-invasively state-of-the-art Modern Technology. Please switch over...
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...services and cyber vandalism. “Cyber Crime” describes criminal activities committed through the use of electronic communications media. One of the greatest concerns is with regard to cyber-fraud and identity theft through such methods as phishing, pharming, spoofing and through the abuse of online surveillance technology. There are also many other forms of criminal behaviour perpetrated through the use of information technology such as harassment, defamation, pornography, cyber terrorism, industrial espionage and some regulatory offences. The existing criminal laws in most countries can and do cover computer-related crimes or electronically perpetrated crimes. Offences against the computer are relatively new as they arise from and in relation to the digital age, which threatens the functionality of the computer as an asset of a borderless information society. New laws are required in order to nurture and protect an orderly and vibrant digital environment. Offences...
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...services and cyber vandalism. “Cyber Crime” describes criminal activities committed through the use of electronic communications media. One of the greatest concerns is with regard to cyber-fraud and identity theft through such methods as phishing, pharming, spoofing and through the abuse of online surveillance technology. There are also many other forms of criminal behaviour perpetrated through the use of information technology such as harassment, defamation, pornography, cyber terrorism, industrial espionage and some regulatory offences. The existing criminal laws in most countries can and do cover computer-related crimes or electronically perpetrated crimes. Offences against the computer are relatively new as they arise from and in relation to the digital age, which threatens the functionality of the computer as an asset of a borderless information society. New laws are required in order to nurture and protect an orderly and vibrant digital environment. Offences...
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...criminal sanctions (Punishments) Prof. Dr. Ayman Elzeiny A - Introduction : "Punishment, "is a concept; criminal punishment is a legal fact." At the heart of all attempts to handle offenders are systematic images of human life and culture, including knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes regarding the human condition and the meanings, purposes, and ethical foundation and rationale of punishment. These ideologies or philosophical approaches provide explanations for the past behavior of the offender, guidelines as to what ought to be done with or to him, and bases for predicting his future after return to the free world. A sentence is an authorized judicial decision that places some degree of penalty on a guilty person. The responsibility for administering this judicial decision is placed with corrections. (1) If we take a historical and global view, the philosophy of punishment has been embodied in four major theoretical positions: vengeance, deterrence, rehabilitation ,and prevention. These positions overlap and intertwine with each other, but a degree of evolution is also evident. The comments made below on these four positions must be understood simply as broad generalizations. ___________________ (1) Gregory Zilboorg, M.D., The Psychology of the Criminal Act and Punishment, Greenwood Press, New York, 1968 , p. 97. - Ernest van den Haag, Punishing Criminals ,New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, U.S.A, 1975 , pp. 14-15. When punishment is justified on...
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...sexual violence, gender based violence, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, family violence, child maltreatment, youth violence, media violence, elder abuse, workplace violence, structural violence, armed conflict, new wars, complex emergencies, terrorism and genocide. The South African homicide rate appears to be much higher when compared to the road traffic and suicide rates. The homicide rate is higher when compared to other regions. The suicide rate however cannot be seen as low. Easy access and availability of firearms and ammunition together with gang violence are also major leading factors to the violence. Over half of the homicide rates (54%) are firearm related. South Africa is placed among one of the most violent countries in the world with a standardized homicide rate (64.8 per 100 000). In Cape Town`s poorer townships of Khayelisha and Nyanga, violence within the male youth is reflected in extremely high homicide rates (451 and 485 per 100 000, respectively) in the 15-24 age group (Groenewald P, Bradshaw D, Nojilana B, Bourne D, Nixon J, Mohamed H, et al. 2003). Violent rapes and sexual offences are more prevalent in South Africa, mostly among women, children and even toddlers. South Africa has been termed the “rape capital of the world” (Human Rights Watch,...
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