...Training and Development in Healthcare Michelle Weber HCS 341 March 6, 2011 Tracie Mileski Training and Development in Healthcare Training and development in healthcare are extremely important. The many varied workplaces that healthcare workers are found make training and development just as varied. Large and small medical practices, hospitals, therapy centers and testing facilities all require employees skilled in specific tasks as well as administrative functions. Interpersonal skills among the staff are also necessary for the organization to be effective and serve the patients. Dealing with patient’s health and financial issues are also part of a healthcare worker’s skills. Developing training programs within a medical practice may be in the form of on the job training for the office functions which contribute to the profitability of the practice. Depending on the size of the office they may be done by the more experienced workers explaining the processes of the front office, insurance and keeping all the records. Small offices may still use paper records, so the need for accurate filing of patient information would be one of the most important and tedious skills required. Electronic medical recordkeeping requires additional knowledge of computer skills. Hospital healthcare workers skills are much more specific than those of office workers. While in an office a medical assistant may be responsible for all testing such as electrocardiograms, X-rays and phlebotomy;...
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...Training and Development Gabriel Alcala HCS/341 11 June 2012 Professor Lee Hoffman University of Phoenix Training and Development The textbook definition of training is defined as instruction or skill development. To countless employers in the workforce, “training is a means of meeting regulatory or legal requirements” (Burnson, 2011). However, the concept of training has many dimensions. It is more than just about learning a skill. Training is an educational process that can affect factors such as productivity, quality, and teamwork. It also plays in factors of individual development relevant to empowerment, alignment, liability, risk, as well as professional development. No matter what type of profession an individual enters, training and development is necessary to further complete their skills to be successful. The health care industry is a complex field that requires extensive education and training in addition to personal daily progression. The numerous and diverse workplaces that healthcare professionals are found in make training and development just as varied. Large and small medical practices, hospitals, therapy centers, and testing facilities all require employees skilled in specific tasks as well as administrative functions. Some basic and necessary functions an individual in the health care industry is expected to have are interpersonal skills and administrative production. Interpersonal skills among the staff are necessary for the organization...
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...Training and Development Paper Michelle Andrews HCS/341 3/17/14 Instructor: Joanne Kronstedt Training and Development A good worker has the necessary tools to perform their job well. Employers have to provide training and development to ensure employees are working to their best potential. This paper will discuss the difference between training and development. It will explore why training and education are important in health care and the importance of measuring competencies. At last, it will describe the process for evaluating and tracking training effectiveness. Training and development are ways to increase the potential of employees but have two different meanings. Our text states training "provides employees with specific skills or helping them correct deficiencies in their performance" (Gómez-Mejía, 2010, p. 246). Employee training helps develop areas of incompetence or to teach them a skill needed to perform their job. For instance, an environmental service employee may receive CPR training to help in case there is an emergency. This does not mean the employee is going to become a nurse. On the other hand, development is "an effort to provide employees with the abilities the organization will need in the future" (Gómez-Mejía, 2010, p. 246). Development prepares an employee to accept a future position or promotion. Training and development can provide employees with the necessary tools they need to flourish in today's society, in which it is important to have...
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...Healthcare Training and Development Measuring the employee competence is vital for healthcare organizations. This will show why training and education are important in the health care field. An organization will be able to track and evaluate how effective their training program is. Training and development programs will only make an organization and their employees stronger. Education Education is very important when it comes to working in the health care field. English and language skills are very important because it helps one to communicate their ideas clearly. Communication skill is vital in any job whether one is dealing with their coworkers, managers, or patients. Good communication skill will also allow employees effectively to state their ideas, plans, or goals. Science and math skills will allow employees and managers to do basic calculations in their minds or on paper. This can come in handy in healthcare when a nurse or doctor is calculating dosages or in counting medical supplies (Santiago, 2011). Most company’s when hiring employees are asking for the applicant to have certain levels of education. In health care employees go to schools that specialize in healthcare due to the technology, procedure, policies, and equipment that an employee will have to use in his or her job. Most companies, especially healthcare facilities do offer a development program that allows employees to continue or further their education. By healthcare facilities offering education...
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...Vanessa Beckley Training and Development Paper HCS/341 3/3/2014 Paul Farber Training of employees is an activity that explicitly aimed to teach professionals about methods that could be used to analyze and improve quality ("Quality Improvement Training for Healthcare Professionals", 2012). Training is important to each new employee to ensure they know how to do their job responsibilities. Education is necessary, as the health care industry grows so does the specialization of the different parts of the industry. ("Training and Development In Health Care", 2013). Both education and training is vital to the growth and development of patient care in the healthcare industry. Training can be done many different ways such as short workshops training or on the job training. Training in the healthcare industry is important because it helps improve care of patients. Training should be repeated frequently, and at least annually, thereafter to make sure employees remain mindful of their compliance obligations and to capture changes in applicable law or facility compliance policy ("Employee Education and Training", n.d.). Training should be provided to employees and to physicians, independent contractors and other agents of the facility, and they should be required to reasonably participate in compliance training and education as part of their employment or contractual arrangement with the facility. ("Employee Education and Training", n.d.). Education is specifically important...
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...Training and Development Paper Training and Development Paper In today’s society health care is an economic engine in which this sector is consistently growing rapidly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nine healthcare job occupations of the 20 occupations with the fastest employment growth are medical jobs. By the year 2014 health services employment is projected to increase dramatically with over 4,700,000 new health care jobs nationwide (2011, CED). This growing sector offers needed skills, employment opportunities and hiring trends within a diverse workforce. One of the most important sources implemented in the health care industry is training and development. Training and development is one of the major keys to success, which strengthens efficiency, effectiveness, and proficiency within the health care industry workforce. In addition, training and development is important to guide and educate employees by way of increasing their knowledge, their potential, and personal and organizations skills in order to conduct a special interest. This paper will discuss why training and education are vital in health care, the importance of measuring competencies and the process for tracking and evaluating training and effectiveness. Training and Education in Health Care Training and education in health care is important because it implements quality health care services and customer satisfaction in a competitive health care industry. It allows qualified employees...
Words: 630 - Pages: 3
...Training and Development Omar Simpson University of Phoenix HCS/341 Prof: Norma Lloyd March 19, 2012 Training and Development Successful organizations and managers view employee training as an investment in there people, not an expense. Managers want their staff to have the best skills and be knowledgeable of the organization and its customers. Training and development are often in association with each other, but the two are not the same. Training is providing an employee with specific skills to perform his work duties. In contrast, development is an effort to prepare an employee with the abilities an organization may need in the future. In this Training and development paper, there will be a discussion about training and developing employees in the health care system. Training and education is vital in health care. The health care world is on the cutting edge of new technology and medicines. Healthcare organizations must remain abreast on training and education for their employees. Education involves a learning process using values, theories, and a model to develop understanding training is providing specific skills to an employee. Both education and training are important as people depend on the skills, advice, and accuracy of health care professionals. If health care professionals are not knowledgeable about different medicines or have training for new and advance technologies in today’s society there will be more devastating health care issues because of...
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...the qualifications for being a leader. The employees must know the organization and its expectations for success. Having some type of competency tool in... Training and development is essential to the health care organization. Organizations understand that investing in their employees training and developing will contribute to its success of the best patient care and profiting in revenue. Health care organizations want their employees to have up-to-date skills and be knowledgeable of the organizations policies and its patients. Training and development are classified as on category, although the two have different meanings. Training is providing the employees specific skills that contribute in performing his/her job duties. In contrast, development is an effort to prepare an employee with the abilities that an organization may need to in the future. This paper will discuss why training and education are vital in health care, the importance of measuring competencies and the description of the Training and education is vital in health care. The health care world is on the cutting edge of new technology and medicines. Health care organizations must remain abreast on training and education for their employees. Education involves a learning process using values, theories, and a model to develop understanding training is providing...
Words: 376 - Pages: 2
...Training and Development HCS/341 September 26, 2011 Sharon Matthews Training and Development Definitions Dictionary.com (2009) defines training as, “to make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work”. Development is described as the act or process of learning, growing, progressing, maturing, or evolving (development, 2009). To this end training and development would be characterized as to learn, grow, progress, mature, or evolve by instruction and practice. In order to succeed in anything everyone must be trained and skills must be developed. As we grew up we were taught and our skills were developed, as adults we should be constantly learning and developing new skills to further our knowledge, and assist us in our home lives and in our chosen profession. Education in Health Care Companies realize that having a well educated workforce is vital to the success of the organization. A health care facility is no different. Well educated, well trained staff is vital in the health care field as health professionals have an enormous responsibility for the health, well-being and survival of others. It is therefore imperative that medical staff be well trained at gathering and retaining information and applying that information to the treatment of others. The health care field is constantly changing and growing with new discoveries and developments. It is necessary to have a basic education that can be furthered with continuing education to keep...
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...Training and Development Paper Sharon Archard HCS/341 October 7, 2013 Denise Holcomb Training and Development Paper My paper will be about training and development in healthcare and why it is vital to have. I will also discuss the importance of measuring employee’s competencies and the process of tracking and evaluating training effectiveness. Training and development occurs in almost every company today. Both are very important to any business who wants to succeed. It is more vital to health care because we are dealing with people’s lives. Human resources in health care will have to deal with double-digit increase in hiring according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the coming years (R. Mayhew, 2013, para.1). The human resource staff have select between different types of providers, types of services, level of services provided by the facility and the kind of facility the human resource faculty works. When the need of recruitment and selection process begins, an employment specialist who knows how to understand descriptions of positions, specifications for the position, and the qualifications required. The global workforce struggles to keep up with hiring needs. Talented employees are in demand and the supply of this talent is scarce, so organizations are using strategies to train the workforce from within and recruit as much as possible to keep their competitive edge. Organizations are struggling to keep up with expanding needs. A recent study by a consulting...
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...Training and Assessment Shamale Williams HCS/341 September-29-2014 Dorothy Cucinelli Training and Assessment Training in the health care industry involves a variety steps such as assessment, development and conduct of training and evaluations (Gómez, Balkin, & Cardy, 2012, p. 278). Training and assessment in the health care industry involves skills training, peer training, customer service training, creative training, crisis training and literacy training (Gómez, Balkin, & Cardy, 2012, p. 269). Employees in the health care industry require training and assessments on a daily basis to ensure they are properly functioning in a position. Training in the health care industry is essential for patients to receive excellent health care services and for the organization to be successful. Training helps staff members to provide a variety of care throughout different types of health care organizations, such as urgent care centers and neighborhood medical clinics (Mayhew, 2014). The overall process of training in the health care industry is to provide employees with specific skills needed to perform effectively in a position (Gómez, Balkin, & Cardy, 2012, p. 258). Importance of Training and Education in a Health Care Setting Training and education is important in a health care setting because it helps health care providers to protect and provide patients with proper health care services, which helps staff members to avoid making medical mistakes and helps...
Words: 2226 - Pages: 9
...Training and Development Paper The health care field is a field that requires extensive skill and training. The education, training, competency assessments, and training evaluation process are all a major component in how far an individual will climb the corporate ladder. An individual must take the initiative to complete the necessary training and education programs that will further their skills to be successful in the health care industry. Training and development are vital in health care. Training and education are important for an individual's personal and professional life (Santiago, 2011). Depending on the level of achievement a person seeks, he or she must pursue the education level that his or her career requires (Santiago, 2011). Extensive education allows professionals to know that a person has put in the time and effort to complete advance level courses (Santiago, 2011). English courses teach those who seek a career in the medical field how to communicate effectively (Santiago, 2011). Communication is important because it helps an individual to convey their plans, ideas, and goals clearly to co-workers, employers, patients, and customers (Santiago, 2011). Math and science courses are imperative in the health care field because an individual needs to learn how to use basic computations to deliver dosages, count supplies, or tally sales (Santiago, 2011). Math and science courses are also necessary because in the health care industry, employees deal with new developments...
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...Training and Development Laura Vandergriff HCS 341 January 10, 2011 Casey Training and Development Health care of today continues to be the fastest growing industry in America and faces many challenges to its delivery systems. Training and education of health care professionals is important, training measures effectiveness and is a key objective for the development and training department. Training is skills and knowledge for each team member who will benefit personally. Training improves recruiting; job hunters are looking for training and personal development and growth. Training improves higher retention, when individuals know the company has their best in interest at heart they are more likely to stay for a longer period. Training gives better output, when the turnover rate is low, production, motivations and enthusiasms is among workers who produce a better service or product (Kelly Services, 2011). Health care education is vital; the need for properly educated and trained health care professionals is crucial. The need for health care professionals to keep us well is high. Health care professionals range from doctors to nurses to technicians. Our health depends on the accuracy and skill of these individuals. Without the training and education of the professional we would not be able to treat, diagnose, or care for ourselves. Health care education goes beyond the professional and people are beginning to recognize the need for concern about their health, ones health...
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...Training and Development Paper HCS/341 June 4, 2013 Training and Development Paper Introduction Within the health care environment, it is crucial to have some form of training and development processes put in place. By having such a procedure available allows the company to evaluate the effectiveness of its performance along with identifying areas in which they are required to improve. In the health care field, there is little room for errors and, as such, an effective training process is necessary. Training and education are vital in the health care sector and when developing a training program employers need to be able to track and evaluate the effectiveness of said program, along with the measurement of their employees’ work performance. Importance of Training Training is a vital step when concerning not only new, but also existing employees. It is a method by which companies can ensure that employees will perform their tasks correctly, safely, and quickly. Contrary to what many employers believe, training employees is a solid investment for a company, rather than an unnecessary expense. For health care employers, it is even more necessary to make sure that employees are well-trained and educated as in this field one simple mistake could lead to the endangerment of a patient’s life. Educating the staff on certain rules and regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability...
Words: 856 - Pages: 4
...Running Head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROPOSAL Human Resource Management Training Proposal Adriana Dryburgh HSA320 Instructor Name: Leah Miller Introduction: Human Resource in Health Care Field The activities pertaining to human resource management were observed early in 2000 B.C. Regardless of the type of industry, human resource management can be applied to all types of operational activities of an organization. Human resource management (HRM) has gained increased attention worldwide especially in health care systems. Specifically stated, like physical capital and consumables, human resources are also a principle input to health care systems. In relation with the health care, people working as non-clinical and clinical staff performing individual and public health intervention activities can be referred to as human resources (World Health Report, 2000). The knowledge, motivation and skills of such human resource ultimately reflect the benefits and performance of the health care delivery systems. In order to ensure system’s success, it is also required that an appropriate mix is maintained between various caregivers and health promoters since human capital shall be managed and handled differently from physical capital. Cost of healthcare is increasing with a drastic increase in health care consumables’ cost and number viz. drugs, disposable equipment and prostheses. This increasing expense can seriously affect the ability of publicly-funded system to hire...
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