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Training Needs Through Org Analysis-Functional-Individual


Submitted By leolingham2000
Words 1907
Pages 8
organizational analysis, task analysis and person analysis in identifying the training needs of an organization
At the organizational level, TNA is pitched at the big picture, dealing with the overall performance and existence of the organization as an entity within its environment or market. TNA here aims to ensure that the organization is capable of meeting its obligations and following its corporate plan. With a mindset of survival in a competitive environment, an HR strategy would typically be developed to support the corporate plan, which itself would be produced to cover a particular time period.
The occupational level of needs analysis focuses on specific disciplines within organization, namely at the department level, to identify what skills shortages can be addressed through training and which areas require the recruitment of staff from without, in order to enable the departments to meet its obligations for the period. It would also address some of the environmental issues affecting performance, for example the equipments/software requirements
Then there is a third level which reveals the needs of the individual. Variances between actual performance and planned performance at this level are commonly manifested as skills gaps, where the knowledge of the individual does not satisfy the requirement of the role. In order to obtain that knowledge, attendance on a formal training course might provide the desired solution.


Within AN ORGANIZATION, there are needs which may be specific to that group of people. It is also the case that those needs may not be observable or apparent to other parts of the organization. For this reason it is important that learning needs and other needs are regularly investigated and gaps addressed.
Learning needs arise within teams, groups and departments and these should be

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