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Transform Transformational Leadership Analysis

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New health regulations, the demand for quality care, a more conscious consumer and overworked healthcare workers, and financial constraints of institutions have changed the landscape of health care in the United States and even globally. This constant reshaping of healthcare industry calls for strong and supportive leader that can adapt to the change, leadership that is grounded a strong sense of morality, that is fearless and selfless, who works for the good of the health industry, patients and those they serve (Zaccagnini & White 2014). A challenging environment like this requires a transformational leader, one who can not only transform the organization they work but those around them. This paper addresses the transformation leader who is most apt to effect change and adapt, the challenges they face and possible solutions to those challenges. …show more content…
According to Bass (1990, p. 21) “Transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and when they stir employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group.” These leaders are effective in how they elicit responses and motivate others. Their focus is helping every follower as an individual and the group as a whole, to meet their fullest potential and attain set goals. (Riggio, 2009) Transformational leaders are usually passionate, enthusiastic and, have charisma. Through their vision, they can inspire and motivate others to change their, expectations, perceptions and work towards one common goal (Bass,

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