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Transgender Discrimination In Schools

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Thirdly, discrimination in schools can be as simple as a teacher refusing to consider a transgender student as the gender with whom they identify. This may be evident when a teacher calls a male whom considers himself a female by his birth name or common boy names. Bathrooms are a huge discussion in schools for transgendered students. Forcing transgender students who have transitioned to use the bathroom that matches their assigned birth sex would actually cause more distraction and problems (Glad, 2014) I agree with the fact that forcing students to use the restroom that coincides with their sex they are born with is a form of discrimination. Like everyone else a transgendered student goes to the restroom for one simple reason, which is to use it. Transgender students want to avoid confrontations at all …show more content…
It may seem to coaches the students are just going through a phase and they will grow out of it. School officials and coaches may use the term "The sports corrective." This is when they (transgendered students) are pushed into organized sports teams as if participation in such activities will correct their gender nonconformity( Mallon & DeCrescenzo, 2006) Transgendered students who haven’t undergone any surgeries or haven’t started any transformation to become the opposite sex don’t have the option to participate with the gender they identify with in organized sports. If a male considers himself a female, and they haven’t undergone any surgery or taken any hormones to change their body, then they aren’t able to participate in sports with women. For example, now that Bruce Jenner has transformed into a female, his gold medals will likely be taken from him, simply because the rules state that women can’t participate in “men’s” sports. This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding what transgender students face in school. A bigger problem that transgender students face is

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