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Transgender Effect the Religion


Submitted By mienahusain
Words 573
Pages 3
Nowadays, changing sex has been a culture to people who are having the desire in exchanging their gender. This kind of disgrace behaviour happens because they have lack of motivation towards themselves and gained least support in life but not majority of them are having this kind of difficulties. There are some of them who are tending to be transvestite because they love the personalities of their opposite gender. What is actually sex changing is? Basically changing sex is about the reassignment or a replacement hormone towards the changing of gender role it happens towards male and female who are having the desire in changing their sexes instead of human it can also be occur on the plant as well. The reason why sex changing is not allowed and strictly prohibited in most religion because it gives bad effect towards people who involve in terms of health, perception of people and behaviour.
Taking care of our health is essential in life because health defines the healthiness of us. Changing sex into opposite gender it’s not an easy way because in order to change it a sex affirmation is needed for a particular person to undergo. There are some effects which will causes towards the end of surgery for example the person will had some infection to their sexual organs which can leads the damages of the hormone. Furthermore, the risk of having HIV is high this is because of the activities that they are involved by having the intimacy. HIV can be transferred from one person to another when blood or assured body fluids from an infected person get into.
In addition, the perception of people will give a total change towards the person who is having sex changes. Nowadays, people are being so judgemental they even judge small mistake which commit by their surroundings. Imagine those people who transmit their gender they will received bad feedback from people. The acceptation of the people towards them is not that easy to adapt with the changes happen. Moreover, if these transvestites want to speak up their opinion they might had been deceived by their surroundings, they’ll gained lack of attention from the others so do the trust. This is happening to them because most of the religion is not allowed the sex changes and it is strictly prohibited. Our prophet Muhammad SAW has mention in his hadith saying that those who are trying to change their gender will be cursed. Next is the behaviour of these transgender people will make people surrounding confused with their attitude. This is because they are really trying not to be themselves and imitating the opposite gender personalities, immediately they will change their behaviour into someone else’s. They will start to wear what is necessary for them to achieve their dreams, these people is really into what they are doing until people around them didn’t even recognize them as woman or man. Today’s technology is in advance, so people will never get the identification of these transvestites.
As a conclusion we should realise that by doing the sex changes doesn’t give any benefit to us, furthermore it will harm people in many ways. So for those who are planning to change their gender into opposite gender do think twice or just neglect your feeling towards this because it is illegitimate in most of the religion. Don’t drown yourself into negative side of life just to fulfil your lust.

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