...an orphan named Tree-ear and a story about a Romanian orphan named Izidor Ruckel. Tree-ear and Ruckel both had similarities and many differences. They both had caretakers, but the caretakers treated them differently, which change the way they acted. All orphans have the same beginning: being without a parent. Caretakers are the most vital role for orphans. Tree-ear and Ruckel both have caretakers for their primitive years. Tree-ear meets Crane-man as a toddler. As Tree-ear grew older Crane-man is always there for him and in return Tree-ear takes care of Crane-man by doing everyday tasks. Ruckel grew up in a Romanian orphanage. He had the adults in the orphanage, a sergeant mother, and at the age of eleven found his forever home. Another similarity is, they both got adopted. Tree-ear got sort of adopted by Crane-man. Because, he lives with him and he is like a father figure to Tree-ear. On the...
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