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Ethnicity Interview Research Paper

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For this interview I choose to interview someone of a different ethnicity than me. To start off the interview I asked her what ethnicity she identifies with, and why she identified with that ethnicity. She said identifies as Hispanic, a direct quote being “I am latinaaa”. She is proud of this particular heritage. One reason she identifies as Hispanic is that her household culture is very different than at school. At her home it is more of a Hispanic culture, while at school it isn’t a very Hispanic culture. After finding out she identifies as Hispanic I decided to ask her a few more questions.
A second question I asked her was what are some challenges she face due to her ethnicity? When I asked her this question she seemed to struggle coming up with answers. Which indicates to me that she likes her ethnicity, however she did come up with a few answers. An answer being that sometimes when she is talking she says English words with a Spanish fleur. According to my interviewer some English words sound extremely similar to their Spanish counterpart, …show more content…
An article from G. Kao tries to convince the reader that some stereotypes that are based on race or ethnicity can be harmful. A stereotype against Hispanics he mentioned was that Hispanics are expected to do more menial labor. This is a problem because it can affect a Hispanics academic performance in school. (Kao, 2000)
In my opinion I think that you need to recognize different race and ethnical groups, but don’t apply stereotypes to them. With stereotypes you group people together which kind of takes away a person’s individuality. A person should have the right to be different than the assume stereotypes. However, from this interview I learned that it can be hard to recognize when you are the host of a stereotypes. To stop stereotyping people, you should realize when you have them, and this interview helped me do just

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